1. Little joy
Cosmetics and shopping - two components not only your image, appearance, but also good mood. No wonder shopping referred to as an anti-depressant. While shopping for women actively produces the hormone of happiness - endorphins. And it doesn't matter, will buy you shoes, lip gloss or scarf. Pleasure is not so much buying, how the selection process. So take friends and go shopping.
P. S.-Tenth of the life of a woman commits shopping.
2. Massage
Massage not only helps to relieve pain, to get rid of excess weight and the hated inches at the waist, and thighs. Massage relaxes, relieves stress and improves mood.
Cupping, acupressure, complex, honey or therapeutic, more importantly, to determine the type of massage and good mood to you guaranteed.
P.S. Nervous system first accepts mechanical irritation caused to the skin by the hands of the masseur. Using various massage techniques, changing their strength and duration of exposure, you can change the functional state of the cerebral cortex, to increase or decrease the excitability of the Central nervous system, strengthen and revive the lost reflexes, to improve the nutrition of the nerve fibers and the conduction of nerve impulses.
3. Hammam
In Arabic Hammam means "spreading the heat". Mix of water treatments, exfoliation and massage will help you relax and experience a rebirth. Turkish bath has a beneficial impact not only on the skin but also on the entire system life: relieves fatigue, reduces fever and heals cold, cleansing the body, stabilizes the respiratory system, are pain.
P. S. As it is written in an ancient treatise: "ten benefits of ablution: mental clarity, freshness, vigor, health, strength, beauty, youth, purity, nice skin color and the attention of beautiful women".
4. Tenderness of the skin
Paraffin therapy is one of the most pleasant of procedures cosmetology, which applies not only to the most vulnerable areas such as the face, hands and feet. Thanks to the versatility of paraffin, the application can be done on any part of the body. Why? Yes because when the paraffin is a series of processes, which will help you to preserve youth and beauty. During the paraffin increases the space between the cells, increases blood flow, improves lymph circulation, softens the upper stratum corneum of the epidermis, the skin is moistened, is a release of toxins. In addition to all the above, the paraffin has a General relaxing effect.
R. S. skin Temperature under a layer of hot paraffin increases to 2°C. due to which the pores of the skin open, and increases perspiration. Moisture, which appears on the surface of the epidermis, does not evaporate and is re-absorbed into the skin beautifully restoring its moisture balance and hydrating.
5. Book
The book will be a great alternative to noisy parties who have already order bored. We offer you to opt for themed novelties, for example, books about beauty. Recommend beauty-guide makeup from Bobbi brown. "Makeup Manual" contains high-quality illustrations in the form of photographs, as well as clear and consistent instructions for each type of makeup. The book will give you advice from the most elementary to special, for example, concerning the creation of images to shoot and demonstrations, and training portfolio with advice from leading experts.
Guide to makeup from Bobbi brown is marketed as a book for everyone - from beginners to professionals".
P.S. Bobby brown is one of the most respected stylists. In 1991, Bobby started his company Bobbi Brown Essentials. Bobby is the author of the bestselling "Bobbi Brown Beauty: The Ultimate Beauty Resource". The main beauty secret from Bobby brown: "If you feel an inner confidence and strength, that will be wonderful to look".
6. A visit to the beautician
Pamper yourself with a visit to the beautician. Cleansing, collagen, moisturizing, and firming and firming mask, have a stimulating, rejuvenating and refreshing properties, improving skin tone.
P. S. the Period of late autumn and winter is versatile enough to conduct treatment, whitening, removal of moles and other cosmetic procedures.
7. Sweet life
Chocolate saved a woman from a bad mood. It's simple, chocolate contains magnesium, which improves memory, increases resistance to stress and strengthens the immune system. Sweet life is not only pleasant but also useful. The chocolate has beneficial effects on the circulatory system, strengthening and protecting it, preventing the oxidation of cholesterol, and preventing the narrowing of blood vessels. So chocolate lovers less prone to heart attack and stroke. Also, chocolate eases PMS, enhances sexuality and sexual potency in men.
P.S. Chocolate wrap is recommended for people with problems such as cellulite,
weight, fat deposits in problem areas, loss of skin tone and depression.
8. Juices-fresh
Fresh increase vitality, immunity, removed from the body of harmful substances and improve digestion. But, not everyone knows a few simple rules from the category of "do No harm" which relate to freshly squeezed juices:
- juice "live" 10 minutes, so hurry to drink it immediately after cooking, while he did not lose its beneficial properties.
- acidic juices are contraindicated in people with gastrointestinal diseases.
after fresh is best to brush your teeth or rinse your mouth, because the acid contained in the juice destroys enamel.
the perfect time for fresh - between meals
R. S. Carrot juice sources of vitamin A. It improves appetite, digestion and structure of the teeth. Nursing mothers are recommended to drink up to 0, 5 litres of carrot juice from him milk gets better.
9. A touch of summer
Summer ends, and you want a little more to soak up the sun, and to keep the coveted bronze skin tone you wouldn't mind. Bronzit for face and body will renew the colour of your tan, make the skin visually smoother, slimmer silhouette and podtyanutye.
R. S. To make the tan look natural, mix Bronzit with a moisturizing lotion or body cream in a 1:1 ratio and apply on the body.
10. New you
A trip to the beauty shop is akin to the antidepressant. When you realize that the mood "and the enemy does not want, or just want something new and what you don't know - go to a beauty salon.
Change hair color: seductive blonde, mysterious black, shameless red or chocolate. If you are not ready for radical change, sign up for a massage or beautician, it will be no less pleasant.
P.S. Any changes for the better, and you should be aware of this. Be always attractive and good mood!
Slesarenko N.
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