Recently Sergey Zverev increasingly changing native Moscow to Kiev. In Ukraine sings with Irina Bilyk and starred in TV. This time the famous stylist and singer participated in the program Masha Efrosinin "Dreams come true", which is broadcast on the New channel. Completely disinterested Sergey embodied the dream of a normal Ukrainka. She works as a hairdresser and lifelong dream to see Zverev live. "New channel" to fulfill her dream into reality. And asked Sergey to sing for our Ukrainka.
- Sergey, to make the dream a reality, probably nice?
- Very! It can be said that the meaning of my life! And, believe me, do to me not the first time. I repeatedly took talented students and free taught them hairstyling, make them European Champions, then World Champions. Remember, with whom I write duet songs. Not a Western star with a dog's name, type of Snoop Dogg or Dogg Snot... I don't remember him there. I don't make my face with a dog's name. And I think it's Snoop Dogg, I must pay, then I would think about it and maybe something will sing.
I take young talented girls. And not peruse, and help them become stars.
- The dreams of his son as well carry out?
- Of course! All the more. It is not difficult. He's so childish, banal dreams. Type "I want a car or a computer game".
"How about global? For example, as Angelina Jolie, adopted a least three or four children....
-If possible, visit orphanages in different rehabilitation centers. I sing for them, help with money. My mother herself from the orphanage. We were not rich, but always met with the neighbors, who then will bring, and carried the clothes and food to orphanages. For me it is sacred! And about adoption - I think all the time.
- And what You dreamed of as a child?
"Oh, I have had many different dreams and desires. I grew up in Soviet times. Our village has a kindergarten. And around every half hour went the train or the train. We are so accustomed to that sound, that over time, even during the day, this did not prevent us from sleeping. But very disturbed sleep sun that shone through the large Windows. Money from kindergarten on, the curtains did not. And remember: were terribly uncomfortable cot that we, the children had to sleep. And they had to constantly disassemble - assemble. It was a torture! And now, when I lay down to sleep, dreamed that parents quickly took me home. And, thank God, my dreams came true.
- Serge, and some were in school?
- To be honest, I could not stand! And son all in me in this plan went. Never liked school until the eighth grade. Everything changed when the girls began to form. They became "all" to grow, skirts became shorter and shorter. And when I was in ninth grade, I, like the tallest guy in the class began to appear the first female fans. And only in the tenth grade, I realized that I don't want school years were over.
The first school teacher remember?
- Of course! We had a wonderful homeroom teacher is German Irma Yakovlevna. Remember how she came from Germany - she was there for training. At that time she was the only teacher that had a chic white blouse! Such blouses no longer was anyone in the city. And it seemed that we had the coolest homeroom teacher!
It has United our class that school to finish not wanted!
- And how did you decide to go into the world of art? Immediately after school?
- Actually I wanted to go to drama school in Novosibirsk. But my stepfather wouldn't let me. He said that, it cannot be let go in a strange city: it is across the street will see the kiosk with ice cream and forget where and why they had come. Well, I think, was not released in the theater, go to the world of fashion! And then went to the master hairdressers to learn. Then there was the army, although I could band. And after the army I went back to hairdressing. Over time, started to participate in different competitions. And at 18 I had my first gold medal! Suddenly, I noticed a nice lady - then guru in the world of fashion, Dolores. Thanks to her, I moved to Moscow.
- Probably, it was hard provincial guy to conquer the capital?
- Yes! For example, on your own machine, especially about his own apartment even dream was impossible. Nastrizhet clothing, food, and on basic things: to pay the rent, light, gas and products. All! But after some time and took a chance and bought an apartment on credit. Got into crazy debt. And only dreamed of when I can them be calculated.
- Who helped to pay off debt?
When I met Alla Borisovna Pugacheva, she said to me: "Serezha, in order to have money, you should sing! " She is a clever woman! And I obeyed. Now, thanks to his singing, as strange as it may sound, I paid off debts. So nothing is impossible! Almost all of my dreams have come true!
Almost? And what true failed?
- A lot of people associated with the fashion world, with the world of music, gone to the other world. Someone did not have time to sing with someone to do the show. It is a pity that recently passed away Lyudmila Markovna.
Of course, I was discouraged her care. Today is the second day when I wear colored clothes. She is my all time dream. Can you imagine?
- And as You dream it?
I talk in my sleep. And before her death I had a dream about a dead black bird. Waking up, I thought: "there will be something bad! " And on the second day they called me and said Lyudmila Markovna died.
- It is a mystery!
Is not the word! The next day I went to bury her. I'm not sold himself, as did other stars. And went directly to the cemetery, where there were few of her acting profession. And all the rest at this time, tears were dripping in front of cameras of different media!
No idea how beautiful she was lying in a coffin! Looked like a 25-year-old girl.
And the same I dreamed about it that night. Beautiful. We sat at the table with a white tablecloth.Actually mark, I now dream of almost every day. Sorry, didn't it have something interesting to do. Maybe the song would sing. Maybe the film would have starred...
- You think about the movie? May already have standing offers from Directors?
In recent times, offers to act in films very much. Somehow more from Western producers. Offer to play himself in Russian. But in these movies too many prescribed explicit scenes, because I don't agree. I'm not ready for it. And anyway, I'm not ready to act in films. Then you need to drop everything: television and the stage. Artists who go to the cinema, forget about show business. They just don't have time.
Now many artists are dancing, ice-skating. You were not offered to participate in these shows?
- Offer constantly. But I don't dance and don't know how to skate. I don't do that! And as you give me, in General, are dancing on such a platform?
Maybe other footwear put on?
"No, the other shoes I don't look good! The star will be in shock, and everyone will be laughing at me!
- It is easy to walk on such a huge platform?
- To go-then it is convenient for me. Sex tall, though.
That is, when you have sex, You shoes are not removed?
And it's convenient! Not always it turns out to reach the bed. In the train, for example, or in the plane. Where are you bed will find?
Sex and love for You are one and the same?
- I think not. Love can be it home or to the artist. For example, how can you not love Sofia Rotaru? But how can, for example, "fill up"? She W as a mother!
- Now You are in love?
- Yes! How to sing love songs, and most not to love? I lie on the scene can't. And in life do not know how to lie. It is immediately apparent to others.
- Sergey, do not hurt it, that You had the image of a jester?
So it cannot be called. You probably think that You are now I was very offended...
- In any case! Just quoting other people!
Actually I play the character "Star shocked". And this character, of course, should light. And as You can imagine my way, if it's nothing shocking happened? In due time, by the way, my character was like a breath of fresh air. There were no "Comedy Club" and "Projectorperishilton". There was no Ksenia Sobchak. Then I was only - "Star shocked"! Which showed that our lives are not fresh, and interesting. This character does not fit the word "clown" or "the jester". This fashion phenomenon. They say we die glamour. And who has seen this glamorous? You have seen? I don't.
- That is, himself glamorous't you think?
I still strive for that. The image has not grown to such an extent that they could be proud of. For example, I first started wearing costumes with sequins - women did not know that such clothes ever! Then you have, in Ukraine, appeared Boris April. But then I was sensation and in show business, and in the world of fashion. Of course, many stars "Pei" and "sharpeye", - watching me, wrapped himself sequins, began to make itself "tuning". This character has helped many people to open up!
- Sergey, if the scene You are shocking, what You in life? Home take off the shoes on the large platform, put on a Bathrobe and bedroom Slippers, and cook at a plate of scrambled eggs?
"Well, bathrobes will be available I just don't wear. The maximum that I can be home - this body cream.
- So You go home naked?
- If I'm home alone, then Yes. Don't like bathrobes will be available! I in them uncomfortable. But if someone comes to visit, wear jeans or shorts.
- You are a very interesting artist, who, probably, thousands of fans. Do not you tired?
- It's true! A lot of them. Some of them are educated, intelligent. And there are some who have literally insane when they see me. I call them "downed pilot". There is such love that " run run"! Don't know what to expect from them. These are even afraid!
- And finally. What are your dreams?
Probably about the most banal things. No war that became smaller children's homes. Want they are not needed.
And they say that in 2012 will be the end of the world. Sorry. Many interesting things can still be done in this world!
Photo: Lydia, Tropman
Bokovnja So
Women's Magazine
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