Wednesday, May 28, 2014

It's good to wear during pregnancy?

It's good to wear during pregnancy? When your clothing, stop you and you will begin to feel uncomfortable, then it is time to buy clothes for pregnant women. By the beginning of the second trimester (about the 14th week of pregnancy), clothes for pregnant will probably be for you need. If this is your first pregnancy, similar to the clothing you may need later.

Convenience and comfort.

Natural fabrics. If possible, choose clothes made of natural fabrics and avoid synthetics. During pregnancy the rate of your currency substances increase, and you may be warmer than usual. Choose clothes made of fabrics that "breathe": cotton in summer and wool in the winter. In the winter, wear clothing with padding.

Comfortable style.

Fashion is a matter of personal preference, but I will share with you some tips that I have given my patients. The following details of the service provided them comfort:

Wide elastic waistband that will be under your stomach, providing it support.

Clothes with the smell, which is easy and convenient handling.

Elastic belt, which is stretched.

Belt skirts with buttons or folds that can be adjusted.

Waistband with pleats, which can also be adjusted.

Lingerie for pregnant women.

The use of underwear, which adds support to your abdomen, chest or legs, will provide you comfort during pregnancy. These sets of lingerie includes bras, bras for nursing, panties, and support stockings. Make sure panty and stockings made of cotton.

Bras for pregnant women.

Bras for pregnant sewn in such a way as to ensure your growing during pregnancy the Breasts extra support. They have wider straps and more elastic Cup than regular bras. On the bras for pregnant usually there are 4 fasteners, instead of two or three as regular bras that provides the convenience of a pregnant woman whose Breasts in this period increases. Before you will be tempted to buy a regular bra, which will be larger, but it would be better to buy a special bra, as it will provide more robust support for increasing breast.

The nursing bra.

The nursing bra is worn by nursing mothers: they have provided for the opening of the Cup, so you can feed the baby without removing the bra. This bra buy only if you intend to breastfeed. If your child is on artificial feeding, the underwear of this type you do not need. Nursing bra buy about after the 36th week of pregnancy. Before you can't do it, because you will be hard to find the right size.

Buying a nursing bra, choose such that between any part of the Cup and your Breasts were the distance of the width of a finger. In this case, you will feel comfortable, even when your Breasts will increase when the flow of milk. Buying bra buy and also liners or lining for a bra. Choose a bra which you will be comfortable on the first clasp to make it comfortable to wear and after pregnancy.

Panties for pregnant women.

Special panties for pregnant will provide support for your growing belly. On some shorts provided for insertion of the abdomen, and on the other there is a wide elastic waistband that will support the belly. These panties are the most comfortable for you, and in the last trimester of pregnancy.

Support stockings for pregnant women.

Many women do not need to wear compression stockings during pregnancy. However, if you have a family predisposition to varicose veins or he you have during pregnancy, you will need to wear support stockings for pregnant women. If you need to visit phlebologist (specialist veins) to find stockings that will be the one for you, discuss it with your doctor. For more information about varicose veins and special stockings you will find in Chapter 9.

If you have no problems with the veins, you'll like normal tights. Choose tights with stretching, wide belt and wear them under the belly. You can also buy special tights for pregnant women.

Discharge from breast

During the second trimester, the Breasts begin to produce colostrum - yellow liquid, which precedes breast milk. Sometimes colostrum derived itself or after clicking on the nipples. This is normal. In this case, the chest is better not to touch and not to try to squeeze out the liquid. If colostrum is derived, wear pads, bra.

Inverted nipples

Inverted nipple is a nipple that pressed into his chest. Women with inverted nipples, it will be more difficult to breastfeed. Today there are various devices which help to prepare inverted nipples for breastfeeding and to make it possible that a woman feeding her baby the breast. Ask your doctor about it. To see turned you have nipples or not, put your thumb and index finger on the area around the nipple. Gently press down on the base of the nipple. If the nipple replusive or pressed inside, then you have inverted nipples.

One of the instruments for inverted nipples are plastic cups that are put on each breast during the last weeks of pregnancy. Data plastic Cup inserted into the bra to create a slight pressure on the base of the nipple. This pressure helps to nipples began to stuff Hisself out. For additional information, please contact your doctor.



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