Thursday, May 29, 2014

8 healthy habits beautiful women

8 healthy habits beautiful women"No ugly women, only lazy" - this famous aphorism owned by an American journalist Helen Rowland, who lived in the first half of the last century. However, the relevance of his he will not lose, like, ever.

What is female beauty? Gift? - Possible. Work? - Definitely. Moreover, the labor daily. And the older we get, the harder should work on that for years to stay healthy, so young and beautiful.

Don't want to be healthy, do not want to be beautiful

In ninety cases out of a hundred we will complain about their ailments and feeling sorry for myself instead to do something for your health. The impression that people prefer to be sick. Despite all the propaganda of healthy way of life, we consciously and methodically making a variety of sores, and then with pleasure visiting doctors, hoping for a magic pill and giving for the treatment of a lot of money.

Psychologists believe that there are a number of reasons why people don't want to be healthy. For example, with a healthy person demand more, therefore, on more responsibility. Another reason is stimulated by advertising people not want to know the measure - no food, no entertainment.

"Being healthy seems to be unbearably boring. To be healthy and to fulfill their responsibilities many as uninteresting as the homeless, for example, interested to live without garbage, keeping yourself clean and sober", - says doctor and psychologist Oleg Torsunov.

You can, of course, hope for the "all-powerful" doctors and plastic surgeons. And it is possible to develop simple habits that will help to maintain health, youth and beauty for years to come.

Want - can mean

Let's start with the main - with motivation. Sometimes a decision can be difficult. But much harder to follow it day after day. I was very lucky with my grandmother. I don't remember her unkempt, with drooping shoulders, shoes flat shoes. She always carried herself like a Queen - trim, with head held high, with a light cloud gracefully curled silver hair above the beautiful forehead, unchanged chiffon dresses and surrounded by admirers and gentlemen.

In its nearly 80 years, she remained a Woman, and not turned into dislevel wreck that require attention and assistance of others. And this was no accident - grandmother worked. She often told me: "Youth passes quickly, and it's never too early to think about what you would come to their old age".

And since my childhood I was accustomed to the idea that we are in charge of your body, for your health. Every day should be a small investment in your own attractiveness and longevity.

About this you just need to think carefully. Imagine yourself in a year, five, ten years. Buying a purebred puppy or kitten, we have for anything in the world will not feed waste and meat scraps. Keep the feeding regimes, walk, do not miss a visit to the vet. Purchasing an expensive car, never fill the tank of bad gas, ten times a day will wipe it unbearable to Shine and regularly inspected. When it comes to ourselves, then everything gets turned on its head. At least this is unwise.

8 healthy habits beautiful women

1. Sleep. Mode - a great power. Never sacrifice sleep in favor of nightlife and watching TV. Learn to plan your time so to bed and get up at the same time. Then your biological clock will operate without failure.

Tip: If you find it difficult to sleep, refrain from sleeping pills. Have a drink at night mint tea with a teaspoon of honey. And climbing under the covers, take a few deep breaths, then imagine that when you get rid of all the negativity that has accumulated during the day, and breathing, gaining peace of mind and tranquility. Imagine a dark cloud that with each exhalation leaves you without a trace dissipating. This is a simple and surprisingly effective meditation, after which you will easily sleep the sleep of the righteous.

2. Nutrition. Do not skimp on the quality of the food. It is better to eat three times less, but the best of what you can afford. Watch what you eat, and eat, based on the needs of your age. Do not overeat. Never eat transgenic fats (Margarines, spreads, and so on) and pastries on their basis.

Tip: every week gradually change one bad eating habit in useful. For example, in the first week, go on a low calorie dinner, second try to replace it with a Cup of yogurt with wheat bran. And in order in the morning to feel a burst of energy, drink on an empty stomach a glass of warm water with lemon and a teaspoon of honey.

3. The intestines. Ideally, the gut works as a well-oiled clockwork. That is, the evacuation of its contents should be carried out regularly. Constipation instantly affect the condition of our skin, as the body is poisoned by the products of decomposition.

Tip: Wake up, make light circular massage of the area to the left of the navel. Easy massage for one minute in a clockwise direction.

4. Charge

. Physical exertion required, and it is not discussed. Man is a biological machine that needs movement and destroyed from idle. If you are unable to find in the morning for fifteen to twenty minutes for stretching, and exercise in between times.

Tip: train the muscles in the transport Desk at work and even while cooking Breakfast for the family. Do simple movements: squats, dips, push-UPS from the wall, lifting his legs in the sitting position - the main thing is to appreciate the pleasure that brings the movement. In the future you will not be able to do.

5. Visits to the doctor. Routine inspections by specialists should be mandatory. It is not necessary to live by the principle "live until you fall off." Once every six months be sure to visit the gynecologist and mammologist.


after thirty years it is necessary to annually donate blood for determination of blood sugar and cholesterol levels and prothrombin. So you do not miss the moment when the disease if she slipped up, you can win.

6. Posture and gait

. Nothing makes you look older woman as depressed shoulders and lowered head. There is one little trick: no matter what body type you are, the silhouette will be perceived fit, if the bust line you cannot see your own stomach.

Tip: when walking, make sure that the stomach was always involved, and his shoulders straightened. In this case, even if your weight is much higher than normal, others will perceive you toned and athletic.

7. Chin and face.

When we begin to turn from girls aunts? When we begin to creep oval face and there is a second (third, fifth) chin. With this you need to fight. Chin - or rather jaw-hyoid muscle is called the "second pressure" - and as the press, this muscle you need to train, so it is not drooping.

Tip: be sure to do exercises for the facial muscles. The most effective exercises described in the book Carol Maggio "aerobics for the skin and muscles of the face". To eliminate double chin will help the following exercise: stretching out his neck vigorously to pronounce the sounds "O", "U", "And" in sequence, 20 times in a row. Another option is also energetically to pronounce the syllable "MA" - 20 times.

8. Facial expressions. Watch your facial expressions. Brilliant Sophia Loren in the book "Women and beauty" talked about how the clock stood in front of the mirror perfecting the expression of particular emotions - as long as the muscles do not "remember" the desired state. "It may seem that my face looked like a mask, with these memorized emotions. However, this is not the case - I just knew what facial expression I go, and what - not decorate".

We used excessively grimace, and this primarily relates to the harsh crease on the nose or horizontal wrinkles on the forehead. In addition, not seeing myself from the outside and unconsciously copying facial expressions of one or the other "stars", we risk simply look ridiculous.

Tip: best facial expression - one that reflects inner peace. Follow a day. You will see that 90% of the time you have a stress-addict: frowning eyebrows, lips compressed. Learn to control this condition and get rid of them.

Perhaps someone will say: "there is Nothing new! " But the truth is not dulled by repetition. Sin, if a woman is less beautiful than it could be. It is important to understand that every day you can get better - but you need to do something.

Healthy habits, of course, greater than those described in this article. We will be glad if you share with us and with each other own secrets of beauty and health.


Kotov A.



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