The woman became uninteresting
No matter what: talking or sex. The man is always looking for if not ideal, at least the kind with which to talk interesting and nice bed. Of course, those men who are looking for a woman for once, not much interested in the level of its IQ. But if we are talking about a long-term relationship, then they want to see about myself moderately intelligent ladies.
A woman should not be smarter than men, because he will feel an inferiority complex. But stupid, which in addition shows and women's magazines interested in nothing, he doesn't need.
Conclusion - the woman should be an actress to show off what it wants to see the man.
In sexual terms should also be moderately relaxed. The extra stiffness will force a man to find someone on the side, and excessive activity will make you think, not aware of whether a good half of the city with bedding talents of his wife?
Not meet characters
All it seems you're doing to the man, but now and then there are the scandals over nothing. Compromise to find you can't, concessions do not go. The output of the one - parting. Man by nature loves to be a leader, because he wants his woman was inferior to him in conflict situations. Then vote for it if the roads current partner has to give, and no court no.
In any case, if you don't have a perfect figure and a subtle mind, no need to hope that the man is ready for you at all. Him to find an alternative will be much easier than you, because in fact it is women hunt men, and not Vice versa.
Female unrestrained
Hardly any man will want to blush for his companion, if in a public place, she suddenly starts to behave inappropriately, throwing a shadow on him. Yes, and to live with such an unpredictable woman who at any moment can make stupid or something like that, it makes no sense. Conclusion - learn to control themselves.
In the past, a woman led a dissolute lifestyle
Female conjointe called unflattering word, and attitude in society is negative. Therefore, before rapidly to change partners in youth think, what will you do after 30 years, when finding a good man is more difficult, and your violent past, that is, knows every dog in the city. However, it's more about small towns. In the metropolis to get lost much easier.
A man wants to be if not the first, certainly not 51) And definitely doesn't want all his friends had some experience with his woman. Conclusion - think about the future since puberty.
A woman uses a man as an outlet
Talks about their problems, concerns, actions all day. Of course, to share exciting issues and events is necessary, but once again, the measure must be in everything.
When you call a young man the middle of the night and say you really love him and are willing to do for him anything, then over time it begins to cause irritation. And if again and again you say that bought 15 pair of shoes on sale and earned discount card at three percent, bought myself gaskets, shampoos and cosmetics, you will simply get a man, and the next your call, he will begin a nervous tick.
The woman stopped taking care of herself
Yes, appearance does not play a big role in the relationship, however, is not to say that the man does not pay attention to it. And if he met with graceful blonde with a wasp waist and elastic breast, and after two years of marriage, she turned into something shapeless with hanging charms and huge buttocks, purely from an aesthetic point of view, the man will lose interest in her.
Yes, there are men who like overweight women. But they initially thereof are looking for. Conclusion - watch it. Your appearance is in your hands.
The woman clearly uses the man as a purse
Men like to care for women. In addition, your young man really will gladly take you to the restaurant, buy flowers and expensive jewelry, ride on the yacht's service delivers on the resort. For this, they want to get a little: love and sex. I would like to emphasize the first, as the sex they can buy for less money.
If a woman pulls a man out of money, rewarding him with an evening of sex, but he can't see or feel love, then sooner or later it will get bored and you will be left without a new coat.
Conclusion - Pomer your enthusiasm. Or, if you want a little longer to pull money from men, show that love him. At least don't say directly what they want over a blouse or a ring. Why not simply to hint that this winter in fashion diamond necklace and coat of the Arctic Fox. And you don't want a business partner of her husband thought that he did not care about his wife.
She too openly shows that he wants to marry
Some thing goes so far that for the sake of marriage they are ready to become pregnant. If a man wants to marry you, you will feel it. But if at this stage he is not ready, then to force things useless, only will get rid.
Never offer itself sex without a condom, otherwise the man immediately became suspicious. Yes and accept his proposal immediately. Of course, a decent man will not leave the woman with her child. But the marriage of flight is rarely successful.
The woman changed
A man can forgive a lot, almost everything, except treason. If this happens, be prepared for the fact that if your husband finds out, it immediately disconnects. And no excuses will not help you. If you are not satisfied with something, tell him about it. It is better to part ways by mutual consent, than after the scandal. And from a legal point of view to get a divorce something from her husband after infidelity will be harder.
The wife began to earn more than their husbands
If men big earnings is quite a natural state, by which he asserts itself in life, for some women this test. Earning more than their husbands, wives, there is a constant temptation to accuse him, saying, what is he a bad man, and that without it they would have lived as beggars. As men it is annoying.
Women's educational club
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