The current generation of adults has grown in very limited options. As acted smart about that time one of the Western good sense of humor: "In the Soviet Union cannot or can something be sure". Another joke of those times: "the Soviet beer comes in two varieties - "beer" and "there is no beer". Forty varieties of sausage on one counter acted for the Soviet Everyman accomplishment.
Finally the dream came true. And not only in relation to the sausage. Today life is constantly confronts us with a choice. Create your own business or continue to serve for a modest salary? To hide their savings in a jug or risk for high dividends? To buy a brand new domestic car or a used, but a foreign car? Much of the sausage and speech nope - not only in the capital but also in any district delicacies piles piled on the shelves, clearly demonstrating the thesis: "Life has become better."
Why too many with this thesis does not agree. Not only those who earn barely enough for bread. Successful Manager, returning from Antalya, sadly sighs: "I had to go to Cyprus! " Owner "Opel" accompanies an envious glance "Toyota". Provided housewife, returning from the supermarket, wondering, why nobody bought the right stuff?
In fact, today we are faced with the phenomenon of Western democracy, the so-called consumer society, have not the first year and, it seems, has begun to understand the costs of boundless freedom and intoxicating abundance. The problem to ensure a wide range of possibilities there a long time successfully solved. Much more serious was another problem is to teach people how to make informed right choice and get satisfaction from it.
We all wish prosperity, but it is often understand it one-sided and wrong. Almost literally sholomovich, we understand a wide choice as a benefit, forgetting that human capabilities are not unlimited, and stay in their choices have on one thing. And this, too, must learn. What can psychologists help in solving this serious and urgent problems?
American psychologist Barry Schwartz from Summerstage College (PA) has offered its students for more credit points to write an essay on one of the specified topics. (It should be noted that in the American system assessments every extra point is good, and every student seeking to gain more points.) One group, he proposed a list of six topics. In the other group the choice was much wider - thirty.
Most put the teacher works were written by students of the first group. Students from second later admitted that they could not decide their choice. Those who managed, presented significantly weaker than their comrades, limited in selection.
Similar results in an entirely different field got colleagues Schwartz - Dr. Sheena Iyengar of Columbia University and Dr. mark Lepper of Stanford University. Their joint study they conducted in one of the large supermarkets in California, known for its wide selection of products offered - one only mustard buyer there offers 250 different varieties. On the initiative of researchers in the store was organized counter at which customers could buy at the reduced price of a jar of jam, having the opportunity to try any of the suggested varieties. In one day on the counter we had at least 6 different varieties of jam. The next day the offer was increased four - to 24 varieties. The recorded number of visitors to the store, passing by the counter, as well as those who stopped and decided to try. Of course, recorded the number of purchases made.
The differences were very significant. From 260 visitors held by the counter on the first day, only 40% had stopped to make a sample. More choice on the second day attracted more people from 242 held 60% stopped near the counter. But sales managers should not do from here jump to conclusions - more important was another result. Among those who had a wide selection, only 4 visitor to the store (3%) made a purchase. But from those who were in their choice is limited to 6 varieties, to acquire jam decided 30%, 31 people.
"The proposal of excess capacities, - noted in his report, the researchers can negate all the benefits of choice. The paradox facing modern America, is that with the expansion of freedom of choice people are becoming more dependent on other people's judgments and estimates, and less able to judge myself".
Professor Schwartz these observations provided the opportunity for reflection, embodied in his new book, "the Paradox of choice: when more is less." The book, recently published, almost immediately became a bestseller list. It is quite evident that the author drew attention to the phenomenon, which deprives many peace of mind, often remaining unaccountable.
The manner to make a choice, says Schwartz, people can be divided into two types. First, the most common in modern society, he calls maximalists. Such people are enthusiastic about great opportunities, but have great difficulty selecting and little satisfaction from the fact that when the choice is finally made. Having a lot of options, they strive to get better. And you must admit, it is almost impossible until you try all variants, which in turn is impossible due to their abundance.
Therefore, making a choice, the person continues to be tormented by doubts: whether the best he got. Compare your choice with the achievements and acquisitions of other people, people constantly going through: not made he mistake. Because someone is doing differently than I gained such advantages, which I don't! It is clear that the satisfaction of their gains and acquisitions actually fizzles.
Another type of Schwartz calls "moderate" (in English satisefiers that English could translate clumsy neologism "dostatochnyi"), itself referring to their number - 57-year-old Professor works at that place, where he enrolled after graduation, and happy in the first and only marriage to a woman with whom the child is sitting at a Desk. Such people feel a certain need, at the same time quite clearly represent yourself and the object of its satisfaction, that is, aware that they would suit.
Having choices, they reject the ways that "do not pass" by their criteria, and calmly stop at the one that meets their criteria. In other words, in the variety of proposals they are looking for is not "the best" and "good enough" that you will agree, much easier. After making your selection, moderate experience the full satisfaction they got what they wanted.
What type do you recognize yourself? According to Schwartz, the infinite expansion of choice in all areas provokes strengthening maximalist tendencies. Satisfaction is declared to be a sufficient sign of rigidity and narrowness. If you, for example, need a phone for mobile communication, you will be prompted dozens of models, each of which is superior to other technical "bells and whistles". Now admit it, how many mobile phones have you changed since then, as the acquired first? "One or two, and then, due to breakage or loss" - the answer is "moderate". Long count with the fingers curl gives the maximalist.
Practical recommendations arising from these observations, simple and unsophisticated. Learn to distinguish what you need from what you want. For many of our "desires" cleverly provoked by external manipulators and have little in common with our true needs. One of the tools such insidious manipulation excess - choice forces us to continuously search for better and better, and when available is sufficient.
No wonder that stunned endless choice of person goes into shock and becomes a victim of the other manipulators (or the same? ), always ready to give the "right" choice. And indeed correct - it is personally yours, and in his search for the required known limitations. When not outside, you must install them from the inside.
Stepanov S.
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