Beautiful point still not put
Perhaps the main driving force that causes us to conclude the former in a friendly embrace the desire to deliver a beautiful point. Even if it was human, that is in the process of parting you not hurled at the head of AIX single crystal ashtrays, and he has not told you the car is crap, anyway, after the gap, so to speak, a little bitter. And it would be much better if at the mention of the name of the person involved in your face, wandering melancholy, a sweet smile, not saber-toothed grin. It is desirable that the young man was a similar reaction. However, the continuation of the relationship, though you burst, results in the continuation of the showdown. Such is the flip side of nostalgia, where you will indulge in, friendly meeting over a Cup of aboutrubypage latte.
You betray your own passion
Though shoot me, but I don't believe in a bloodless separation. The gap, even if we are not talking about the tissues of internal organs, it is always something sick, terrible and bloody. You both can be arbitrarily restrained and polite people, but the correct wording: "Not happened" - does not negate the pain. Hence, each subsequent meeting PUD salt selected on unhealed wound. Because by itself the former, with all his moles, wrinkles around the eyes and a dimple on his chin, is a living reminder of the three buckets of tears, cried when he whole night was gone, and about five buckets of sweet, marking his sudden appearance with a bouquet of lilacs and a bottle of Martini. The pathos of my message is that friendship with the former is always a betrayal of love. You cannot blaze passions, and then slide to the friendly pats on the shoulder and "How you doing? ". Rather, you can, of course. But it is hardly necessary. Parting, as you know, the little death. So, maybe we should dispense with the funeral, which in most cases result in base farce? At least out of respect for "deceased", i.e. the former high feelings.
Nostalgic sex is addictive
And his, sex, barely able to avoid. As tells me explanatory dictionary, the main symptoms of nostalgia, mentioned above, are "longing and a sense of painful tension". Men, as a rule, very fine catch like the status. Simply put: don't succumb to the temptation to get into bed with a woman who, in the eyes of this thing, and even painful tenderness and other sentimental stuff, it is almost impossible. Although "drag" in the literal sense, anyone will not have to. Postriziny sex is good because it usually happens almost by itself, and strictly to the accompaniment of lyrical memories. "And remember..." - this phrase generally is a factor in the relations of the Ex. The only disadvantage of sex with the ex is that he almost always ideal. First, it is not for nothing that you fought earlier to convey to the holder of that, how and with which the amplitude of you nice. So in a technical sense, the young man will be on top. And secondly, for the sake of prestige, he will likely surpass your wildest expectations.
Jealousy is inevitable
The motto "Life goes on! "that we are free, unfortunately, not women's know-how. Men, survivors of parting, do not sit idly by and dismiss them Nagle way and brighten up your loneliness some modified blondes (instead of locked in a poorly heated cell and to mourn what is lost to us). Sure, you will be able to do without the petty bickering and accusations, not to spoil the bright feeling of friendship. But friends should be sincere therefore, the question of who he so persistently nazvanivaet, the Former can honestly: Yes, girl, Yes, they are good, not counting the fact that the hamster, which they started a month ago, turned out to be the Guinea pig. So your output. What would you say? It's so easy to hang the label of "Former" and so it is not easy to reconcile with the idea that this man has not yours. well as feeling of helplessness
There is nothing shameful in that from time to time pripahali former economic needs. Friend, he, as in the song, "trouble will not leave, the excess will not ask". That is, having heard your prizevnoe: "back of them, in the bathroom pipe burst! Save! "do not begin to caducity that he has a Board meeting, and to ask awkward questions, saying, and what your new partner has a disability of childhood, just can't cope with such nonsense? Good ex will drop everything and come running (in the end, no wonder you solemnly laid down at his feet their best years/months/weeks). Ex lower quality will Express all that he thinks about the exploitation of man by man, and also will come. And the longer the youth will play in the "Chip and Dale, who ran to help, the less likely you ever realize that to call a team of fitters and plumbers easier than get a manicure.
...soul-searching and unnecessary
As soon as men are sent to graze on the free bread with them miracles can occur Transfiguration. I dare say: while you were together, some behavioral models of the gentleman you were upset, irritated or caused bouts of severe idiosyncrasies, to put it simply, I was infuriated. And here the Former is to you on a date, sorry, on a friendly meeting, a dandy and a FOP is impressive wealth of vocabulary and perfection of manners. Can come to mind that it's not him... and you. So all this time you were his men not a ray of light in the darkness, and limiter, brake and just a burden. And try to get rid of this malware, but some painfully plausible idea.
Ruining the lives of not only yourself, but it
Let's be honest: often we keep the former on a short leash as alternate aerodromes. How many hearts ripped in solitude, and then close at hand, native and long lured by the applicant. You may accidentally come to the conclusion that more, better and in General other (men in particular and life in General) you simply do not deserve. And with this mindset to build new healthy relationships is hardly possible.To alternate aerodrome accidentally came into possession of the competitors, the rights of "true friend" can, for example, to begin to give the AIX wrecking tips. "Kate refuses to cook dinner? To drive the same in the neck, otherwise go bankrupt on restaurants and earn the plague! ", "Light 26 years, and she still works as a Secretary? I bet in a month you get bored with it, But not too often Ira migraines? Maybe she's frigid? ". In all, there are two unfortunate person instead of four happy.
The brighter the past, neochetina future
Suppose you passed, courageously overcame or find the beauty in all vysheozvuchennye nuances. Well, congratulations, it really is like friendship: Ex satisfies your emotional, sexual and domestic needs, and you generously silent about the fact that he abused your feelings and abducted youth. And if you expect that from a good friend in the person of AIX fate will throw you in a short time and even a handsome Prince, leave these empty hopes. There is a lovely phrase: "In a full glass of nothing will pour. In practice it looks like this: new Beau gives eyes their scope of possible applications and saw a satisfied gleam in your eyes, replaced bulbs and are bolted to the shelves, and at the same time regularly hears about some reliable Pavlik/Tolik/Orocco (which is not surprising - the former so densely present in your life, not to mention it is almost impossible). Thus, you, without even noticing it hit potential holder on the most vulnerable place - men's self-esteem. And, not feeling essential or at least an elementary need, princes usually not in a hurry to get white horses.
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