Three season tests
Almost three quarters of the year - bad weather. Autumn, winter, spring is unstable temperatures, high humidity, lack of natural fresh vitamins. But we cannot change their way of life, therefore, work, socialize with other people - almost around the clock're under the gun bacterial and viral infections. We need protection - simple, effective, safe, natural.
Unfortunately, it is useless to present illness a piece of paper with the magic word "immunity" is not scare. We can only hope that our protective gear in order. "Freedom from disease provides us not one particular organ, and the entire complex, rather, the immune system cells, tissues and organs.
It turns out that we are very vulnerable
Even a newborn baby, being defenceless (because the immune system is not yet formed and is not working in full force, ready, however, to meet toxins and bacteria. The main protective factors are transmitted from mother to child in pregnancy and remain in the blood of the child is 3-6 months. Further protection comes to the baby in breast milk.
Over time, as "Dating" with new microorganisms in humans activates the growth of specialized cells - lymphocytes, which are the main "fighters" acquired immunity. These cells our body receives a signal about the invasion of foreign agents, learns to distinguish them, stores and transmits this image to all responsible systems. And, of course, tries to defeat the enemy. Designed for this antibody and specific protein - interferon.
There are also bodies-"mom", which produce new cells, depending on the needs, keep fighting the reserve and take on the "battle field" tragically died "warriors". These include the bone marrow, thymus (thymus, spleen and lymphoid tissue.
But no matter how strong nor looked this system, in practice it turns out that she is very vulnerable: the immune army can either Maslenitsa and cease to perform his functions, or lose his head, and destroy everything, including the walls of his own house".
Vitamins plus minerals plus bacteria
The immune system is always at the forefront, it just has to work! Therefore, any external factor has on her action. One leads to the natural "training" the immune system, other cause overt harm. The immunity was in order, it is extremely important to have enough vitamins and no dysbacteriosis.
Suffice it to recall that the area of the intestine is approximately 200 square meters, in order to understand how important it is for us, what's going on inside. Lymphoid tissue of the intestine is one of the largest organs of the immune system. Our "helpful" microorganisms train the immune system, produce vitamins, regulate the supply of nutrients.
It is therefore unsurprising that the imbalance of "good" bacteria leads to the fact that the immune system is ill. It becomes clear that to bring the immune system in order, offering her the vitamins lost due to dysbiosis), "right" microorganisms and minerals.
When the number of serious disorders of the immune system before you take action, you should consult with a specialist, ideally immunologist. Concepts such as stimulation and suppression of the immune system with drugs - care physicians. If to clutch him "dirty hands", such wood will nalamyvaesh!!! So decide when you take vitamins, minerals and beneficial bacteria LGG.
Self-care of immunity need without serious stimulants, natural and harmless methods.
Be aware
To resist diseases will help you:
- adequate sleep, rational mode of the day;
- good nutrition with the necessary vitamins and minerals;
treatment and rehabilitation of existing foci of infection (dental caries, chronic tonsillitis, dysbiosis);
- hardening, physical education classes;
- taking a multivitamin complexes;
- foods rich in probiotics (beneficial intestinal bacteria);
- receiving probiotics LGG.
In the autumn without depression and disease
Disease before they are hatched
Komsomolskaya Pravda Ukraine
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