If you do not like the postcard assortment of shops; if you want to do every little thing on your holiday special, recognizable "face"; if a few hours spent on the wedding "decorative art", for you are not a burden, but a joy - try to make invitations for guests with their own hands. Make their own accessories much easier than wedding dresses, so stock up on materials, patience and go for it.
Should not indulge in luck, even if your relationship with your "hand-made things" ended somewhere at the level of the HARD lessons in elementary school. The zeal and love attitude can work wonders, and a slight carelessness in details will even benefit, giving the products a special charm.
The best wedding gift is a Samsung refrigerator from the online store Fotos.ua.
We will not be in stages to describe the process of making specific invitations: if you are not satisfied with a huge selection of specialty shops, it is unlikely that you will want to meticulously copy someone else's work created once and someone for another wedding - not yours. The more that initial sketch can vary greatly in the implementation of the ideas. The most important thing you must consider is your taste, wishes and... imagination. The most important moments in the execution of which can be difficult.
The main rules
First, a sober assessment of their skills:
- Do you work hard over every millimeter cut paper, or, according to the breadth of nature, rollicking cut it out sweeps in half a meter?
- Can you work in the graphic editors, and if so, at what level?
- Will not display if you pernicious printer, for the tenth time "zaebyvalsya expensive paper?
An objective look at these options will help you to choose not only the most "pretty" design of wedding invitations, but also one that you can actually implement. And one more important thing: do not make too large an invitation, if you plan to send them in the mail.
As an example, consider the two most popular choices of wedding invitations.
Beauty is in the envelope
The classical version "drop-down" postcard with a decorative cover, the inner sheet which is text. These pages may be added a third, as a rule, non-functional, in the form of translucent paper (inside or on top). However, you can dream up: for example, to print the text on the vellum, and the inner side of the "pour" some unobtrusive background.
Like traditional wedding dresses, most of the accessories are usually performed in soft pastel colours. Sharp, saturated colors should only be selected if all your wedding will take place under the sign of the unconventional - remember that any item should fit into the overall ensemble.
If the text you are printing your own, without the aid of printing, please note that the laser printer can give omissions or smears when you print on textured paper, so it's best to choose inkjet. Some models of "chew" thin paper - try to paste it on a normal office and put in this "layer cake" in normal mode, then cut out the desired size.
The easiest way to decorate the cover - cut scalloped scissors square of textured paper different colors, "win" his lace sewn in advance beads on the edges to glue finish satin rosettes.
You can make slits in the cover and tuck them in the ends of the lace, but then have to take care of the reverse side (for example, carefully zakhaev her paper). Holes for ribbons are made using a standard hole punch that you can borrow in the office. Not necessarily be limited to the usual "bow", you can do the whole lacing (not only pulls too tight, it's not a corset wedding dress). Note that the ribbon should be long enough for a spectacular appearance (about 30 cm on the bow of the minimum size).
Original wedding invitations if you use gives crumpled tissue paper, ironed iron. And another tip: try not to get carried away by the decor, select one, maximum two large item (such as roses), other materials may play the role of "environment". As the main "character" of the cover can be your own photo retouched in appropriate style - for example, "vintage" or "fresco".
Scroll to suites
Another popular version of the invitation to the wedding with his hands - scroll. Make it quite simple, the main snag in the material. For example, wand, which twists the paper can be cut from a cattail in the country, if you can't find the "authentic" bamboo for sale. Harder with mandatory wax seal. Suggest "folk" methods of extraction of wax:
- Ask at the post office (cheaper, but hardly anybody turned out);
- Buy (usually sold in boxes of 20-25 kg, find a company that sells weight, extremely difficult);
- Replace the wax melted wax from the candle of the appropriate color (the easiest way).
One more question - where can I print? Of course, you can order a special brass with the correct engraving (price about 10-25.E., will produce for the week), and if it is expensive, pathetic and nowhere? Well, look in the nearest surroundings that will replace the "family crest" on the sheet. Only do not try to translate the wax Golubkov from children's plastic "signets" - guaranteed to melt. The subject must be metal.
And you can do without seals, just bandaging scrolls braid. Look beautiful the ends of the ribbons, passed through beads.
In General, repeat: focus primarily on their skills and availability of materials. You should not conceive ambitious projects, if they were not implemented. Let your wedding will be simple, but neat invitation - than to worry about alyapovatost his works and in the end to buy a ready-made cards, isn't it?
Materials and tools
Most of the necessary materials you can buy in stores like "House of artists", something certainly to be found in the departments of fabric and accessories, something in the flower stalls, florists and employees of the gift industry. Most likely, you will need:
- Textured, colored office and translucent paper (vellum) the desired color and embossing;
- Shaped scissors (cost 2-3$ per share);
- Tulle, fleece, lace;
Satin, velvet or nylon ribbon;
- Beads, rhinestones, delicate gilt wire;
Satin rosettes;
Perhaps the so-called "skeletron" leaves, flowers, feathers;
- Glue gel super moment" or thin double-sided tape;
Printer (inkjet);
- Hole punch;
- Convenient, but not necessarily perfect binding gun with silicone.
In principle, using this set of young Creator, you can do any design project from available on the Internet examples... or create your own.
Rusakova K.
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