Saturday, May 3, 2014

What is it - a perfect wedding?

What is it - a perfect wedding? They say that October is the month of weddings. If this is so I don't know, but I don't think any particular month can guarantee that this is a significant event in the life of two lovers will be perfect. And what, in the end, this notorious ideality? Who creates frameworks, laws, and whether they are necessary? View of the world is different in every person. But first things first.

And do I need a wedding?

Recently, a very common so-called civil marriage. By the way, the term itself, in principle, wrong. Because civil marriage is any marriage that is registered in the registry office. And what is called this phrase today, ordinary cohabitation. Now, many people somehow believe that if they live together, get married already and not necessary.

But the wedding - first of all, the most pleasant and bright moment in the life of two people who really love each other. They show that you are ready to connect their hearts not only in heaven (well, anyway, it is about living together romance), but on the earth - that is, two people consciously take responsibility for each other. Again, the baby under what name it grow? Will he be able to say that it's his dad, not having ridicule, or even resentment from others who understand that cohabitation is not marriage.

Where to start?

So, you decided to take this brave step. If you do not help parents, then to do everything themselves. First of all, speak with your loved one, if possible, in detail, exactly how you see the celebration of the wedding. If you come to a common denominator, to inform parents. And here is where the fun begins! Usually parents can take two positions. First - do what you want; second, everything you do, is certainly doomed to failure. Now, when any of these options, remember that this is your wedding and you should do it exactly the way you see it.

What to do next?

First you need to make a plan - what, where, when approximately you want and can do. There are a few things that need to be solved for any wedding. In advance (preferably several months) you need to book a restaurant, buy a dress and shoes bride costume bride. Then find a good photographer and cameraman, adequate toastmaster. All these are the main issues. Then start small, at first glance, but it is the perfection of the wedding.

You need to choose the car and the transport in which you will drive guests. Then order online or buy/rent a shop decorations for the hall and vehicles. Don't forget the bride's bouquet. The bridegroom has to think in advance how the wedding day he will pick it up: will send someone from friends, through service delivery or go ahead on their own. Find music - or on holiday it can be for you an unpleasant surprise. Select the toastmaster contests, this is important if you want one of the guests did not take offense. Rehearse the dance.

A wedding is a celebration for two or for guests?

Someone thinks that the wedding is the worst that can happen to him in this life, but as they say, is necessary. Someone, on the contrary, praise this event, calling it the most memorable. From these two positions depends how you organize the wedding. If you are doing it for themselves, then with anyone about anything without counsel, but there is a risk that the celebration will be all boring and dull. If you are going to ask everyone as he wants - you risk not to get married. Because how many people - so many opinions. It is best to ask a few questions closest friends, and already on the basis of their response and their own attitude to it all, to act.

What creates the image of the bride?

Oddly enough, the bride herself. Her mood that day: smile, shining eyes, inner light. It is the most important thing. And not luxuriant dress, pompous hairstyle, restucturing face and other attributes of modern wedding business. Yes, they certainly help to create a certain atmosphere, but if the bride will be a sour look and all around annoying - no, even the most skilled makeup artist, hairdresser and other experts won't be able to do. The same goes for the groom. But men generally do not like all these fancy gadgets, so the question they often this does not occur.

How to write a wedding program?

Standard wedding looks like. In the morning, make-UPS, visage, dressing and so on, Then, depending on the time of painting, the groom arrives at the bride, and you are traveling or in a registry office, or just to be photographed. In the evening the restaurant. Friends go to be photographed with you. The relatives go home because they need to recover, to get together and so on, You can add something special - for example, bathing in summer, the fountain in the Central square of the city, to hold the wedding on the boat, to arrange for themselves, for the company, a tour of the city. In General, everything that can draw your imagination and fantasy, it is appropriate.

Wedding is a great event. This Union of two loving hearts. But the most important thing begins then. Be happy!


School of life

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