"As the cybersex is becoming a more widespread problem, I began to realize that many of his followers do not fall under the classical description of sex addiction," says Patrick Carnes, the author of the book "In the shadow network. Exemption from online sexual addiction". For 30 years he has studied sexual addiction and formulated its definition as the field of psychological disorders.
"For most people this is not a problem, " said John Bancroft, former Director of the Kinsey Institute, studying the problems of sex, gender and reproduction. But the other was always hard to keep sexual stimuli under control, only earlier it was not possible to make a decisive step; such an opportunity now".
Sexual addiction is not considered a mental illness. But psychologists, psychiatrists and other experts say about the increase in the number of cases where men (and, according to the researchers, approximately 72% of visitors to porn sites - men) show all the symptoms of disorders associated with addiction. They spend hours walking around the network in search of sexually explicit sites. They increasingly depend on the incentives that makes normal life, especially sex life, impossible. When they do not find material, thought about it possess them. They tend to spend more and more time online and feel the need all the more spectacular, passionate or improper incentives.
It is the potential of the Internet encourages such behavior, says Robert Weiss, clinical Director of the Institute for sexual rehabilitation in Los Angeles, outpatient center for people with disorders of sexual behavior. In the past you could buy a magazine or a video cassette with its beginning, middle and end. "But the Internet is not the end, " he says. - People who are prone to addiction, appeared much more likely just get lost".
"I tried to understand why these pictures, it is this act that they have this strength, but could not, " says 28-year-old Phil, a married resident of Washington. But it's stronger than me, and when I got in this world, he took me".
If there is a psychological element that is common to all addictions, it is a deep fear of real intimacy. And for many illegal sexual charge obtained during the wanderings in the Internet, is a way to cope with depression and anxiety, dominant in their lives. Virtual porn becomes a kind of shock therapy.
Clinicians believe that these people suffer from problematic online sexual behavior. Their age group includes children who have not yet attained puberty, and the elderly.
In the course of research involving 9265 ordinary Internet users around 6% of demonstrated results, allowing to speak about addiction to cybersex, and another 10% were referred to the risk. This work was conducted in 2000, a psychologist from Stanford e Cooper, her results were published in the journal of Sexual Addiction and Compulsivity. Extrapolating the findings of this study, experts believe that virtual sex absorbs life 8, 9 million people in the United States.
Usually only the real crisis - the loss of a job, the conflict in the family, the appearance at the door of the police because downloading illegal pornography can cause the addict to treatment. There was a whole set of 12-step programs to help in the treatment, and therapists say that they get more and more people are seeking to get rid of this problem.
Those who are trying to get rid of the habit of Internet pornography, suggests a feeling of dissociation and that the graphic images from the network intrude into their daily lives. Compared with the level of eroticism that they get their own intimate life pales, partner, wife and girlfriends lose their significance.
Drew nearly 40 years, he is married with children. He was treated for sex addiction and says that it helps the society anonymous sexually dependent. Leaving the network, he says, he sought to escape from the boredom of everyday life, from the depression that had bothered him, as long as he remembers.
"When I sit in chat or the forum, and all say that it's nothing special, you decrease the resistance, " he said. - You are open to do something unusual".
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