Friday, May 2, 2014

Vegetarianismo: pros and cons

Vegetarianismo: pros and consProponents of this lifestyle and nutrition or completely give up meat and animal products, or restrict them. And each of them has their reasons for moving to a particular diet. Some people become vegetarians, motivating this choice is the fact that do not wish to participate in the killing of animals. Sometimes even comes to the fact that they refuse to leather shoes and fur winter clothes. Others heard about the insidious toxins that produce animal products in our body. And the third one just like vegetarian food.

Philosophy by philosophy, but every diet affects human health. So we asked physicians to comment on the impact on physical health are different ways of vegetarianism.

Strict vegetarianism

Strict vegetarians - vegans - followers exclusively plant foods in any form (raw, heat-treated). They believe that animal proteins contained in meat, fish, eggs, cottage cheese, contain toxins that disrupt the function of the nervous system and overload the activity of the liver and kidneys.

A vegan diet, as diet raw-foodists, contains large amounts of dietary fiber, which is removed from the intestines of harmful substances, preventing atherosclerosis and cancer. Another advantage of strict vegetarianism is that plant foods helps in the treatment of hypertension: the amino acid glutamine contained in beans, rice, grains lowers blood pressure. And the absence of uric acid, which accumulates in muscles and joints, provides for prevention of gout and age-related diseases of the joints.

Vegans do not get enough doses of building material - proteins, the main source of which products of animal origin. And this can lead to serious consequences for the body - sexual weakness, problems with blood pressure, infertility, etc. Especially the lack of protein is dangerous for children, they start to lag behind in development and pregnant women. And a product like soy, which vegetarians consider a full replacement of animal protein, contains hormones that can cause hormonal imbalance in men, such as obesity. Strict vegetarians often suffer from lack of iron in the body, which leads to anemia - a condition involving lack of energy, drowsiness, increased morbidity and chronic fatigue. And the lack of zinc in the body can lead to the development of skin diseases (eczema, dermatitis, alopecia) and even cause impotence.

Non-strict vegetarianism

In this case, you can eat fish, seafood, dairy (lactovegetarians), eggs (ovovegetarians) and honey.

Including in your diet seafood, relaxed vegetarians provide yourself a good source of digestible protein, vitamins A, D, E, good for the heart and blood vessels omega-3 fatty acids (which are less likely to suffer atherosclerosis), and iron (lactovegetarians practically no iron deficiency), phosphorus, calcium, magnesium, zinc, selenium, strengthen immunity, and iodine, which prevents diseases of the thyroid. Even more minerals sourced from bee products. This lacto-vegetarian food is best for children and young people.

Deficiencies in this diet is much smaller than in its strict "brother". The body vegetarians who exclude milk and eggs, can suffer from deficiency of vitamins B12 and D, calcium and iron, but balancing the diet with fish and seafood, you can completely eliminate risks to health. But lactovegetarians may not be the ideal food for people after 35 because of the age of intolerance.

The raw food diet

In this type of strict vegetarianism is completely eliminated animal food and observed a strict requirement to eat plant products without any exposure to fire or steam, that is completely without heat treatment. For adherents of this type of power-fire - destroys start, and food cooked with it, is considered biologically inferior. The only exception is bread, cooked in the oven from whole grains and without yeast. Raw-foodists eat fruits, vegetables, nuts and raw (or soaked) beans at room temperature, because they believe that the products you just removed from the refrigerator, own a lot of energy is spent on heating, and this reduces their value.

The times is due to the large amount of fiber in their diet do not suffer from sluggishness of the bowels, constipation, hemorrhoids, and intestinal tumors. The same fiber and it contains pectin clean the body from the inside out, and it gives good results in skin diseases (such as acne) and diseases of the cardiovascular system. Raw food quickly fills the entire volume of the stomach that allows you to regulate your weight and prevent obesity. In addition, raw food retains more vitamins and therefore more useful.

Also, this type of food is absolutely not suitable for Allergy sufferers - they are highly sensitive to certain proteins that only when thermal processing is changed so that the immune system ceases to respond. In addition, chronic pancreatitis, and various diseases of the pancreas or gallbladder raw food diet too strictly prohibited.

Famous vegetarians

Paul McCartney. Refused to eat animals, when they understood that takes the life of the fish, which is caught on the fishing. The legend of the Beatles says that if someone wants to save the planet, all he has to do is just stop eating meat. "It's amazing: vegetarianism time solves a lot of problems - ecology, famine, cruelty! "said sir Paul.

Adriano Celentano. Italian singer and actor is not the first year advocates of animal rights. According to him, vegetarianism need for good health and as an opportunity to announce that "not because of me lambs and goats slaughtered at abattoirs at Christmas and Easter".

Madonna. American pop star came to vegetarianism through passion for yoga practice, which includes this way of eating. And Madonna prohibits eating meat and three of their children. People also say that this was one of the reasons for her divorce with guy Ritchie, who could not cope with the challenges bezmasenoj diet.

Pamela Anderson. Sexy blonde is not only vegetarian, but also a well-known defender of crocodiles, mice, and other animals that are used for industrial and scientific experiments. On this occasion she has even mentioned the collaboration in the bill of the USA and the letter to Putin with a request to contribute to the cessation of hunting of seals.



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