Love is perhaps the most popular phenomenon on earth. Love writing most of the books are clever and stupid, shoot more films like the great and poor, sing in the Opera and vulgar song. The second citation of the word "happiness". Many of these two phenomena relate to each other. And impatiently waiting for "love comes suddenly". In the belief that the then powerful, strong chord will sound bright, full of the joy of life. All very stirs the myth that "man is born for happiness, like a bird to flight. And what any of us from birth has the ability to love.
Can, and has, just why is it that no one comes to mind that without the development of any ability can waste away?
What are these abilities? Why one person is attracted, and shies from another? Than you need to be to be loved? Money? Position? Mind? Face? Clothes?
Nothing of the above. You just need to have a full emotional sphere. And the richer the person, the palette of experiences, the more attractive it is for others. Because it burns the living fire, which attracted both women and men. Emotionally fully man lonely no!
* * *
Emotions - the topic is not popular. About the emotions are no discussions and debates on TV, they do not discuss in the kitchen. They generally are not interested. We can say that this topic is in the closed society. Or rather, nobody moved. This sacred knowledge hidden from others because it is not in demand.
Meanwhile, all human life is built on emotions, linked in and around them. To get the feelings, impressions and experiences, people read books and listen to music, get a hobby, go on a gay disco and challenging treks.
I think people are dreaming of glory and power? No, those experiences that they can give. Even earn money to buy emotions. Because new boat or an old bike, cheap friendship bracelet or natural diamonds, picnic in the nearby grove or a cruise around the world valuable only feelings that they bring.
Moreover, the origins of any creativity is rooted in emotions. In order to create something, people have to burn. And the secret of charisma, many dream of, hidden there in the deep, powerful, "multicolor" the emotional realm.
* * *
From the point of view of science, and love, and happiness is the highest emotions that are inherent to man.
In animals there is no love, because there is no higher emotions. And they perfectly without cost. There, wolves have a stable monogamous couples, when the wolf sits in the decree, the wolf does not drink, not left running, and regularly carries around her food. Some people would like to learn. However, animals are not happy. They are able to feel pleasure but not happiness. They have this center in the brain is not.
And the person has. It is possible, therefore, happiness, and love belong rather to the feelings of the highest order. The category of the divine.
However, in the person of amazing and not harmonious blend of the animal and the divine.
Human aversion to voltage causes him to dream how to get happiness, but without effort. And then happiness is declared full rest, like animals in the zoo. And love is called everything from sexual attraction to social position: "it is time to have a family".
If dreaming of love listened not only fashionable songs, but read clever books! They would have learned that love is not always brings joy and pleasure. Never rest. Sometimes death.
But about happiness in the encyclopedic dictionary says that it's "a sense of completeness and meaningfulness of life." I'm afraid this is not about external indicators - family-career-home-full-Cup, but about something entirely different, not known to many. When life is not fear and do not invent. When it is perceived in all its diversity and respond to her characters as sensitive tuning fork. And for this she is boiling inside of man and around him.
Incidentally, the most vivid sensations a person experiences happiness, not fallen on his head, and suffered. When he was able, gained, gained, achieved. This is a rare condition. They really connected with love. Sometimes to man. Sometimes to the point. Always for Life.
* * *
Surprisingly, about this important sphere in a person's life go solely fictions and fantasies. How to develop the will, memory, intellect, written heaps of books. About emotions never say "develop", but only "control". This means any ways to avoid negative feelings. Most people somehow believe that people fear and anger are not needed. That nature and the Lord God made them narutomania. And the task of a person - it's too much of yourself to remove.
So, in the mid-twentieth century, drained swamps, not taking into account that the nature of its laws. The swamp was gone, but with them gone, the insects, they were extinct birds were disturbed ecology.
As in nature, the human soul is nothing unnecessary there. Each sense has its own function and its purpose. No emotions, good or bad, there is adequate and inadequate, and out of place.
As in nature, in the emotional sphere of the person its complex and delicate balance. It is easy to break, but so difficult to restore.
* * *
People with well-developed emotional gets much more pleasure from work and leisure, from the art of communication, people and nature, from food and sex... from life! About that person say: it is the courage, drive.
And yet these people felt inner independence. No wonder that they irritate the society. Because they feel differently, and not "as usual"! So hunters to drive a divine gift in the Procrustean bed of the lot. Here and state that needs to dumb robots. And loving parents, diligent cropping child wings that didn't fly far away. Oh no, nobody wants evil. But how often crimes are committed not out of malice, but from ignorance.
Appeared and various trainings that are engaged in the emasculation of the emotions. They promise to teach you to be eternally happy, or at least always in a good mood. Called "all over to see the positive." How is that? Never experiencing suffering? No error, which, as we know, learn, either from their own stupidity or meanness? Emotional pain is a sign, a beacon, a landmark, she signaled she screams - understand and pomnei! "Pain is the touch of God" (K. Cedars).
* * *
Current fashion piece, which is taught in the training, to track down and isolate the "bad" feelings, strangle them in the Bud, right in the morning. But while people with enthusiasm Barbara presses in anger and indignation, at the same time it die their antipodes - delight and admiration. Thus, man makes himself a mental disability. "If you can't feel angry, you will not be able to experience the love" (Sri Rajneesh).
And even if you see a good fairy that will send such a person to the Life ball, even if there is, at the ball, it will invite the most beautiful and intelligent people on the planet... Nothing special, he will not experience. Because when poor emotional any event, getting into this half-dead swamp, will only cause a short burst of sensations. Quiet and dim. And again we swalim all on "bad luck".
* * *
However, to blame trainings sin. They are just fulfilling the dream of the average person about the control of the senses.
I think many would be quite happy if emotions were sold which is bottled in bottles. What kind of a home bar-fridge. So, when the soul will szalkay, it was possible to get, enjoy a drink and remove the back. For example, once a week on Saturdays. Or once a year on vacation.
Perhaps if there was a boutique selling feelings, he would enjoy great success. Imagine a dialogue with the seller in the store:
Give me a bit of Quiet Joy.
"Maybe something will take? Excitement?
"No, it's too loud. Noise the neighbors to call the police.
- Wow, he inside you will be.
"What is it good for?
He is overwhelmed, captures...
Captures? Yes then I call the police!
- Sorry, but True Love you have?
- Of course!
And this is not a dangerous emotion?
- It makes you vulnerable.
- Then don't. Let the Light of Love and Weak Sexual Desire.
Maybe Passion?
- Well, thank you, I'm a good woman!
"I give Feelings of Celebration of Life. Oh, and why do they so much sparkle? And if there were some regulated holiday?
- It's not a holiday...
"Nothing, I will go. And then get addicted to these your Strong Emotions, even God forbid love Life. But when things are really to die for...
* * *
Twenty years I have been emotional sphere. The first years I had literally to gather the crumbs of her knowledge, to search the literature and experts. It was a long time before I was able to work with emotions, without fear of harm. Naturally, that makes me dread, when all and Sundry climb into this fine scope - someone with a sledgehammer, someone with a hammer, who with velvet noose.
Maybe that's why a healthy, productive emotional sphere, not crippled by family and society, is extremely rare? Maybe that's why so rare these, not distilled senses: taste for life, the taste of life, love, and happiness?..
* * *
I would have no right to talk about happiness and love, if I didn't know what it was. Can share.
Like everyone, I have some days of heavy and light. But always, when I go to work in me instead of blood plays and boils champagne. When you come back, it happens in different ways depending on how was the group that I lead. Sometimes in the chest a black hole. Sometimes fireworks.
But by the end of the week I typed lively, fragrant bouquet of different impressions. For the month you receive the Conservatory, for the year - a huge garden. Imagine I am in this garden live! And all the flowers there real. I call memory, and it comes to life, I can sink into it, hear, smell, sound, taste.
I know what fear, sadness, hatred. But I also know what tenderness, joy, admiration, and what it's like to soar in the clouds, and how it is to die and be reborn in love...
There are flowers that I look ashamed. Or hurt. But I don't vyplivu. It's precious emotional experience of my one and only life.
Leo Tolstoy believed that "all the variety, all the charm, all the beauty of life is made up of light and shadow".
Ready to sign these words in blood. And champagne!
Our psychology
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