Saturday, May 24, 2014

After 30 life is just beginning!

After 30 life is just beginning! Approaching 30 years old, many women are discouraged, bedoya that nothing has managed to do in this life - and in vain. According to statistics, after 30 years, one reaches the greatest heights.

Living example

Remember Mary Curie, the first award of the Nobel prize she received at age 36, and the second and later - 43. As a famous actress Susan Sarandon has received the "Oscar" in 48 years, although it was nominated three times.

To say that a good man, like wine, gets better all the time. In this case, the woman, like brandy, gets more expensive.

Towards the wind changes

The main cause of the "crisis" 30 years is that by this time, most of all, life is completely adjusted. You're already kind of stability and confidence in the future. And the woman's nature is changeable, and noting that much already not to return and not change it gets a little tiring. So the main thing to remember is that this stability is and was an important component to which you sought in life, and romance and a little "rebellion" - you can always add yourself.

And what more could you want...

Somewhat different is the situation with the business lady, who had not managed to have children. But before you take this important step, we need more time to think you want a baby because are already ready for it or just friends tired of stupid questions and I want to be as the others.

Remember, it is your and only your life and that you have to decide how to live. And if still you have anything went wrong, it means that there were weighty reasons.

What happiness to be 30 years

The most important thing is that the 30-year mark - a new opportunity and established principles.

It is 30 you clearly know what you want and how to achieve it.

It is in the 30 you already experienced enough not to step on the same rake twice.

It is 30 you interesting men not only as a sexual object, but as an interesting conversationalist.

It is 30 you know what suits you and what doesn't, and therefore can be "the best".

And, finally, in 30 you know that thanks to your successes and efforts, life is just beginning.


Women's Magazine

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