Negative emotions are the cause of many diseases related to psychosomatic. If they do not find a way out, you can not only be maintained for a long time, but also to accumulate, passing in the bodily form of the disease symptoms. Especially if the person is not able or does not want painful emotions to leave and involuntarily "feeds" them, again and again going in circles associated negative thoughts and memories.
Negative emotions such long-term "storage" is, alas, not weaken, but on the contrary, they themselves begin gradually destroy the body. How to get rid of this "stuck" in the soul and the body experiences? Here comes to help deservedly popular bodily reflex approach. He helps people suffering from bodily consequences of negative emotions, learn how to get rid of them in an efficient way.
To do this, you first need to get acquainted with your own body. Yes, with it, to relatives, it would seem so familiar and explored. However, on closer examination it turns out that there are specific areas or areas of stress vulnerability that with each repetition of the traumatic situation or even when thinking about it responds very uncomfortable sensations. Often these are the so-called "muscle clamps" - painfully tense areas of muscles, keeping the tracks transferred stress and negative emotions. Their combination forms a so-called "muscular armor", which reflects the nature of man, set his usual psychological defenses.
Accordingly, when eliminated, or at least temporarily weaken these clips, go and preserved in negative emotions. Tool for removal of the "clips" are movement - but not simple, and emotionally expressive, becoming a bridge between the current mental and physical condition, physical and emotional memory. Using them is a re-creation of a state body, reminiscent of those that occurred fixation of stress reactions in emotional memory and muscle "clamps" in memory of corporal. And so there is an opportunity to address critical psychotherapeutic tasks alteration of memory.
It is the "re-experience" the usual stress in a new way, in a relaxed atmosphere allows you to rebuild memories, to break free from the painful associations of physical and emotional States. This requires that the movements were deliberate, was carried out on the background of careful observation. But, in addition, they are designed to awaken repressed emotions. Hence, the motion must be accompanied by thoughts about the sources of feelings about their particular culprits. Such movements must be repeated until such time as the thoughts and memories will not cease to be unpleasant, as they will not cease to cause uncomfortable bodily response. And in this way it is possible to get rid of negative emotional plume migrated stress and its reflection in the muscles.
It uses two fundamentally different types of movements.
1. "Tension without movement, accompanied by the subsequent relaxation of the muscles.
2. "Motion with tension." More precisely, overcoming specially created external resistance when removing which movement breaks out, like a compressed spring. With this release derivables movement involved in the expression of previously frozen emotions, achieved their discharge. Especially effective is the meridional emotional.
In our body there are reflex meridians, or channels, groups of biologically active points associated with the various internal organs. Impacts on these points are a variety of methods of reflexology and body psychotherapy. The latter is understandable: after all, importantly, through these channels flows, emotions, or rather their physical manifestations. There are reflex connection meridians with individual muscles and, accordingly, with certain movements, studied American doctors Goodhart and Tees. These movements and are used to neutralize the physical manifestations of emotions associated with specific meridians and internal organs. So the movements are healing for body and soul.
Want to try?
Let's try to ignore the hand from someone who stands behind you. Presented who it could be?
Let emotional discharge from the movement of the right hand, which will contain the left. Ready?
Take a deep breath, soderjatelinii and start vigorously to strain the muscles of both arms:
the right hand is trying to make them go back, but left firmly hold it caught just above the wrist.
Consider: time-and, two-and, three-and... On the count of "seven" left arm releases the right, and that together with the long-awaited quick breath "breaks free", making a dramatic sweeping motion.
Listen carefully to your body, watch what has changed in bodily sensations - not so much in the right hand, as in other parts of the body (especially in the chest, upper abdomen and neck). Repeat 5-7 times, gradually noting more and more distinct manifestation of feelings of emotional discharge. Then do the same for the left hand, ensuring that feeling became symmetric. Such alignment feelings on both sides, the right balance will help maintain emotional balance.
Sandomierz M
Our psychology
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