Saturday, May 24, 2014

Return weight affects hormonal

Return weight affects hormonalScientists have discovered why after diet weight returns

Scientists from the University of Melbourne conducted a study in which it was found that in the return of excess weight at slimming people after discontinuation of the diet is to blame hormones.

According to scientists all because of two hormones: leptin and ghrelin which stimulates hunger in that when people dramatically reduces the amount of food.

In research took part fifty people, who are overweight, who adhered to a strict diet during the seventy days. During the diet the diet of the volunteers consisted mainly of Optifast product manufactured by Nestle, and small quantities of vegetables.

After the ten-week experimental diet, each of the volunteers lost on average fourteen pounds, despite the fact that nutritionists strongly warn people against weight loss of more than 0, 5-1 pounds. As a result, at the expiration of twelve months after the diet all volunteers are "scored" in an average of five pounds.

Scientists attribute this reaction to the fact that when a person begins to strictly limit yourself to food, changes the hormonal balance and "inclusion" leptin and ghrelin, which provoke a constant feeling of hunger, not passing for a long time even after the diet ends and the person begins to eat still.



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