Please rate your level of knowledge about nutrition, and you will be clear, do you need extra knowledge in this area.
1. If carbohydrate is consumed more than necessary to meet the energy needs of the body, their excess:
a) out;
b) converted to fat and stored;
in) goes to the formation of muscle tissue;
g) turns into protein.
2. From the food most of the cellulose and other dietary fibers include:
a) meat and dairy products;
b) whole grain cereals;
b) fruit juices;
g) refined sugar.
3. The presence of dietary fiber in the first place:
a) contributes to normal functioning of the large intestine;
b) increases the level of calcium in the body;
C) increases the reserves of calories;
g) reduces the level of glucose in the blood.
4. Amino acids most contain:
a) animal products;
b) vegetable products;
in the nuts;
g) cereals.
5. Amino acids that cannot be synthesized in the body, are called:
a) essential;
b) interchangeable;
in full;
g) defective.
6. Proteins are synthesized from:
a) simple sugars;
b) fatty acids and glycerol;
C) starch;
g) amino acids.
7. B vitamins:
a) water-soluble;
b) promote the clotting of blood;
C) dissolve in fats;
g) promote the absorption of calcium.
8. Niacin:
a) is also known as vitamin C;
b) in large quantities is found in meat, poultry and fish;
C) soluble in fats;
d) all of the above statements are incorrect.
9. With the utilization of calcium in the body is most closely associated:
a) vitamin a;
b) vitamin D;
C) vitamin K;
d) drinking water.
10. The richest food source of chlorine are:
a) meat and whole grain cereals;
b) salt;
C) vegetables, which are used in food green leaves;
d) drinking water.
Correct answers:
1-b, 2-b, 3-a, 4-a, 5-a, 6-d, 7-a, 8-b, 9-b, 10-b.
8-10 correct answers. Excellent - you are well-versed in nutrition.
6-7 correct answers. Well - you are well versed in nutrition, but some problems have misconceptions.
5 and less than correct answers. You don't have to update their knowledge in this area.
You should always remember that any ideal food does not exist. Some products are excellent sources of some nutrients and poor in others. So, most fruit are excellent sources of carbohydrates, protein in them but little. Diets with a high content of fibers useful in one respect, but quite useless in another.
Even more important than the type of food consumed, have her number, time of reception, as well as the combination with other products. For example, for osteoporosis prevention can eat lots of foods rich in calcium. However, to make calcium work in the body, requires such elements as phosphorus and magnesium. And these factors, in turn, is able to act only in the presence of zinc and copper.
In addition, some human needs for nutrients is determined by its genetics. For example, hypertension is often a hereditary disease, so predisposed to it, people are forced to reduce consumption of salt. And for those who have reduced blood pressure, salty foods are harmless.
If you blindly follow all simplistic "for" and "against" those foods that we eat, you can walk to unfounded fears and generally to metabolic disorders. So, many believe that "natural products", how many of them are neither eat, absolutely harmless. But actually excessive grain consumption unsafe. Adhering to the unchecked practice of power, we are experimenting on his own body. So, before you go on a diet, all you need to know about her, and ideally consult a nutritionist.
Ask: 1) whether the diet is balanced, that is, does the body of essential nutrients or requires additional intake of vitamins, minerals, food additives; 2) is it possible to stick to this diet when your diseases, if already available; limited to whether the period of its use and why; 3) whether this diet to improve your health, mood and physical form.
Remember that the key to success is in your knowledge.
The test is composed by American authors of the textbook "Healthy lifestyle" K. Beyer and L. Steinberga.
Women's Magazine
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