Saturday, May 24, 2014

Features psychology pregnant

Features psychology pregnantIt happened! Finally, You are free from vague guesses and lingering doubts, now You know - THIS Pregnancy. Long-expected or unexpected, planned or accidental, the first or next. In the beginning, like early spring. You want to make the next nine months brought peace and joy in Your soul. And if a beautiful dream does not come true? And persistent reminder of others, "you bad to worry about," does not help to get rid controversial, disturbing thoughts and feelings.

Crisis changes

The first months of pregnancy is a time of revolutionary change not only in the physiology of women, but in her psychology. In the inner, intimate space of her "I", appeared on the space of another person, the existence of which we should not only be considered, and possibly reshape entire life, change all plans. Not everyone can unconditionally accept these changes. Even if the child is a welcome and long-awaited - the grandeur of past events captures all the thoughts of the woman, causing her to worry, "what will shape the next my life? As pregnancy? What will happen to my career? Will I be able to provide your baby a decent future? Will I be a good mother? " Familiar questions, isn't it? Such mental anguish can cause fatigue and irritability, but even cause toxicity or threatened abortion.

The Board of psychologist

. First, do not try to solve all problems at once. Put them indefinitely, and may some of them be resolved without Your participation. And in General, pregnancy is a unique time when we can rightly afford not to respond to life's problems. And not to feel guilty for such irresponsible behavior. Remember that more than all the material wealth in the world, a child needs Your attention, understanding and love.

Secondly, the most important thing now is to realize and accept your new status. Allow yourself to be pregnant. To accept your new status means to take the appearance of Your child's life, to learn to understand his needs. Indulge your little weaknesses - whether you desire to lie down in the middle of the day or buy yourself some delicacy. Let the pregnancy will come into Your life not as time restrictions, but as a time of new opportunities. A statement like "I won't be able to wear your favorite skinny jeans, you can replace: "Finally, I will update your wardrobe! ". Enough to change the point of view, to feel the taste to change.


Pregnancy makes a woman emotionally vulnerable, prone to anxiety, are more sensitive to negative experiences. Seems to be the reason for the disorder is negligible, and eyes on the "wet spot", and nothing pleases. Many women are haunted by the feeling that you're "trapped" persistent nausea, somewhere bulk fatigue, constant irritability. The doctors explain this unstable emotional state of rapid hormonal changes in the body. Only the understanding that this condition naturally and it is not physiological facilitates the woman this difficult period.

The Board of psychologist. Irritability is a signal expectant mother, you need to learn to relax. This is a valuable skill will help not only during pregnancy or at birth, but in General will have a positive impact on Your life. The easiest way to relax is to turn on quiet music, lie down, sit back, relax and focus on your breathing. Take a deep relaxing breath and slowly relaxed exhalation. Imagine that with every breath comes relaxation and peace. Incidentally moderate physical activity is a great cure for the Blues.


Even if before pregnancy woman was imperturbable temper, now can easily panic from the abstract reasoning your doctor about the complications of pregnancy or from the story of an eccentric friend of his birth. Scenes from some movies or television news, a sharp remark of the chief or companion in the metro can bring You to tears. Don't be afraid to give vent to his emotions - weep, complain to someone, just don't hide your dark thoughts and resentment in the depths of the soul. This increased sensitivity is simply a reminder that it's time to change impressions.

The Board of psychologist

. Remember that Your sensitiveness is the other party is an opportunity to take a new look at the world. If during pregnancy a woman to become a little child, which with interest and amazement looking at the world. Take this opportunity to enjoy the beautiful sides of life. Through their experiences, You give the kid the information about the surrounding world. Your impressions tell him how good the world or evil, colorful or sad, happy or sad. So often try to get out into nature, to visit concert halls or museums.


In the soul of a pregnant woman are so many changes that it can begin to feel very alone in the maelstrom of the flood of new experiences. All around her people remained the same, only You are the one in power "pregnant feelings". But at the same time the experience of loneliness lets you look deeper into your own soul, to understand itself, to reflect on their life experience, and perhaps to reevaluate their values.

The Board of psychologist. Use alone for self-knowledge, but not too turn in on themselves, share their experiences with loved ones, talk with a psychologist, talk with other pregnant women. Now there are many opportunities to interact with "their own kind" - it courses and psychological preparation for childbirth, and special groups pregnant in the pool or the sports complex, and even specialized shops organize lectures for pregnant women. And most importantly, start to communicate with the child, because he is the closest person to You.


Pregnancy can give a new positive impetus to the relations in the family, and can cause confusion. But the woman is most important to get support from a loved one. However, the man is much more difficult to engage in the process of pregnancy and wife become "pregnant" with dad. He hardly represents what's inside Your belly grows man (incidentally, he is not a stranger). The man will soon bother Your new quirks, what makes pregnancy. Rare representative of the stronger sex inspired talks with the "belly" or weleetka jolts out of his depth. But this does not mean that men are completely indifferent to the upcoming changes. It's just that they are experiencing "pregnancy" in their own way.

The Board of psychologist

. Take the trouble unobtrusive enlighten Your loved one in the issues of pregnancy. He needed a simple, specific information about what is happening in the moment. Ask him to go with You on the ultrasound. Some men, seeing their child inside the tummy, completely change the attitude of his wife's pregnancy, as if convinced of the real existence of the baby. Eat more often the pronoun "we", it will be another sign that You are not alone. Unobtrusive tell her husband about how the kid behaved during the day. If at first will not be the expected reaction, do not worry and do not berate her husband in confusion. Just many men do not Express their emotions openly.
If You have a shared desire to husband present at birth, he will simply have to undergo relevant training courses. Not that he had not fainted at the most inopportune moment. And in order from an uncertain witness, Your husband became an active participant of the events (which it actually was at the dawn of Your pregnancy). He will not only be able to gently hold your hand, but will be able to make a relaxing massage, let me remind you about the correct breathing will help to change positions. Such active participation in childbirth helps man to realize his paternity, and for women is an indispensable support.

Concern for the health of the kid

Sometimes a pregnant woman with fear begins to go through all the risk factors, to which it has been subjected since the beginning of the pregnancy and to think how they will affect the child. In the course are memories of drinking a glass of wine or taken aspirin, when there was not yet aware of the pregnancy, thinking about polluted air from your home town or irradiation from a computer monitor on Your desktop. So who knows what else may affect the baby's health. The danger here and there.

The Board of psychologist. We should not exaggerate the degree of risk. Congenital malformations are very rare. Think that needless anxiety are much more harmful to Your baby than those errors that You have committed. Do not indulge in guilt, better find a way that can compensate for Your "mistakes" - whether active walks in the Park or a balanced diet or listening to classical music. And often try to imagine what a healthy, strong and beautiful You have to be born baby. Such fantasies are very beneficial effect on the development of the baby.

Fear of childbirth

Childbirth really are such a powerful physical and psychological experience that their wait is a series of fears. In addition to the understandable fear of ancestral pain, a woman can begin to torment not quite conscious fears surfaced from the depths of the subconscious childhood trauma own birth. These memories stay with you for life, gradually exerting a strong influence on his behavior. It happens that in anticipation of the approaching birth, the woman begins to fear death. It's not even fear for their own lives, but rather in anticipation of the emotions of the child who is in the process of birth is undergoing psychological "dying". Don't forget that birth is one of the most powerful of human emotions, comparable in strength to do that with the experience of death.

The Board of psychologist Studies have shown that births occur easier in women, trained, well representing the passing of generations, actively participating in the birth of their child and realizing that at birth the baby is feeling stronger than the mother. Most of all in life we are afraid of the uncertainty. Unfortunately, in modern society, people know too little about the nature of genera. Do not be lazy to search for useful information. It can be special books, educational films about childbirth or psychological training courses. Most of the fear goes away, if in advance take care organization, delivery, and not to go in the first hospital. Even better in advance to meet with your doctor and midwife who will take your childbirth. It should be people, not only high professional qualities, but also causing simple human sympathy. A sense of trust in the people who will be at this crucial moment to help You, promotes better during childbirth. Be sure to discuss with them the "script" of Your birth, find out what rules there are in this hospital. Well, if You are on childbirth will be a husband or a close friend. The belief that at a difficult time, You will be close to the people, will also help to cope with many fears. Remember that nature has endowed woman with all the necessary for the birth of a child qualities - patience, wisdom, intuition. Believe in your own strength.

I hope that my tips will help You to accept with gratitude all the changes to appreciate their importance for the harmonious pregnancy and to see in them a deep sense of preparing Your soul to the feeling of motherhood.


Elemental club pregnant moms

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