He decided to leave. He could not stand the difficulties or something confused. Anyway, it was a tragedy for the woman who doesn't know how she could live on.
Just because something, in his opinion, you are not so, or simply because it went past not to return. In any case, it is important to remain human in this situation. With his dignity. And not to stoop to petty, small and large crap.
Why men throw?
On this question guys I answer my choice is extremely rare. Girls do is guessing.
Not love, just wanted a good time;
- Because he found another girl;
Because he's a sissy;
- Throw girls, and I think it's true when it changed. It's still dirty. This sediment at the heart of both. Forgive the weak and live with resentment in my soul, a strong throw a traitor, no matter how hard it is not loved and are looking for a person whom you can trust and build a relationship based on love, trust and understanding. As Confucius said, "If you ever anything close his eyes, then soon you will notice that you have to close your eyes on all".
The man throws the girl who's too afraid to get attached. Men are very sensitive to your feelings. This means that they are afraid that they will cause pain. And as soon as a man feels that become interested in a girl so that parting with it can be fatal, it causes a "preemptive strike" and throws it first.
Often the guy deliberately begins to show aggression to the parting was not so painful for girls. Don't take it personally.
- Throw because you get bored of lying.
Misconceptions on the topic
The most common misconception of women: "He will change! ".
The most common misconception of men: "It will always be the same! ".
What thoughts can somehow relationships save
Psychologist Victoria Glushchenko said: "Man is an adult and your problem should solve itself, and not to pass them on women's shoulders, thereby ruining your life. Even when happy reciprocity follow "proper distance". Extremely dangerous (and bad for the love) to try to divide without remainder: dreams, leisure, money, work, secret desires and to focus on each other. Everyone should be their own social circle. Always keep dignity in communion with him, not unigames, do not beg, if he breaks a relationship, only he can restore".
Why do men spend time and energy on relationships, which, as they know in advance, will come the inevitable end?
Yes because they are able to live in the present, in addition to gain useful experience is not redundant. And if the girl begins to show that her feelings for the young man is something more than just sympathy, throw her without remorse. "I met her a year, but as soon as she began to utter the word "love" I had to leave her. It was hard. I didn't want to hurt her. But I knew that the more I pull, the more painful it will be then. She deserves to meet a guy who would love her as much as she loves me." This is the bitter truth, and probably the most common of the reasons why the guy throws the girl.
How does the separation?
For himself he had already decided: will not be continued. It likes you, you're good, but nothing serious he give you cannot. Because he took himself in hand, stepped back, pulled. In General, acted wisely.
First, honestly told you that you had anything to do with counting, and especially that he will marry you someday.
Secondly, make the whole story took place as unobtrusively as possible. In short, gave you a chance not to break the wood and to reconsider their attitude to it.
Symptoms of cowardice
We all have a hidden fear. To a greater or lesser extent. We thrust away, because to be cowardly "ugly". Sometimes he still breaks out.
Men call women's cowardice weakness, cowardice, stupidity, and in the best case - the instinct of self-preservation.
Loving women call men's cowardice, generosity, desire to protect a woman from something, tact, intelligence...
Women sober call of the male cowardice cowardice. Again, not only in the eyes, and silently...
I think that the male cowardice it...
When the man, realizing their mistake, never admits it.
- Men's cowardice when he is hiding behind her back, not responsible for his words, does not protect it from CADS.
- Cowardice - this is when the fear of "society" and in favor of him betray favorite.
- Cowardice is when fear for himself "beloved", and ONLY FOR MYSELF!
- If you start with human relationships - are for him and his sense of responsibility. Not to mention marriage. And think about your nerves in this situation is cowardice and irresponsibility.
Women's opinion about male cowardice:
Alena, 27 years: "My experience that people finally learned only when leaving. Sometimes I'll see how he runs on to your friends, talking about your frigidity, or sends you mail pictures of your child or puts your intimate pictures on any website with prostitutes (indeed male vengeance unlimited)... And I think: "And with this goat I have ever seen! What happiness, what time I left."
Oksana, 25 years: "Six months ago I met with a young man. He assured that he loves, built joint plans for the future. I loved him, wanted to be with him always! We understood each other without words, and it was all very well, I flew with happiness, her friends were jealous, but I couldn't even for me poradovatj! They were just jealous! And after a while he left me! Everything was just fine, I tried for him! And he left me! Even without giving reasons! Then cried week, even took a few days to work at his own expense, with no strength for anything, thought I was dying! Once wrote to him, that at least explained the reasons why he left, but he didn't answer! And what happened to the love? Somehow met in the street by chance, he looked at me... and turned away. I'm so hurt! "
Valeria, 30 years:
"In our female consciousness entrenched stereotype of the strong men that anyone and is afraid of nothing, who is willing to take responsibility. And for me, courage is when you expect from a loved one this male thing, I want to be weak, fragile, want to rely on him to give up everything, took you in his arms and on the edge of the world! There is such a thing as moral cowardice. Such cowardice I had to experience. Moreover, from ex-boyfriend. When you know him you will rant and rave (because he is dear to me), if necessary, and he is afraid of you even parents to show, because it will deprive the bread with caviar, because they rich girl wish".
If you feel that you throw?
Throw first! There is a chance that he will regret it and will return. So happens. To break it in one fell swoop: can even come to him and say, "I Love you, but we are no longer together." Be sad, terribly sad, from the collapse of their unfulfilled hopes. These watches stay with really loved man. Just stay close, without too many words and explanations. Say, I have to endure the pain associated with the loss of a very important senses. Listen with a friend your favorite music, talk about nothing and everything all at once. It is important to know that when you made a risky move, threw, you escaped viscous explanation of the relationship, the pain of separation. Let regrets former favorite. What can I do to comfort him?
A coward who leaves the woman alone, alone with her pain and difficulties. He says: "You're a strong woman, you will survive and cope with everything, I'm sure." Oh, Yes, we are strong, we can handle it... So I, as a representative of strong women, I can only say: "Hold on! " Time really heals. Long treatment, but effective. And life after parting with a loved one is not the end...
If fate made it so that this man returned, we must forgive, but without losing his head, running to meet and to speak as you pleased, and to sit, to think, to weigh all a "pros" and "cons" and have yet to decide on a reasonable basis. Men love restrained women.
How to live further?
We need to debunk his idol. Love always simultaneously and man, and the idealized image created based on it. Using this property of love, Lope de VEGA in the Comedy "Dog in the manger": "Want me to give him advice? I'm sure he'll help the cause. You remember disadvantages, not charms. Try in the memory to carry its flaw - and the ugly! "
- One of the traditional methods of psychotherapy, in writing, to fix their problems and obsessions. This is a strong medicine that helps even the mentally ill can save you even more time to keep a diary. Especially good if in addition to their experiences, you will be able to fix on paper the analysis and possible ways out of the situation.
Is being protected from unrequited love, it is necessary to avoid the most dangerous mistakes:
to prevent minutes, when you will still have to look at one spot. Maximum load itself. Avoid loneliness - go to the people (but only to those who you are not annoying). Do not let the hope of return, do not attempt to try again, in no case do not meet the one who you suffer: decision shall be final.
You just need to tell yourself: "does not work, then it isn't mine." Well then, immediately, to accept the fact that there is not berate yourself, not fit to live and to remember your decision. Remember that you had to deal with a coward and, therefore, rejoice that he will not be able to hurt you.
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