Friday, May 2, 2014

Summer enemies toddlers

Summer enemies toddlersParents: how to cope with summer ailments.

How do we, caring parents want summer went to child benefit. But we forget that the most common dangers kids close in the yard and on our table. So we'll talk about how fraught the summer, and how to avoid dangerous consequences.

Sore throat

The kid ate in the sultry heat of ice cream or drank a cold drink? Tonsillitis is right here! Be careful: harmless redness is not so harmless. Tonsillitis is an insidious disease, improper treatment can cause dangerous complications (myocarditis, pyelonephritis, rheumatoid arthritis, and others).

How do you know?

Children often catarrhal form of angina, when the temperature rises above 37-38°C, there is a General malaise, poor appetite, and tonsils are red. This angina begins with annoying sore that turns into a sharp pain when swallowing. Very often pain in the throat "give" in his ear.

The duration of catarrhal angina - 3-5 days. If the temperature immediately rises to 39-40°C, submandibular lymph nodes increase and because of the severe pain, the child can not only eat, but to swallow the saliva, and the tonsils are red, but with a grayish or yellow tinge, it is a more severe form of angina - gap. This causes angina General intoxication with back pain, heart and joints. The disease is rapidly and lasts 7-10 days.

If the body temperature high - 39-40°C, on the tonsils are visible yellow of education of the size of a pinhead in the form of stars, the child is sick follicular angina. In this form increase very sick and submandibular lymph nodes. Lasts follicular angina for up to 7 days.

How will you be treated? When any form of angina bacterial plaque from the tonsils need to rinse! To do this, use a solution of potassium permanganate (a few crystals dissolve in 0, 5 tbsp. water, the liquid was pink) or herbal calendula, chamomile, sage. Can use an infusion of garlic: 100 g of crushed cloves of garlic, pour 1 tbsp. of warm water and leave for 4 hours. You can also make a mouthwash from equal amounts of lemon juice and honey. In angina appoint gargling up to 8-10 times a day.

Performing rinsing, be sure that the solution was warm and did not fall from the pharynx to the ears of the child. To do this take a small amount, much tilt your baby's head back and ask him clearly continuously to pronounce the letters "UN" or "cluck". After rinsing, allow the child to chew the rind of a lemon: its essential oil is good to help deal with the beginning angina.

Great for dry warmth around the neck. For this purpose you can use or was vodka compresses on the submandibular region. Keep the compress with a few hours 2-3 times a day. If first aid in the treatment of angina brought no relief, would require the use of local antiseptics in the form of sprays or tablets for sucking.

Well proven drugs on the basis of phenol, chlorhexidine and decaline chloride. To dissolve the tablets can 15 minutes after gargling, and spraying the spray half an hour after the tablets. Unfortunately, frequent guests on the bedside table during angina are antibiotics. Despite the side effects, their use is justified in order to avoid complication.

Insidious disease

We are glad to entertain your baby fresh berry directly from the market, forget about the basic rules of hygiene. And hands, and fruits before eating should be washed! For sloppiness get thrush, which hurts the child a week or two.

How do you know?

4-8 day after infection, the child's temperature rises, which may be accompanied by a runny nose and cough. After another day or two red gums, increased submandibular lymph nodes and there are the first rash. During this period, the child may refuse to eat, it increases salivation. But the most trouble stomatitis delivers when the blisters begin to burst and form crusts.

How will you be treated? The blisters are very painful, so before each meal obezbolivaet oral mucosa preparations with the anesthetic effect. In the first 3-4 days every 2 hours and after eating, rinse your mouth to remove plaque and food debris. Suitable strong warm tea, decoction of oak bark, or warm boiled water. Then lubricate the mouth and the skin around the mouth antiviral or antimicrobial ointments (oksolinovoj, metiluratsilovoy) or oil solution hlorofillipta. Ointment apply to the mucous membranes of the lips and mouth with a cotton swab wrapped finger. And remember that infectious disease is contagious. So select the baby a separate bowl, towel, toys. And again, until brown on the lips and in the mouth will not disappear, the child not to wash or bathe.


Our kids summer about most of the day on the street. Often you can watch the picture, when the child pulls into his mouth shovel or eating sand. So defenceless child's body get worms. And ignore the worms cannot: they cause decreased immunity of the baby, and sometimes intestinal obstruction or blockage of the bile duct.

How do you know? At night, when the bowel muscles relax, the female crawls out and lays around the anus eggs. It causes skin irritation, and the baby starts to comb the ass and she cries in his sleep. Another symptom is a sudden failure of the child is even earlier meals and craving for sweets, which until now was not. In addition, children infected with helminths, bother periodic aching pain in the abdomen (when this kid shows on the region of the navel), night coughing and frequent allergic reactions.

How will you be treated?

If you noticed something was wrong and analysis on the helminthes or scraping confirmed enterobiasis (tests need at least 3 times), it's time to treat the child. Boil linen baby. Collect all the toys, clean them with an antiseptic solution and, if possible, is pour boiling water. Wash all fruits and vegetables, which eats the kid. Daily padmavati child and change your underwear. In addition, include in the diet of the whole family of products that cleanse the body of parasites: garlic, carrot, strawberry, pomegranate juice, walnuts.

Consult your pediatrician about the reception antiparasitic drug, which is enough at the pharmacy. If you are not a fan of "chemistry", try traditional recipes. Very effective against worms St. John's wort, Valerian high and centaury. The mixture of these herbs in the amount of 15 g pour a glass of water and let sit in a water bath. Let this brew child 1 tsp. three times a day.


Prikhodko So



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