Friday, May 2, 2014

Orgasm in men - 13 questions and answers

Orgasm in men - 13 questions and answersIf you read scientific and pseudo-scientific literature about sex, you can come to the conclusion that women are terrible, just the pathological egotism.

The main tragedy of their lives is "prematurely committing" partner. Accordingly, all of the recommendations men and are: forget about yourself, take care of her. Otherwise unmet She will become a doctor.

But let's be honest: "premature death" we care not for selfish reasons. On the contrary! We are experiencing: and managed to do my favorite to enjoy the process itself? As it happens, the process was too long (this is somehow not accepted to speak) again anxiety: not penetradas whether our happiness on the love front?

For some reason about erections and potency in popular magazines write often. But about the end - almost never.

1. Orgasm and ejaculation are one and the same?

Orgasm man experiences during ejaculation. Orgasm can be a tumultuous and emotional, can be quite dull. The last case can be called ejaculation without orgasm. But the reverse situation (orgasm without ejaculation) to imagine is quite difficult. Except that any sexual giant 7 sexual acts in a row - and on the eighth he had semen will not Nereditsa.

2. How many orgasms in a row can be considered the norm?

The story that someone had left and then began again," most of the bluff. At a young age (25 years) much love man is enough 3 minute break between acts, with the age of this interval increases. In stable sexual relationships people usually satisfied with one orgasm, if you frequently change partners want to get high then the rate of 2-3 ejaculations in a row (the time interval between them again depends on age). More him or her is not necessary. Men just lying shamelessly.

3. Is there a male anorgasmia?

It happens. The reasons are different: it may be abnormalities in the cerebral cortex, adhesions in the sex organs (after operations, for example, or infectious diseases). There are a number of diseases (spinal cord or spine), leading to retrograde ejaculation - semen is emitted not outward, but inward and into the bladder. Externally it is perceived as a lack of ejaculation, but in the analysis of urine are detected spermatozoa. When this erection is normal.

4. What rapid ejaculation?

In modern sexology is no such thing. There is a notion of "disharmony in the pair". By and large, anyway, "finished" man in 10 seconds or 40 minutes; the main thing is that both partners are satisfied. "Rapid ejaculation" is often a psychological problem. 80% of uskorennim" are treated just conversation.

5. "Tantric sex" when a man for several days not ejaculates, really "energizing" and prolong life?

Artificial prolongation of sexual intercourse (especially at the age of 40) would only harm the health of men: it increases the pressure, and pulse, it is not only physical, but also mental and hormonal load. Sex should not be neither a job nor a religious practice. Sex is recreation and fun, and that's the way it should be taken. It is unlikely the French unfortunate in love, than Indian yoga or Chinese Taoism.

6. Does circumcision on the male orgasm?

If you removed the foreskin and the glans penis all the time open - it becomes less sensitive. Therefore, the sexual act "circumcised men last longer, than the uncircumcised.

7. Male orgasm is as dependent on the pose as women?

In the same way. In a sense, to the same extent, but not in the same way. The woman changed her posture, will have different feeling, will be stimulated other points of her body - and that this affects the orgasm. For men it is more important change of perspective from which he sees his partner. Banal truth: the man loves his eyes. Because many representatives of the stronger sex like "doggie-style" - when the eye is open to all.

8. What determines the intensity of ejaculation?

Sometimes the sperm just "shot"! And sometimes sluggish follows... usually shot the first portion. After the second and subsequent acts of the sperm will just flow. Good pressure indicates good performance of the reproductive system. Even if the first portion is "retarded", it means that the sperm is too viscous. This may be due to long-term abstinence, chlamydial infection, cold starting prostatitis. "Valuecount" is a reason to consult a doctor. Be consoled by the fact that the problem of "age", it is not necessary; sperm quality should not depend on age.

9. Frequency of intercourse must coincide with the frequency of orgasms?

For women it is, as you know, time optional: ladies "commit" not all the time and nothing really terrible happens. Now: men are like that. The most noble of them, bringing his woman to orgasm, can't cum, but just stop. However, if this happens more than half the cases, it is a cause for concern.

10. What are the consequences of the prolonged absence of ejaculation?

Prostatitis and other inflammation - in most cases, the consequences of stagnation. The combination of chastity with a sedentary lifestyle is generally dangerous for the pelvic organs. Even Julius Caesar, after sitting for several hours on the Imperial throne, certainly jumped behind the screen, where it waited two servants for a Blowjob. In the end, if life is not yet formed, then Masturbation can act as a "replacement therapy".

11. Ejaculation without sexual intercourse - is this normal?

Looked a picture in a magazine and came. This is no ejaculation, and spermatorrhea. This disease, caused by the sagging muscles surrounding the prostate gland. In General, this is a very advanced case of prostatitis.

12. Is it true that a man is easier to get an orgasm from oral sex than from genital?

It depends entirely on personal preference. The only thing to remember: Blowjob in the morning can lead to male anorgasmia. And generally any failure to comply with hygiene rules. In the oral cavity during the night, tend to accumulate bacteria, which not only lead to tooth decay. Getting into the urinary tract and the tubes that carry sperm men, these bacteria are perfectly reproduce, lead to inflammatory disease, adhesions... Then go back to question # 3. Go brush your teeth.

13. Does food men the taste of his sperm?

Sweets and fruits make it more delicious. Garlic spoils the taste and smell of semen. Inflammatory diseases of the genital organs can do the sperm bitter or disgusting fresh. So, if you feel something is wrong, you do not have to spare his feelings, better think about his health and honestly say: "Excellent! "


All about sex

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