Friday, May 2, 2014

Ask the subconscious

Ask the subconsciousWe often underestimate the role of the subconscious in our lives. But it helps to take us to the right decisions. The subconscious mind is always at work - regardless of whether we like it or not. And it is of great help to solve real problems!

One of the techniques of working with the subconscious mind is the technique of automatic writing. Today we will tell you how to use it to solve problems.

If you are suffering from the problem...

Problems occur in each of us. But to resolve them, you should arm yourself here:

- Solid confidence that the problem is solved

- A strong desire to solve it

And, of course, ways of finding the correct solution (one of the methods is the technique of automatic writing).

Is the only way. If you are in the shower not want to solve the problem, the miracle did not happen!

The technique of automatic writing

Step 1. Ask

Constantly ask yourself tantalizing question. Torture, torture, torture your subconscious! And it speaks.

It is best to prepare the questions, clearly defining what you want. Write down these questions and repeat them at any suitable time. The subconscious mind will quickly adjust to the problem. Most likely, you will understand when the problem is solved. It remains only to write down the answer!

Step 2. Recorded

You will need a sheet of paper and a pen. Sit down, think about your problem. And then start to write or draw whatever comes to mind. Do not read, just let yourself go with the flow, thinking about other things. You can not even look at the paper!

"It is as if the very written, I don't even understand how it happened," says Galina. A few months ago a friend invited her to England, but she has doubts. Then she applied the technique of automatic writing. First just drew something and then got distracted... and when she looked at the sheet, there was clearly displayed, "YES! "

Galina decided on a trip, and in England he met her future husband.

Automatic writing: important details

- High probability that the first session will not work. So spend sessions of automatic writing regularly - and you will receive a response!

- Take on the technique of automatic writing 15-20 minutes at least. A couple of minutes you nothing will. Our thinking is inert - that is why I have got something to ask.

- The solution may not come with the help of automatic writing, because you never know where the subconscious mind will manifest itself. Maybe you something to dream about, maybe you will find the answer, watching TV, maybe a week, maybe tomorrow!

Just know that the problem will be solved: you just have to be patient and look for the answer!


Beautiful and successful

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