Now, realizing, as they say, the scale of the disaster, it would be logical to ask: what is happening? Incomprehensible number of women most of the time, effort, emotions and intellectual capacity to spend for the invention of vaccines against diseases of the century, not in search of new sources of energy in terms of a limited number of natural resources in General, not something global and socially useful. They are constantly trying to arrange his personal life. Even when the beloved is barely inferior or wow so eventually found him still need to Tinker be healthy. Water-fed, as expected, to be alert, lest took less fortunate friends by gender, experience all sorts of crises and difficult moments in the relationship so that no one noticed that they were, and so on... in short, the hadron Collider will have to wait.
Is really such a big problem - this is the most personal life? Why in the twenty-first century, we in all other respects such clever and advanced polzovatelya, still did not find any simple and powerful means by which each coming in Mature age, would quickly be determined with love, to put it on good tracks and not grieve. Passed it from generation to generation through the maternal line, and that's it. I think those who are in this place sadly sigh: well, no, like, this, what can you do - frankly will Lukavac.
Oh, women! Monaragala ourselves...
Today, with his mother's milk we receive the truth, quite different from those that would have helped us feel confident in our feminine person and not nervous at every step, entering into relations with men, as melted ice on February the city pond. Of course, going on maternity style with a diagnosis you have, most likely, the girl, your mother hardly cursed his evil fate, podkiduvau her as the offspring of another future sufferer, forced sooner or later to go to the trouble of finding a suitable groom. But weaving you bows in fragile tresses, no-no and was thinking about whether or not fits tape and hair to hair: the girl should be neat, nice and care about their appearance. Because there are boys who already provide this kind of evaluation, and it should be how to compete. Now at about this time, and begin our long and arduous struggle for happiness, as if the mere fact of birth of a woman is so - so luck. So you have to compensate.
To get rid of this feeling in the future, not each. Moreover, few attempts. All my life there are only talks about who has what cavalier, which of the candidates better, how well or not so rushed (the word-then what? ) married. It's trickier and pooblastilno to altepetl in their own destiny, already built in the genre competition with all the previous experience of the female part of humanity. Someone up there who intrigue dividing us into two raviprakash, but different sex, probably never imagined that this could turn into a real war between the two camps for supremacy over each other, it is unclear to what end. Instead feel the main character of the movie is about love, which the whole universe moves toward and eventually naturally leads to a happy end, poor-poor Cinderella sweat for years, rubbing under his feet the floor, at the level of which is her self-esteem, and, incidentally, not very much hoping for a happy ending. Why? Yes, because life is not a fairy tale!
What is the "unlucky"
The most insulting, even as adults, Pomni and seemingly taking leave with their systems, we still from time to time attempts to shift responsibility for everything that happens in life,. Well who will turn up on that and we dump. Maybe I'm something revolutionary will say, at the risk of being pelted with stones of female solidarity, but I will say it anyway. A man is not guilty! Though he receives from us on the first number on with or without him, for the simple reason that he is a man. And the same one on which you spent the best years, and he is not appreciated, and he who thinks that he is the navel of the earth, although a finger does not hit for your well-being, and a charming slacker, and an old soldier, who does not know the words of love, and wildly crazy jealous, and quiet alcoholic. There is among them no one who has held you near a power and ushered in a cruel delusion, with a secret desire to patroit and throw. Because if you are so smart, being able to make such findings, and demand from you the corresponding. It's like blaming the guests you have invited to the gala dinner, and they'll all apartment defeated. It is reasonable to ask ourselves the question: carefully whether it was made the guest list? You can, of course, collecting the fragments of a loved one's service to invite them again. Like how fun it was. Case master. Because the mistress in his house and in his personal life - after all, you.
No need to be smart to understand how much enjoyable moments in the position of victim. This lack of commitment, and passive resting on its laurels accusations against fate or society, and the sweetness of slander and sarcasm about the arrogant and cunning, receiving its not too decent way. Yes what I'm here to tell! Podi, we take an elementary ability to be offended and childishly pouting lips, saying, come on, buddy, think, how to make amends. No ghostly happiness does not seem adequate substitute for such a fun way to get what you want, here and now. Only the truth that childhood behind. For we are no longer responsible "adults", they are not responsible for our well-being and positive emotions. It is time to start for themselves to answer.
Prepare yourself for the best
The topic is heavy and painful female fate sometimes becomes so obsessive that, but frankly over her laugh, nothing more remains. Whether we haunted the genetic memory of the violent past, in which Indian century was short, and Soflam Kovalevsky and Mariyam Curie without support from individual representatives of the stronger sex to realize it was more difficult than to make a scientific breakthrough. Whether the notorious Russian character, prone to unexplained differences between suspiciousness and rebelliousness - senseless and merciless, dictates the rules. Sometimes it seems that we just have fun. Here are mid-level managers like to shout songs on nature that artists rest in solitude. And we women need after a busy day at work, at parting batting an alarm expensive car and grozev on the floor of his apartment packages with food from a good supermarket, tinkle friend, Korotenko, hour and a half, "to suffer". And that HE does not love you, and does not deserve, and strongly poisons your existence... Like anything, if it's just a form of entertainment. Although the bottom of my heart still feel restless. And oddly. Do other activities I don't even want? But gradually it begins to be devoted most of his free time. Absolutely awful, if it becomes an automatic habit, and full guard, when you start to believe it. In fact, it's not just the comic page of your personal blog, and the reason to operativity really there, and not one, and that all this crying Yaroslavna - your real life. Because this is the case, where the famous "your life is what you think about it". Still neuro linguistic no wonder we were warned about what to program yourself by anything and utter besprovodnoy, and lucky flight over the boring routine. Especially if we are talking about such a thing as love.
To add to this I have nothing more. Except for one small but important observations. I don't know of any woman that could be called hopelessly unattractive, completely devoid of charm and lovely features, absolutely not adapted to life and devoid of gram capacity to grow, to breathe in deeply and smile in the morning at least own reflection. And that is enough to exclude from the list of scheduled tasks for the next five years the paragraph titled "deal with life". But I know many others unreasonably disappointed, angry at everyone and everything and are accustomed to think that this is normal. And I really hope that the first will still prevail over the second number.
Peregudova Yu
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