In the first days of the disease of the nose, as a rule, all "flows", but after 2-3 days the mucus begins to thicken, and the amount of discharge is reduced. If infectious rhinitis, then the child is fever, weakness, malaise. If noncommunicable, the child constantly sneezes, he itches his nose. In allergic rhinitis "agent" cold is the pollen, dander, dust. Vasomotor rhinitis occurs when the action of irritants, such as smoke, temperature change. Atrophic rhinitis often manifested by nasal congestion and dryness of the mucous membrane.
If a child sneezes and there are other symptoms of an infectious disease, to attend school is not necessary. First, the student may infect other children, and secondly, the possible serious complications such as otitis media and sinusitis (sinusitis, frontal sinusitis).
The mode of a sick child should depend on its condition. If there is a fever, weakness, nausea, aches in the bones, better not to get out from under the blankets. And if after a couple of days after the cessation of heat, the patient feels well, you can return to the normal mode of the day. The temperature in the room better support at the level of 20-21 ° C, frequent airing ease breathing and reduce the runny nose. Under normal (without complications) respiratory virus infections after 8-10 days the child may return to school, this time he was not contagious to others.
One of the manifestations of infection is often loss of appetite. If the child is not hungry, do not insist. Better try to make something of his favorite foods.
The diet of recovering the child should be rich in good digestible protein, vitamins, vegetable fats containing polyunsaturated fatty acids, phospholipids and vitamins b, C, E, And carotene.
In the acute period of the disease need more to drink.
The total volume of fluid per day must be not less than 100 ml/kg of body weight, in older children up to 2-2, 5 l/day. It can be fruit drinks, teas, and vegetable broths. A pronounced anti-inflammatory, antiviral action have many plants, because they have in their composition bioflavonoids, acids, vitamins, trace elements. Brew child tea, for example, from the herb St. John's wort, birch buds, chamomile flowers, calendula flowers, black currant leaves.
In the treatment of rhinitis the most important thing is to facilitate breathing through the nose. If nasal discharge is very strong, it is possible to drip vasoconstrictive drops. When choosing drops must take into account the age of the child and the right choice of the concentration of the solution. They can be used no more than 3-4 times a day and for no longer than three days. Does not irritate the mucous membrane of the nose saline (a one percent solution of sodium chloride), it can be used from the beginning of the disease, but it is especially effective during the period of thick mucus.
Nose "inside" has a complex structure. To drop into all the nasal passages and nasopharynx, it is better to bury in the supine position, with head thrown back, when the nostrils look up. More efficient use drops, and metered sprays, which irrigate the whole of the mucous membrane and in a vertical position. Some oral medications against colds (tablets, soluble powders), having in its composition sympathomimetics (phenylepherine, pseudoephedrine and antihistamines help to reduce mucus secretion. The composition of these complexes contain and antipyretic substances (usually paracetamol - approved for use in children), so the use of these drugs should be cautious and avoid using other antipyretics. Do not use drops with antibiotics for viral rhinitis, as for them, the child may develop an allergic reaction. Also it is not recommended to use oil drops - they sometimes cause lipid (fat) pneumonia.
If frequent nose blowing arose redness at the entrance to the nose, the upper lip, you can use the ointment mupirocin. It should be applied to irritated skin area very carefully so as not to get in eyes and nose.
We all remember grandmother's cure for the common cold. However, the clinical effect of mustard plasters, cupping, rubbing and has not been proven, they only cause vasodilatation of the skin. In addition, to determine when the mustard starts to burn the skin, is impossible, and allocated mustard volatile substances can cause asthma attack. But hot foot bath is a very effective tool. If the child has no temperature, let him sit on the edge of the tub and lowered her legs. Gradually filling the tub with hot water, make sure water thermometer that the temperature has not been above 41-42ºС. This extends the vessels of the legs and decreases edema of the upper respiratory tract. This procedure especially useful when false croup (laryngitis). Its duration should be no more than 15-20 minutes, after which the child should be put to bed, put his feet in wool socks and give a warm drink.
If possible, you can spend physiotherapy: quartz on the soles of the feet, in the UHF region of the nose.
To prevent colds, you can use bacterial lysates drugs, containing particles of microbial cells and improves local immunity. In addition, it is necessary to teach children to respect the rules of hygiene: after school, with a walk, the first thing to go in the bathroom to blow his nose and rinse the nose boiled water or sold in the pharmacy means.
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