Friday, May 2, 2014

Cheese biscuits

Cheese biscuitsCheese is rich in mineral salts that the body needs. Contains calcium and vitamin A (very necessary for skin). It is not surprising that today our selection of cheese biscuits. This recipe we got from our constant Log of the reader, which not only cooks well, but also has excellent taste in the culinary field.


- 200 g cheese

- 200 g plums. oil

- 200-300 g of flour

- 0, 5 teaspoon salt

- pepper

Method of preparation:

To him the oil, add salt, pepper, grated cheese and sifted flour. Knead the dough.

Then roll the dough into several rollers with a diameter of 1 cm, cut them into pieces with a length of 6-8 cm, to make a horseshoe (by the way, I was left with chopsticks). Optionally, sprinkle with sesame seeds.

Put on greased sheet, bake at moderate heat (10-15 minutes) until Golden brown.

On the note. Not too long in the oven, otherwise the cookies will get an unpleasant bitter taste.

More recipes you can find on the CookBook.


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