I would gladly talked with Ira at least every day, if... not her son. The boy is completely unmanaged, never sits still. It with the same passion tilt flower pots, feeding stray dogs and scares mom, swinging a two-meter stick. This year Cyril went in first grade, and his parents almost every day cause of school: on the lessons he is constantly spinning, interferes with other students at recess runs like clockwork along the corridor, smashing everything in its path... there is no dispute that the child should be noisy and restless because irrepressible curiosity and mobility help him to comprehend the world. But some "flowers of life" of its activity is able to keep his mind: they run, shout, dance, sing, and it is almost at the same time! And continuously: from morning till night. If your child is of such a hyperactive, try to captivate his sport. Apart from the undoubted health benefits sports section will help to educate him such useful qualities as perseverance, dedication, self-discipline, the ability to lose with dignity and to learn from their defeats. It would be nice if the child tried a few sports, and then stopped on the fact that he more than liked a. Just be sure to consider features of the imp is to really good!
Active fidget
Active children are eternal optimists, indefatigable researchers and visionaries. By nature they are given choleric temperament. This baby most of the day spent in the movement, preferring active games passive. But if he is seriously interested in pieces or puzzles - you will easily spend half an hour. Active child a lot and quickly says, asks a lot of questions, demanding answers to each. Its almost impossible to catch in a bad mood: just whined over a broken knee, but seeing a new car, he immediately forgot about the troubles! Such a child is able to control his behavior. For example, at home he is restless, and the school is quiet and docile. It is rarely the first to start a quarrel with peers, but if its hooked - can put the offender on the first number! This kid will fit sports training, where he will have a chance to vent excess energy and, most importantly, that they were to his liking. Football, swimming, acrobatics, martial arts - any type of motor activity develops coordination and agility. Choosing a sports club for their ORGANICA, pay close attention to the personality of the coach. Even the most popular sport can be damaging if your child will not find a common language with teacher. By the way, scientists have deduced a pattern: the more the child develops the ability to control your body, the faster and better he acquires knowledge in school. So sports will benefit not only his muscles but also the mind!
Hyperactive lively
Much harder to choose the partition for overactive child. Because of disorders of the nervous system it is difficult to control yourself: he is in constant motion, and even when you get tired, not able to stop the game. Egoza always fast and talks a lot, swallowing words, interrupting himself and his interlocutor. He asks a million questions, but rarely listens to answers. By and large, it's all the same what to do: throw things in his room or to bring it perfect order - the main thing is not to sit idly. To inspire these children team sports is not easy, because it is difficult to agree with fellow. But those kinds of physical activity, where important competitive moment, they really suit you! When selecting a partition pay attention to Cycling, swimming, athletics, skiing. For personality formation hyperactive child is equally important as winning the competition and defeat: he begins to understand that life is not always possible to be the winner of the. Tennis, rowing, sailing help to keep in check the turbulent temperament. Chess and checkers develop logic and are taught to plan their actions.
Little aggressor
Aggressive behavior of a child can be caused by many factors ranging from genetic failure, difficult birth and ending unhealthy climate in the family. Sometimes in the most happy family, loving parents growing home despot, having fun violation of parental prohibitions, fights and quarrels with classmates, tattered books and broken toys. To communicate with aggressive children is difficult, life is particularly hard for mom. Do not neglect the advice of experts - child psychologists and neurologists, as cope with small slicicami without professional help can be difficult. Such children cannot be left to engage in contact sports: wrestling, Boxing, and so forth. They are more suitable for tennis, when there is no direct physical contact with the enemy, but there is a chance to vent their aggression. Acrobatics, gymnastics, weightlifting (at an older age) can be a good sport fury, and the object of that emotion is not a contender, and sports equipment. Doing biathlon, skiing, snowboarding, child realizes their fighting qualities. Ill children, it is important to learn to show sensitivity and compassion. In this sense, a good equestrian.
Be ready for surprises!
The last word in the selection of sports mug must be for a child.
Not realizovyval your childhood dreams at the expense of the child. For example, if you dreamed of as a child to be a gymnast, not necessarily your daughter wants to do the same.
He refuses to continue the visit section for no apparent reason? Maybe there was a conflict about which son or daughter does not want to tell.
You suspect that he just lazy? If the health of the child does not crash, it does not want to walk in this section, while others visit the clubs with pleasure, - probably it is because of the lack of interest in this sport. Hence laziness and unwillingness to deal with.
If your child within a few years changed a number of sports clubs, don't worry: the more he will visit the sections, the more developed will be in a physical relationship.
Does he need a psychologist?
Tatiana Mikheenko, child and family psychologist
Often parents overactive children are not in a hurry to seek help from the experts, and it is in vain! These kids need psychological adjustment, and the sooner it happens, the faster the child, and everyone around you will feel the comfort from mutual communication. Ideally this should be done when the baby was 4 years old. You hope that your parental love will help him to change? Maybe it will happen. If in 10-12 years aggressiveness, on the contrary, increased, you definitely need to consult a neurologist and a child psychologist! In adolescence to cope with hyperactivity is more complicated.
Yaroslav Kudryavtseva
senior editor of
My friend in the morning and in the evening take his four-year-old Nikita for a jog around the stadium.
No, he had not predicted a great future athlete. Ira was sure: if this is not done, son-lively'll bring all. It seemed to me that she parahybae stick - until I became a mother. When Kate learned to walk, the dog dug under the sofa, and cowed by the cat settled in the closet. We, the adults took their usual state of low start - nimble little was everywhere and she liked to climb higher and, preferably, jump down. And when my daughter started attending kindergarten, I tried to proshmygnet along the corridor, as a mouse, not to meet parents of other children and the teacher. Katya never complained that it hurt, but. claimed: "Surrender I always give first! " And the day she flatly refused to sleep, causing the other children to live entertainment. School diary was filled remarks: "All the time spinning, prevents other", "Runs, knocking teachers". My father is a psychiatrist insisted: granddaughter need to actively engage in sports... at First there were different types of dance, aerobics, then Aikido, then swimming. The child was noticeably calmer, from the diary disappeared observations on the behavior of. I've learned from Ira - now in the evenings, Katya and roller-skating. To prevent.
Exercise for phlegmatic
They sometimes irritate their parents excessive slowness. Yes and the exercise they do not like, especially those sports that involve speed competition and the speed of reaction. You are not angry with the sluggishness of your baby, because it's not his fault that nature has not endowed him with the gift to do several things at once, and quickly! Help him to show their best qualities and to adapt to life.
Slow children need to play sports: swimming, chess, checkers, shaping is quite suitable to them in temperament. Saintereso your child the types that allow you to develop your muscles. Buy a home trainer, dumbbells, fitball - then the son or daughter would be happy to do exercises at home. Perfect for children-phlegmatic - daily walks or Jogging in the fresh air. When the child grows up, suggest him to do yoga.
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