Any mother rejoices when the child has a good mood and have the power to communicate, running around in the yard and cute antics. And, of course, should any pupil whose energy brims over, be classified as patients with disorders or diseases of the nervous system. If children are sometimes stubborn or disobey, "up" at night or Wake up the crack of dawn, to worry is not worth it.
But sometimes temper, distraction, impulsivity and vzvinchennost take a chronic form.
The syndrome of attention deficit hyperactivity disorder is one of the forms of minimal brain dysfunction, that is very easy insufficiency of the brain. This dysfunction is associated with damage to the frontal cerebral cortex and subcortical structures of the brain, which could occur not only in infancy or during the birth process, but even in the womb.
How to recognize the disease?
If in a family where the child is growing up, and an atmosphere of peace, comfort and understanding, hyperactivity may from time to time and not show up. However, getting into school conditions, where many external stimuli, the baby starts to show the whole set of symptoms of ADHD: inattention, activity, talkativeness, speech defects, nervous tics, dysgraphia (problems with writing), dyslexia (problems with reading), dyscalculia (problems with the bill), and sometimes retarded mental development.
In a healthy child's ability to focus and self-control may vary depending on mood and well-being. Usually he calmly behaves in the classroom and only sometimes, realistici, can run through the class when the lesson has already begun, or senectutis and skip the question teachers on deaf ears.
Hyperactive student always "opened" and the restless. He can listen to what you say adults, only a very short time, from 5 to 15 minutes. Then his brain needs about 7 minutes to save energy for the next working cycle. At this point, the child seemed to fall out of reality. He does not pay attention to what is happening in the class, spinning, spinning, swinging his arms, maybe unconsciously, to take any action.
When a child with ADHD is left alone, it becomes sluggish, sleepy, Gad around, repeating some monotonous actions. To maintain the activity he needs the interaction with other people. However, in school, when the teacher requires constant concentration and active participation in class, hyperactive student perevozbujdenia and quickly loses efficiency.
Do not think that the diagnosis of "hyperactivity" means low intelligence. The child may be very gifted and intellectually advanced. However, hyperactivity interferes with his ability to open up fully.
In adolescence, children with ADHD often become aggressive, poorly managed. They have an inclination for different offences, the desire to join any group.
First of all, parents suspecting their child such violations, in whatever age it may have happened, should consult a doctor, a neurologist and to conduct a survey, sometimes under the guise of ADHD hide other, more serious diseases.
Usually the examination is held in three stages. In the first stage, the doctor assesses the child's behavior on the basis of generally accepted diagnostic criteria. In addition, he detailed asks parents about aspects of pregnancy and childbirth, brought the child diseases, about his behavior. Collects detailed family history.
Then the number of errors made by the child when performing special tests, and by the time that he spent, measured parameters to the care of a schoolboy.
In the third phase, conduct EEG research. Using electrodes, superimposed on the head, recorded electric potentials of the brain and identified pathological changes. It is necessary for an objective assessment of a child's brain.
There are more modern methods of research using magnetic resonance imaging. Fear them not worth it - they are harmless and painless. On set of the obtained results, the doctor will put the child's diagnosis.
Today, ADHD is often treated with drugs nootropic series. To prescribe such medications and to determine the pattern of use can only be a doctor.
Do not forget that the treatment of attention deficit disorder with hyperactivity should be comprehensive, i.e. it should include both medication and psychological help to the student.
Ideally, the child should be observed and a pediatric neurologist and the psychologist. In addition, for a little patient it is very important to feel the support of parents and their faith in a positive outcome.
Psychologists advise:
- To respect the student, take it the way it is. Be realistic in your expectations and requirements.
- If a child learns in the early grades, help him to establish a process of preparation of homework. This includes the organization of the workplace, and refinement of the schedule and sequencing prep. To start homework after an hour or two after returning from school. In no case do not give the child extra homework. Do not alter together with him cool. If necessary, just make mistakes.
- Keep the house clear schedule. Day by day, meal times, homework and sleep must comply with this schedule. That the child did not forget about important matters (to visit the clinic or lesson, tutor in English), attach to it a table lamp or refrigerator colored pieces of paper, stickers reminder.
- Avoid frequent repetition of the words "not" and "cannot" in conversation with the child.
- Speak with the student discreetly, quietly, gently. Ask about the same and your child's teachers.
In a certain period of time let the student only one job, so he could finish. Break long assignments into shorter ones.
- Avoid places of a mass congestion of people. Stay in large stores, markets, restaurants provides a hyperactive child overly stimulating effect.
- Encourage student for all activities requiring concentration: reading, participation in Board games, homework.
In the relationship with the child, adhere to the "positive model". Praise him every time he deserved it, focus on his successes. This will help students believe in themselves.
- Give the child a chance to vent their energy. Daily exercise in the fresh air, long walks, running, sports school will benefit any student.
- Keep a little patient from overwork, because it reduces self-control and increase hyperactivity.
Causes of disease
- General deterioration of the environmental situation.
Diseases and injuries of the mother during pregnancy.
- Injuries during childbirth.
- Any disease of infants with high fever and taking potent drugs.
- Asthma, pneumonia, heart failure, diabetes, kidney disease may act as factors that disrupt the normal functioning of the brain.
Goncharenko O., pediatric neurologist
The health of the schoolchild
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