Saturday, May 3, 2014

Children gymnastics

Children gymnasticsMorning exercise helps the body to finally Wake up, stretch all the muscles and joints after sleep, get ready for the day. Join your child and the beginning of the day will certainly be happier!

The usual set of exercises consists of exercises that are selected in a way to engage all muscle groups. Not necessarily (in fact - not desirable! ) to perform all of the exercises listed below. Remember that the pace of the exercise (as well as the number, complexity, number of retries, and so on) is an individual matter, focus on breathing, which should be free and smooth. By the way, it is good to include in a morning program special breathing exercises to relax and restore breathing.

Regarding the issue of clothing and footwear. The main thing is that she is not embarrassed movements. Perfect - t-shirt and panties or shorts, legs - socks (if you cannot do without them).

Exercise before Breakfast, in a well-ventilated room.

Exercises for head


Circular head movements clockwise and counterclockwise. The head turns left and right.

I am the owl,

Great head.

VLO right I admire

For meserete of genus"

"Left-right look"

Turning their heads left and right easy to achieve, if requested to hang pictures or toys around the room, and then bring them to the attention of the child: "Look to the left (on the door), there...., look to your right, there...."

Exercises for the arms and shoulder girdle

"Circular motion with hands"

Often children like to repeat the movement for adults. Straight arm pull ahead, make circular motions with hands on counterclockwise. In Cams can hold small toys, bottle caps bottles, acorns, etc.


"Boxing" can be done lying, sitting or standing. Child hands grabs the thumbs of your hands, rings from pyramid or soft toys. Make the movement as boxers. In conclusion, gently put his arms raised to his head, pulling forward and drop down.

"Show of hands"

Initial position (IP): standing, with her legs slightly apart, hands down.

Ask the child to stretch out both hands, palms up - "Show of hands", then hide behind the "Hide hands. On her hands wear gloves, mittens or doll finger puppet theatre.

"Grow big"

IE the same. Reach up, raising his hands. You can stand on tiptoes. Reach the sky, grow big, reach for toys, tied on a string...

're sweeping the floor

The child goes, slightly leaning forward, and makes a hand motion, simulating the sweeping of the floor. For persuasiveness can take a whisk or even a broom on the floor and scatter the parts of the designer or the jammed paper.


Front, left-right "catch" gnats. The child may try to catch the cotton paper bow on a string, easy toy on a string, tied the cloth fabric.

Circular motion with his hands, raising the hands to the shoulders and everything you can remember from the lessons of physical culture...

Exercises for trunk (strengthening the abdominal and back muscles)

"Sitting down"

IP: lying on back, legs straight, arms along the body.

Options exercises:

- Holding the legs in knees, ask the child to sit and then lie down. For starters, you can help, supporting for one or the other handle.

Is rising, the need to take my mom to the ball. Mother stands to the side, each time bending down less, offering the child more and more to reach up to the ball.

Leg raises lying down

IP: lying on back, legs straight, arms along the body.

Options exercises:

Bright balloon to hold up over the baby's legs at a height of 20-25 cm for my child to raise your legs at a right angle and knock the ball out of his hands. Make sure that the child is pushed up both legs.

Game air soccer. The child bends his knees and presses them to his chest, and then extends and lifts up, knocking the air the ball out of the hands of his mother.

Collect kicks

For exercise will need toys of different sizes and box (container for toys) than the average value.

IE: sitting, hands to rest against the floor behind him. On the one hand, the child in the feet box, the other spread out toys.

You need feet to grab the toys one by one, to lift up and carry it in a box. Legs should be straight, make sure that the child is not bent knees.

The number of toys to increase gradually from 5 to 10.


IE: on my knees, hands lowered down or raised up.

Take first left (hands at this time to divert to the right), then on the right (your left hand). Play "one-poly" or tumbler.

"The trees sway"

IE: standing, legs apart, hands down.

Tilts to the right, then left, as the trees sway in the wind. It is desirable that the hands were relaxed and motionless, but they can also be lifted up, creating a "crown of the tree".

"High-speed aircraft"

IE: standing, feet together, arms to breed and raise to shoulder height.

Hand - wing aircraft, they cannot be omitted. And now in flight! You can tilt left and right to turn, walk, or run. For more similarity child can buzz during the "flight".

The slopes

IE: standing, feet shoulder width apart, hands raised up, keep the toy, ball or folded in four rope.

Performed torso left and right.

"Tug of war"

IE: sitting on the floor facing each other, hold hands.

Mother and child perform tilts back and forth, taking turns bending your knees. Adjust the load on the back.

� �
Collect toys

The child sits on the lap of mother back to her. On the floor scattered small toys. Bending over, the child picks up and collects his hands toys, adds any capacity. Help your child make up.


IP: standing on all fours.

On account 1-2 depict affectionate cat (bend back down, chin up, arms straight); on account of 3-4 depict an angry cat (arching the back arch up, chin pressed to his chest, arms straight). Breathing arbitrary. Closer to 3 years "affectionate cat" - breath, "angry" - an exhalation. Exercise performed 5-6 times.

Roll the ball lying

IP: lying on his stomach next to each other (at a distance of one meter). Tearing chest and elbows from the floor, roll the ball to each other.

Leg exercises

"Was a little"

IE: standing upright, with her legs slightly apart, hands down.

Low squats - became small, then gets up - "was great".

"Hide and seek from behind the chair"

Child crouches ("hiding") and straightens up, holding onto the back of a small chair.

"Rock's foot"

The child is standing, with one hand grasping the back of a chair. Shaking his leg (farthest from the chair back and forth. He turns and shakes his other leg. You can swing a leg toy.


The child sits, legs bent at the knees, arms, leans back. Raises the pelvis from the floor, sending tummies up. Then, take turns turning over "legs" will begin to move.


IP: lying on the back. If possible, hands behind her head, elbows pressed to the floor.

Perform circular motion foot forward 7-8 times.


IP: lying on the back.

Perform lifting and crossing straight legs 3-4 times.


IE: standing facing each other, hold hands, feet at shoulder width.

Options exercises:

- To stand on tiptoes to return to IE, to get back on the heels, lift your toes up, go back to IE. Exercise it is better to perform barefoot. Repeat 5-8 times.

- Alternately with the baby squat. Make sure that the angle at the knees bent straight.

"Pass the ball with one's feet"

IP: lying on the back. The child holds the ball of the feet. Need to elongated legs to pass the ball to the mother. Repeat 5-8 times, as high as possible picking up a ball.

Roll foot ball

Sitting on the chair to roll a small ball feet (alternately one and the second leg).


The kid squats on the squat and in this position small steps makes the journey all over the apartment (goose step). To complicate the task, the kid can walk to stretch hands forward. This exercise strengthens the muscles of the legs.


The mother holds the baby's legs, and he walks, leaning on his hands. So the gardener wheels in front of a truck. A more complex option is to move along a winding path or path with obstacles from soft small items (pereshagivat their palms).

Exercises for legs forming a right walking

Walking the "narrow path"

On the floor mark the track width of 30 cm (ropes, tape). In the future, the track should gradually narrow to 20-10 see Ask the child to pass through it while maintaining balance.

Options exercises:

passing along a "track", putting a leg over leg;

- raise one leg and stand up for a few seconds;

- walking with a bag on his head. For this exercise you will need a small bag filled with something loose (salt, barley etc);

to walk sideways on the "narrow path" small shaky steps (teach your child well and can move in the right and left side);

walking and Jogging on the fingers ("socks");

walking on heels;

- walking with obstacles (over cubes, sticks, rope lying on the floor);

- walk on the outside of the foot (But not on the inside! Instructors therapy pay special attention parents that walk on the inner side of the foot should not be performed by children under 3 years of age, and children of any age with a diagnosis of flat feet).

Pay attention to the position of the feet during walking: a base line must pass through the heel and the second finger, the inner edge of the foot slightly raised.

"Pareshani through the string"

Two chairs, standing at some distance from each other, tie a rope at a height of 10 - 15 cm from the floor. In one of the chairs, which will mark the finish line, put "prize".

The child sits on the chair. At your signal, he gets up and goes to the rope, steps over her, then turns and again steps over the rope and so on, until thus the entire length of the rope. At the finish of the kid takes a well-deserved reward.

Balance exercises

Walking on an inclined bench

Strengthen gymnastic bench, or a long Board, lifting one end at a height of 20-25 cm Ask the child to go on the bench up, turn around and go down. First, help your child, supporting him by the hand.

Exercises with the ball

"Look at the ball"

IE: standing, legs apart, in a lowered hand - ball.

Raise the ball above his head, watching us with a look.

"Squat with a ball"

IE: standing in the lowered hand - ball.

Sit down, touch the ball floor, then go back to IE.

"Repel the ball with his hands"

IE: standing, with her legs slightly apart, hands down.

Stand in front and keeping the ball on the one hand, ask the child to push him.

Throwing small balls in the goal to catch the ball large.... All games with balls like children.

After gymnastics we go to water procedures. Just a couple of minutes and energize You and Your baby provided for the whole day. And the next day you have prepared so many interesting....


Andrushko E.


Margarita - world moms

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