Teresa Tapp - founder and izobretatelnie system t-Tapp. She is an experienced specialist, because it has a job coach, a sports physiologist and nutritionist. For many years she worked with the world's leading model agencies as a scout, seeking new faces, and then as a coach for models. Itself Teresa knows firsthand how important it is for the modern women to save for a long time good physical shape, while not spending the lion's share of free time on exhausting exercises and not exposing body injury when running is not the most simple acrobatic figures.
That's why Teresa was born the idea to focus their experience and to create a program that could deal with people with a good physical preparation and newcomers. The program, which would be physiologic for the spine and all of the muscle groups, which would help intensively to reduce the volume of the body, while taking no more than 40 minutes a day, and would give intense aerobic load, without causing shortness of breath and severe fatigue.
For best effect, it is very important to select the best course of exercises, the first 7-10 days to perform them regularly, and then, depending on what size you want to achieve, to exercise for 4-6 weeks through the day. After achieving the desired result, to maintain the forms continue to train twice a week.
The basis of good figure - nutrition
This is no less important and to eat right. Teresa Tapp to improve the results of its exercise does not require any serious dietary restrictions, but suggests that it is necessary to strike a balance of carbohydrates, proteins and fats.
So, the daily diet should on average for girls should consist of 55% carbohydrates, 30% protein and 15% fats. As you know, carbohydrates are divided into "useful" and "useless". To "useful" includes all natural carbohydrates, such as vegetables, fruits, cereals. To "useless" - industrial: sweets, flour, bakery products. To preserve symmetry, Teresa recommends the use of "useless" carbohydrates are not more often than once in three days, not trying to suck on those all 55% of allowed each day carbohydrates.
Toned buttocks
Starting position: lying on your side, hand propping the head. It is important to observe the correct position of the reference and the working parties. The thigh relative to the body should create a right angle, a right angle at the knee and in the ratio of foot/ankle. Put your hand labor hand on the back of the thigh working his legs and gently press: this will help the hip in the correct position.
1. retaining angles, raise the working leg as high as you can, while trying to keep the hip, foot and knee parallel pivot foot. Make 24 slow rise of the working leg, while lowering it, in any case not supremacies knees. Once you make 24 lifting, not resting, move on to the next part of the exercise.
2. Keeping all angles and working the leg parallel to the support, raise the knee of the working leg to the chest. Repeat the exercise at a slow pace for 15 times.
3. Again, without interruption and without changing the position of the feet, proceed to the third stage of the exercise. Not touching knees, Prytania the knee of the working leg as close to your chest and then pull the working leg, not touching the floor and stretched out, leg formed a straight line with the trunk, and only the foot continues to maintain a right angle with the tibia. Repeat this part of the exercise 15 times.
4. Again, not resting, assume the starting position and do the 15 very fast low rise of the working leg as in the first part of the exercise, with the only difference that in the first part of the leg had to raise the maximum high and slow, and now rises should be short and quick. Relax and repeat the exercise with the other leg.
Flat stomach
Starting position: lying on your back, pull your knees to your chest, holding them with his hands. Then slightly spread knees apart and slightly pushing them from the chest, so to keep the kneecap completely straight, stretch your arms out.
1. Straining the abdominal muscles, tighten the muscles of the buttocks up not lifting the buttocks. and count to 4-H. Your back should be at this point is completely flat and the spine is almost completely along the entire length to rest against the floor.
2. Maintaining this position, place your hands on your belly, and then lower the knee at 30 degrees below the hip joint. Squeeze the buttocks, tighten your abdomen, and, in this position, keep your knees together.
3. Then slowly spread her knees, returning to the previous position. Now raise your buttocks and slowly, using the abdominal muscles, pull your knees to shoulders, and then set them back to their previous position. Repeat the exercise 10 times.
Impeccable hand
Starting position: standing, feet shoulder-width apart, arms raised to the sides parallel to the floor, hands clenched in a fist. Now try to deploy the most hands elbows forward. And keep that position.
Knees slightly bend, head and shoulders slightly bend forward, elbows maximum forward. Bend your elbows, straining the muscles of the arms, when you bend them to the end, fists should be exactly in the armpits. Return the hands to the starting position parallel to the floor, then slowly lower at the seams and again slowly return to its original position parallel to the floor. Repeat the exercise 20 times.
Doing this simple exercise three times a week for a month, you will notice the result, because your body will quickly become harder.
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