Wednesday, June 25, 2014

TOP 5: the most effective mono

TOP 5: the most effective monoNutritionists recognize the incredible efficiency mono-diet, allowing you to shed a few pounds in just a couple of days, but I warn you: stay in one product can be no more than three days.

You can also arrange fasting monogeny once a week or a month. To do it more often is not recommended, otherwise you run the risk of getting health problems and that it is especially annoying to gain weight faster than you lost it.

And don't forget that the mono-diet, as with any diet, you need to prepare is to gradually reduce your diet and switch to lighter products prior to and also gradually return to normal power mode at the end of the mono.

Rice mono-diet

The rice diet is perhaps the most popular of all mono-diet. Rice is not only delicious and useful product, but also an excellent absorbent, deducing from an organism of salt, toxins and other harmful substances. This means that using the rice diet you will not only lose weight but also cleanses the body. It is best to eat unpolished rice: it has more vitamins and nutrients. Those who often resorted to rice diets, doctors are advised to take the drugs with potassium to this item remained in the body in sufficient quantity.

Scheme rice mono-diet is simple: eat the rice in small portions at regular intervals of time. One of the most effective options to eat for the day Cup of steamed rice small equal portions, drank Apple juice. Beginners are allowed to eat per day is also two or three small Apple. If you didn't believe that extremism, add to the rice, a little soy, steamed vegetables, or lean meats.

Buckwheat mono-diet

How to lose weight with buckwheat? Easy! Within three days buckwheat mono you should eat a small pot of buckwheat porridge. Prepare it in the evening: pour the cleaned barley boiling water (two cups will need about half a liter) and cook on high heat for five minutes. Then wrap with a towel and leave on overnight.

In the morning 30 minutes before Breakfast drink a glass of warm water. Divide the finished porridge into 4 pieces and eat one quarter, sipped freshly squeezed carrot or tomato juice. After three or four hours after Breakfast eat one-fourth of cereal and get drunk pumpkin or cabbage juice. The remaining two parts will eat during the evening. You can drink water, tea without sugar or yogurt. Last Cup of yogurt can be enjoyed for 40 minutes before bedtime. After three days you're the reed!

Kefir mono-diet

Kefir monodiets pure form is a real test of strength, so it is better not to fast three days in a row, and to arrange once a week unloading kefir days. Your task for the day is to drink a half liter of low-fat yogurt for five or six receptions. Lightly sweeten life, you can use fruits or vegetables, but they should be no more than 500 g per day!

Chocolate mono-diet

Chocolate mono has two considerable advantages. First, you're in for three days can with a clear conscience is your favorite product. Secondly, chocolate and coffee are so high in calories that you practically will not experience hunger. The schedule is as follows:

Breakfast: bitter dark chocolate (half hundred-gramme tiles), a Cup of coffee without sugar with skim milk.

2-nd Breakfast: black coffee without sugar (1 Cup) skim milk.

Lunch: chocolate (half hundred-gramme tiles) and a Cup of black coffee with skim milk.

Afternoon tea: coffee with milk (1 Cup), a quarter of a hundred-gramme chocolate bar.

Dinner: coffee with milk (1 Cup), a quarter of a hundred-gramme chocolate bar.

After such a "sweet" days of chocolate you for a long time do not want!

Cucumber mono-diet

Mono-diet on cucumber cleanses the intestines, removes toxins from the body and perfectly stimulates the metabolism.

By the way, cucumber is also a great diuretic, eliminates swelling and swelling. During cucumber mono for Breakfast, lunch and dinner you have to eat a salad with two cucumbers with sour cream, seasoned with herbs.

You can add salt-pepper to taste and eat a piece of black bread. After that Cup of coffee or tea. An hour before bedtime can eat an Apple or other favorite fruit. And don't forget that cucumbers can make a great face mask!



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