My notes written especially for those families with two children, because it is a necessary condition in order to obtain a new and unexpected experience. The experience that comes with the birth of a third child. You can say that in this special, two times we have had this! And will be wrong because the wait and the emergence of a third child are associated with particular emotions, sensations and effects. Will explain everything in order.
A conscious decision
If the first child may receive unplaned, the second is the result of a careful selection of the right moment, the third always appears "because we want to care about another baby." Add to this the fact that by this time the parents have enough feelings, money, energy and knowledge to give this child everything for its harmonious development. Is it risky? Yes, from the point of view of medicine third child appears often in the age of "thirty", which doctors have already referred to the risk zone. But in order to relieve anxiety there are modern methods of medical diagnostics.
The long-awaited two strips
Since the decision is your relationship with your husband change: now you two sidekick, you share a common purpose. By the way, and the sex takes on new meaning and intrigue. Intrigue, which allowed some early morning "YES! Two strips on the test! Turned out to be! " I swear, life is not so many things that can be so emotionally explosive, as the news of a third pregnancy.
Sweet anticipation
To this pregnancy you are already an experienced mom who can no panic to perceive the symptoms of his position. You really know what you should pay attention to, and where doctors are reinsured. You understand that the most difficult thing to survive the first three months, and then the body adapts to the load, and you will feel surprisingly easy. This is a special nine months of your life, the months of waiting, a special tenderness and protection, who gladly shows the father of the unborn child. And what happened to the embarrassment associated with a big belly? As a rule, mothers, pending third child, proud of their pregnancy.
You now special
Yes, you now special because mothers of many children is not a lot. Maybe you even atypical children. Why don't you tortured life and do not suffer from excess weight? Because the third child is expected pleasure from everyday worries. Night feeding, cutting teeth, baby tears? With the third child is not annoying. Can you become experienced parents or perhaps by now you simply understand that it is worth to appreciate in life? The only regrettable that the child is growing up too fast.
Harmonious family system
Paradoxically, with the birth of a third child, you have more freedom. Three is a system, which itself is organized. If earlier you had something special to think, to simply be able to run to the pharmacy for medication, which was prescribed by the doctor, now duties are redistributed, and the husband and kids more involved in the organization of everyday life and leisure, becomes less whims and excessive demands. Finally, you and your husband can afford not to be perfect parents, but simply "good enough". Any of hyperopic (time and attention must be divided into three), the more trust you will have some responsibilities delegated to catch everything) and independence (you'd be surprised how skilled helper can be a four-year-old child), less competition (energy is spent not on jealousy, and anxiety).
With the third child does not need to sacrifice, you can even work, organizing coming home staff or discover that it is time for Hobbies, weekly pool or English lessons. Apparently, there is something mystically harmonic number THREE, which stabilizes the family system. Add to the curiosity of the researcher, when you can watch as they grow, so different your children, and to enjoy the fullness of life, awareness of the uniqueness and completeness of your family. Perhaps, the role of mothers is worth it all to the test.
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