It would seem that summer has ended, the sun doesn't Shine and, hence, our hair is not in danger of fading and dryness. You could relax, but experts warn that winter is even more insidious season, preparing a lot of testing on our heads. A reason even living in warm climates stars like Jennifer aniston or Cameron Diaz with the advent calendar California "cold" take additional measures. Hydrating mask every three days, head massage, refusal straightening flat irons and measured using styling - that's not all the rules that follow celebrities. Doing the right thing - and here's why.
Great drought
The main winter issue of hair - dryness. The dryers we use more often and more active than in summer, and, as a consequence, regularly persusive strands. Complicating the situation moves from warm areas on the street cold and back. Temperature contrasts - the real test, which cannot be avoided. However, you can minimize the damage. For the beginning try to give up hot flat irons, so as not to injure the already weakened hair. And careful with Hairdryer. It is no coincidence, Chris McMillan, who personal stylist Jennifer aniston for 10 years, insisted that once a week she let the hair dry naturally. According to Chris, in a month, the condition of the hair much better.
Of course, just abandon the dryer is unrealistic. Using it, try to dry your hair with a "cold" mode. It will take a little more time, but the damage will be less. But the main thing is to find the best Arsenal of hair care products.
The right choice
Do not be lazy to switch from regular shampoo and conditioner moisturizing, even if you think you have no problems. Do it as a preventative measure and achieve outstanding results.
Once a week is not excessive will be to use a special shampoo for deep cleansing of hair and scalp. Eliminating excess styling tool will help the hair literally struggled for breath. So they will be easier to fully absorb components nourishing and moisturizing masks - another winter "musthave".
On the advice of experts, try, apply the mask in the shower under the action of a pair of useful components as deeply penetrate into the hair. Rinse the tool slightly cool (in any case not hot! water. This will help to close the hair scales, securely sealed in the moisture. Hair will Shine and will become live without a hint of dullness. To further strengthen the Shine will help special funds for Shine to hair.
Natural products
Despite the enormous choice of products for hair, top stylists are increasingly recommended to experiment with homemade recipes. The easiest way to put on strands of olive oil, wrap your head with a towel for a few hours before washing. The result is a silky mane. Can be a little harder recipe, adding to the oil avocado pulp and beaten egg. It is even more nutritious mix that in between visits Hollywood salons pampered my hair Cameron Diaz. In contrast, demi Moore relies on castor oil, which is every ten days before shampooing. The actress says that oil is the surest way to make your hair shiny. The main thing - a little heat it before use, to enhance the beneficial properties.
Important stuff
If you dye your hair every two or three months, try to visit the stylist before the onset of winter. Staining - stress to the hair. Cold and the temperature drops many times intensified.
High humidity in autumn and winter often makes unruly hair, making them ugly jammed. To cope with this problem, choose a special smoothing shampoos and conditioners. If you need to urgently remove the "fluff", as appropriate styling tools are not at hand, take a drop of vaseline or light fluid for face, gently RUB in palms and slide through the hair.
Due to the fact that in the cold, we begin to wear hats, hair electrify much more. Before you go outside, apply a little paint directly on the comb and gently walk her locks.
Regularly use balms and serums for split ends. If such tools at hand was not, use the recipe Gwen Stefani. Before washing hair, literally half an hour, singer, and concurrently also a young mother deals on the tips of the ordinary baby cream. With mild formula, he efficiently moisturizes and smoothes split hair.
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