Sunday, June 1, 2014

Saving hair from falling out

Saving hair from falling outMany do not know firsthand how scary the lump of hair on the comb. And when the ball turns into a solid lump, starts panicking. But not all so tragic: the fact that hair loss is a daily process, which, depending on many factors, it may become a little more abundant. And in this case, don't be panic. How to distinguish between "situational" fallout from the beginning of a serious illness - alopecia - and how to stop falling out, we told the dermatologist Institute of psoriasis and chronic dermatoses Kuzma Hobza.

Find out the reasons

For reasons that can cause intermittent (short-term) loss of hair include:

- stress (short but intense or "chronic");

- stay in freezing temperatures without headgear;

- frequent blow-drying, perming;

- the use of poor-quality hair dyes;

the deficiency of some micronutrients (iron, zinc, manganese, selenium);

flu, sore throat or any other infection, which increased the temperature to 39 °;

- administration of certain medications (antibiotics, anticonvulsants, beta-blockers, anticoagulants, neuroleptics);

- hormonal change in women (associated with pregnancy, childbirth and breastfeeding) as well as the disruption of androgen-oestrogen balance (the so-called male menopause) in men.

All these factors lead to transient diffuse hair loss that occurs 3-4 months after the adverse impact. It can be time to pause before the hair loss becomes noticeable. The main thing is to clearly understand the cause, correct it, and the vessels of the skin will quickly return to normal. But even with diffuse hair loss you need to be alert, because it may be the early stage of alopecia, which is extremely difficult to suspend. The most common type of hair loss is androgenetic alopecia, which is caused by the increased sensitivity of the hair follicle cells to male sex hormones (androgens). When hair loss occurs in waves, alternating with periods of silence. Often this is combined with increased activity of the sebaceous glands. Often alopecia is age character. The women 40-55 years is a decrease in the level of female sex hormones, which increased the life cycle of the hair. In addition, during the menopause increases the effect of androgens and hair begins to fall out.

Facts about hair

Each hair follicle goes through several life phases, one of which is hair loss. And this is absolutely necessary in order to make room for a new, strong hair. Normal 85% of hairs are in the growth phase, and 15% in phase deposition. The 15% is equivalent to approximately 100 hairs per day. This is a normal amount of lost hair. But how to verify that fits your wad on the comb in norm or not? Not to count the hairs on the comb, there is a simple test that assesses the degree of hair loss:

Step 1. Pick up some fallen hair and look at them. If the tip is no dark rounded bulbs, all right - the hair can be simply broken. If it is, proceed to the next step.

Step 2. Before the next hair washing (break at least 3 days) pull a small section of hair at the temples and crown. If every time after you do, the hand will remain five or more hair - Yes, indeed, there was a problem and it's time to sound the alarm!

Treat your hair at home

Butter. Well restores the hair burdock oil. Add 2-3 drops of lemon juice, mix thoroughly, heat in a water bath and massage into scalp. The mask, leave on hair for 2 hours, then rinse with warm water, adding Apple cider vinegar or lemon juice at the rate of 1 tablespoon to 1 liter of water. To make this mask you need at least once in 2 weeks.

RUB burdock. Take 40 g of burdock root and 2 cups water. Burdock root RUB on a small grater. Water boil, pour it grated burdock root. Let stand 20 minutes then put on a small fire, bring to the boil and cook until the volume of liquid is reduced by half. The broth put to infuse in a warm place. RUB the mixture into your scalp several times a week.

Avitaminosis. Take 1 ampoule of vitamin D, 2 tbsp. of castor oil, 3 egg yolks. Combine vitamin D with castor oil. To strengthen the hair RUB the mask into your scalp and soak for 15 minutes Rinse with warm water, then wash your hair mashed yolks. Carry out the procedure 3 days in a row, take a break for a week and repeat the course.

Add the spice girl. Pepper mask has an irritating effect and stimulates circulation in the scalp. For its preparation make a tincture spicy chilli vodka (during the week insist), RUB into the scalp, wrap yourself in a towel for 20 minutes, then rinse with shampoo. Repeat this procedure once a week for two months.

For the people's councils would like to thank the naturopath Elena, Svitko and head of the school of "Natural health" Vladimir Shulik.

Personal experience

Marina Sitnik, 27 years old, Kiev: "After long-term treatment with potent antibiotics and other medications, I noticed how rapidly began to lose its lush hair. Hair was everywhere - pieces on the comb in the bathroom after washing them, on the floor. I realized an urgent need to do something.

The first thing I was advised to remove the internal cause - "dirt" in the liver, which enters the bloodstream and spreads throughout the body. To do this, I took a course of cleansing according to this technique: you should drink a glass of grapefruit juice, go for 40 minutes on a heating pad. Then drink a mixture of 100 g of olive oil and juice of 3-4 lemons (can through a straw so as not to cause a gag reflex) and again on a warmer (but it is contraindicated for people with acute diseases of the digestive tract. - Ed.). Hands and feet should be cleaned with lemon juice, which adsorbs toxins.

After cleansing I went on brushing her hair. Before each wash (2 times a week! ) rubbed into the scalp a mixture of lemon juice, pepper tincture, liquid honey and a pinch of ground ginger. Wrapped up the hair for 20 minutes. Then gently washed special therapeutic shampoo with burdock basis and rubbed into the roots of the placenta extract (available at pharmacies). In addition, I cut the 2 course special complex of vitamins for hair. The result was not long in coming just one month later, the hair fell much less become shiny and healthy-looking. Moreover, I noticed that uregulirovali sebum and now don't need to wash your hair so often".


Prikhodko So



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