Monday, June 2, 2014

The smile will become life long

The smile will become life longA smile can not only lift your mood and improve the world, but also to prevent premature aging. To this opinion reached by scientists from michiganseo University Huayna, examining pictures 230 baseball American League 1950.

Experts have divided all of the photos on conditional group: "without a smile", if the players looked at the camera with a fixed lizama; "partial smile", if the player were involved muscles around the mouth; "full smile" if smiling mouth, eyes and cheeks. Players who didn't smile, died at age at an average of 65 years, and the other lived to be 75 - 79 years. The smiling lived to be 82 years.

Dr. Ernest Abel concludes the study and explains the life expectancy of baseball that by the smile produced by hormones of happiness - endorphins. So, smiling, man is constantly receives a charge of vivacity, that helps to keep the tone all the muscles that are responsible for the physical condition. In addition, experts are correlated positive emotions with well-being mental health and longevity, and this also applies to smile.


Women's Magazine

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