Ancient Wellness practices, such as naturopathy, yoga, reflexology, Ayurveda therapy, leech therapy, hypnotherapy, acupuncture and even diet by blood - all star ladies used to become slimmer and more beautiful.
Leeches, needles, aromatic oils and nutrition really help the stars to stay lean and beautiful. How? Read the review, where we will tell you how this or that technique and how you can help yourself.
Naturopathy is a cocktail of philosophical doctrines and the practice of medicine. In other words, a complete recovery of the body using traditional therapies and natural products.
In naturopathy successfully used such ancient practices as iridology, reflexology and homeopathy. All this is aimed at combating many illnesses: allergies, menstrual disorders, stress, depression, fatigue and skin problems. Some celebrities, such as actress Liv Tyler, refer to the help naturopaths during pregnancy, because this is a great time taking most drugs is undesirable. "This approach allows us to comprehensively affect the entire body and improve the emotional state of the person," says star naturopath Max Tomlinson.
How to help yourself. In the offseason, be sure to take herbal antioxidants produced in the form of tablets or drops, in order to strengthen their immune system, as well as to improve the condition of skin, nails and hair. Correct multivitamin complex also does not hurt: it will fill the deficit of essential elements.
This ancient system of Indian medicine combines aromatherapy, massage, meditation, herbal medicine and special food system. Ayurveda aims to help people to find harmony, beauty, health and the state of real happiness. For this, the body should be cleaned with massages, which are accompanied by short-term diets and the use of herbs. Ayurvedic massage can soothe migraines, relieve fatigue and poor sleep. Used in the treatment of grass definitely chosen for each patient. Among the star groupies Indian Ayurvedic techniques - Madonna, Kate moss, Sandra Bullock and Halle berry.
How to help yourself: according to Ayurveda, all people on Earth are divided into four types, and each prescribed certain aromatic oils, as well as its own power supply system.
This ancient doctrine says that with the help of needles, you can open and close the flow of energy. "At different times of the year energy flows in the body circulate in different ways," explains Hollywood acupuncture Gerad Kite, which became popular after he helped ex-spice girl Mel C to overcome the cravings to overeat.
Energy flows need to balance all year round, because a failure in one season will inevitably lead to problems throughout the system. Gerad Kite argues that with acupuncture, you can unlock the energy meridians and cure many diseases - from infertility to bulimia, and a course of acupuncture in the offseason helps to strengthen the immune system and prevent colds.
How to help yourself. Clear diet helps to maintain the biorhythms of the body, " says Kite. Worth a hearty Breakfast, moderately to eat at lunch, and prefer a light dinner. And what is important is to eat at the same time every day.
It turns out that the stimulation of certain points on the feet, helps get rid of many problems, including depression and insomnia. "Feet are the mirror of our body, reflecting all its problems," explains the specialist reflexology Amanda Griggs.
The voltage at any one point of the foot indicates a problem in a certain organ. Soft massage movements and pressure on these points can relieve many health problems, migraines, and insomnia, gastritis and rashes on the face. Stimulation of certain points on the feet restores energy balance throughout the body that certainly is reflected in the appearance. In addition, a foot massage and feet - separate pleasure for women, "living" on the heels. Simply adore supermodels Elle MacPherson and Cindy Crawford.
How to help themselves. The simplest truths reflexology is possible to attain on their own. For example, massage big toes for several minutes to get rid of a headache and a bad mood.
If you cope with bad habits by yourself is not possible to come to the aid of hypnotherapy. The impact on the subconscious mind will definitely help you stop loving cakes and become addicted to the treadmill. The first thing a specialist in hypnosis finds out what he wants to do people resorting to this method. The doctor then immerses the patient in a half-asleep state, and while he is relaxed, gently at his subconscious. Unlike many other recovery methods, the effect of hypnotherapy comes immediately, and after three or four treatments is fixed for many years. Most importantly, with the help of hypnosis you can get rid of any hateful habits that interfere with beauty and health. Instead you can buy a useful hobby, for example, pure sincere love love the gym.
How to help themselves. Get yourself a hypnotherapist. However, you don't have to dive into a trance: you simply will keep a diary of observations, where it is necessary to write down everything you don't like. For example, if your dream is to quit Smoking - you write like you were wrong after another cigarette. And if your goal is to lose weight - mark for them in the diary, what unpleasant consequences upon you after eating harmful food.
Such records can develop a negative attitude to Smoking and overeating: it is important not to forget them periodically to re-read. By the way, its time to hypnotherapy resorted singer Lily Allen: it's thanks to hypnosis, she was able to get rid of the habit of constantly something to chew on.
This option is not pleasant, and it requires strong nerves and is particularly strong love for our smaller brothers. But help from many diseases, even from cellulite guaranteed saves. The main active element of this technique - leech.
Girudoterapii call these creatures "live syringe with a cocktail of bioactive components that help from many diseases, from hypertension to diabetes. However, the most powerful argument, overwhelming disgust of the beautiful half of humanity to the leeches, the ability bloodsuckers get rid of cellulite, weight loss, and skin problems.
Cosmetologists say that leeches really well affect the skin. After the procedure it becomes velvety smooth, healthy color and elasticity. The effectiveness of live syringes already managed to try on a lot of fearless stars, including beauty demi Moore, looking at which one wants to oblepicha leech from head to toe.
How to help yourself
. Even if such the argument of getting rid of extra pounds and cellulite, is not able to entice you into the office of girudoterapija, choose alternative methods of dealing with congestion in the body, which so successfully fighting leeches. Namely, move more and go for a walk in the fresh air, forget the sweet and flour, shake in the morning and the evening press. A month or two of training - and you will be envied by itself demi Moore!
Diet by blood
There is a theory that the human body cannot tolerate certain foods, due to which failures happen in metabolism, and as a result, you receive excess weight and poor health.
To determine what kind of products can only be based on individual blood test. This analysis assesses the interaction of blood and food extracts and allows you to make a list of harmful and useful products for a particular patient.
Under the ban can get the most innocuous at first glance, the food. Strict adherence to personal a diet that is specialist, helps not only to lose weight but also get rid of many ailments, including allergies and acne. Diet for blood group have undergone many stars of show business, including Irina Bezrukova.
How to help yourself
. Such analysis is not cheap, so let him can not every, but to exclude from your diet is absolutely harmful products without analysis: blacklist gets fried, sweet, canned, smoked and fatty.
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