Previously, doctors believed that Burr is associated exclusively with congenital shortening of the bridle - this small piece of tissue prevents the language normally move and to climb high in the pronunciation of the sound. Alas, short frenulum is not the only speech therapy problem. Today professionals are aware of more than 25 types of violations of this "capricious R-R-R".
- Complete absence of sound, in this case, the kid just does not say "R", and instead of the word cow it turns out - coova.
- Guttural sound. This pronunciation is the norm for German and French languages, but Russian is regarded as violations. This speech defect caused by the fact that when pronouncing the "R" instead of the tip of the tongue in humans vibrates the soft palate or a small tab on it.
- Single stroke "P" something akin to the English "R" and it is called so, because in the process of pronouncing the sound of the tip of the tongue does not vibrate, and hits hard palate only once.
- At lateral pronunciation vibrate the sides of the tongue: if you look at the child, you may notice that when he says "P" exhaled air goes not forward, and sideways.
- Kucharski sound. Here again vibrates not what you want: lip. Hearing it is like "tpd-R-ru - hence the name. Fortunately, such a violation occurs quite rarely.
- Nasal sound, where "R" is pronounced "nose", as if cold. The soft palate does not close the passage in the nasal cavity, resulting in an air leak in the wrong direction.
To cut?!
To check for a short in the baby lores or not. ask it as wide open mouth and picosat" language to the sky. If the child cannot raise the tongue high, making it difficult or through the pain means, with the most important conversational body really is not all right.
The problems are two solutions: you can just cut the bridle, and you can try to stretch it. Speech therapists are advised not to rush into surgery to try to correct a defect of stretching exercises. The course lasts for 2 months of daily practice, but if no progress will not happen, you can safely go to surgeon-dentist, Cutting the frenulum - the operation is simple: after anesthetic injection doctor for 5-10 minutes does the necessary manipulation and imposes seams (4-6 days off).
Contraindications to surgery:
- intolerance anesthetics;
- hyperactivity;
- the specific structure of the oral cavity;
- caries (its like any other infectious diseases of the oral cavity, it is necessary to cure in advance).
Can you hear me?
What to expect immediately after surgery, the child will "roar", it is not necessary to avoid exercise and long work with a speech therapist you will not succeed. Wait for healing wounds and forward to the conquest of the speech peaks.
For starters, recognize whether your child the "R" sound in words - ask him to slam when you sericite like a tiger. Then show the baby rocket and ask: "This package? The laket? Or vacate? And maybe the rocket? " If the kid will choose the correct option - so, all right, if not then you need to train speech hearing, that is to teach your child to hear and distinguish the sound you need. At this stage, you are constantly engaged with the logopedist is optional, but to seek the advice of a doctor, definitely worth it, because he will pick up a set of classes, based on the characteristics of your child.
Sometimes, the child involuntarily substitutes one sound for another similar to it: kids can consistently say L, Th and "G" instead of the desired "R". And sometimes they just mix all sounds in one. Until 4-5 years of this replacement are the norm, but after reaching the age of five, this phenomenon suggests that the child has obvious problems with speech development and it is necessary to consult a speech therapist.
What to do?
To learn rumbling growl, you need a good breath: the air flow should be strong enough to force the tip of the tongue to vibrate. To the right of "P" the baby will need the ability to blow on the tip of the tongue: for training your regular bubbles - teach your child to blow them gently and slowly, it is not too difficult. Another option exercise to blow off a piece of cotton wool first with hands and then with his own nose. To "focus" managed, it is necessary to protrude the tongue with up curved tip and blow clearly on it. Then it all depends on your imagination - you can, for example, to play on cotton football (moving them through exhalation) or to drive their race.
Now, once you have eliminated problems with speech, hearing and how developed the organs of articulation, you can try to teach your child to say the "R" correctly. With the baby (preferably awake and cheerful) sit in front of a mirror and ask him to do everything you say, every stage model up until the execution will not be correct.
And another tip: before you start to work on pronunciation, get a mirror and looking into it, say "R". Look closely and try to remember what position to take in this moment of your tongue, lips, and teeth - so it will be easier to control the articulation of the heir.
And finally the hard sound uttered! Baby is happy, you are happy, but yet I cannot stop here: actually it's only the beginning! Need to build on the success and make the child freely, without thinking, used the "R" in everyday speech. To do this, repeat with him the different syllables (first direct, as "RA", then reverse, as "ar"), and then proceed to the next stage - light words. Gradually add chain words together will train oral-aural memory and longer. All turns out? Well, it means that you can engage in "chistogovorki" to think that you can quite independently - for example: "in the Morning we go by metro, ro-ro-ro". Well, that's nonsense, but it works! Most importantly, make sure that in the working material was not complex sounds "L", "L soft". "And" and "R soft, otherwise you may "mix" and the kid will just get confused.
Don't forget that the child should be interesting, you can't just order him: "come, let us learn to talk! " Try to turn exercise into a game: find the bright pictures to words or connect to the practice of favorite dolls and Teddy bears. Children usually like to play "Radio": adult says something to the kid's ear, and he must repeat it out loud.
Many young "cartasite" great speech sound when I try, but it's worth the doors of the speech therapy room to be closed or the mother go, everything returns to normal. The fact that language development occurs primarily in communication, therefore, taking the child out of the garden, talk to him about what you found on the way, ask how he spent the day, and be sure to pay attention to the pronunciation of "R".
Why do we need speech therapy?
After the exercises the right sound may not appear. This means that to call it will have a mechanical way, and there is no speech therapist cannot do. With the help of wicked-looking instruments - probes - therapist artificially create variations of the language, and then slowly "accustom" articulatory apparatus to operate without assistance. In addition, doctors use and probing massage (in the case of poor mobility of the tongue) and a number of difficult to describe methods. In General, sooner or later your kartabar shall roar like a real lion, not knowing fear and doubt. But, for that to happen, remember that even the best expert will not yield results unless you intend to do with your child at home, meticulously performing all medical recommendations.
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