Slender legs - the subject of admiring glances of men and envy of women. Due to sedentary work, irregular meals and lack of regular exercise legs grow stout, and their owner are forced to hide them under long skirts and slacks.
To make their legs slender by using a special physical exercises. In the case of full legs, no hunger and dieting will not help you. Panacea for those who want to have slender legs - exercise, exercise and sports, so do not torment yourself malnutrition, and it is better to perform special exercises to slim legs.
Slender legs: special exercises
The fitness instructors know how to make slender legs, and willingly share with us special exercises to slim legs. When performing these exercises three times a week you will see results within 2 weeks.
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1. From a standing position make the widest possible reverse lunge with one leg, and at a point lower knee on the floor. The angle between the femur and tibia of both legs should be 90 degrees. Pripodnimaya, maintaining her balance. Do not let such a height at which the leg is standing in front, straight. Perform 10-20 times on each leg, repeat in 2 sets.
2. Stand up from a chair and straighten your leg, putting her heel in his chair. Raise up your hands and stretch so that I felt my spine and abdominal muscles. In extended position, begin to lower the body on the foot. Do not worry if you do not hold out hands to the toes with time it will come. Do the exercises carefully and slowly. Repeat 50 times on each side.
3. Stand against the wall and start to slowly squat until the angle between the thighs and shins of your legs will not reach 90 degrees. Hold this position for as long as you can, and then slowly return to starting position.
Slender legs in a week
There is a fitness program for the legs to make them slim for 7 days. To do is twice a week.
1. Stand face to a narrow side of the open door and grasp the door handle on both sides. Behind him, put a low bench. Slowly start counting: 1, 2, 3... and so on to 10. Then scroll down to that level when you hit the bench (you can't sit down and it; just touch). Before starting to rise again count to 10. Repeat the exercise for 100 seconds.
2. Lie on your right side, bending the lower leg at the knee and resting on the opposite hand on the floor. Second hand keep in mind. Doschitai to 10, lift the upper leg 80 degrees from the floor. Before you start to lower it again count to 10. Run for 100 seconds on each leg.
3. Secure the weight to 0, 5kg on one leg and stand up straight. Leaning down and forward, uprites hands in 30-inch bench or other support, are ahead of you. Count to 10, lift the leg with a heavier, bending it at the knee and then lower it. Run for 100 seconds on each leg.
4. Standing face to the wall, beneath the feet minimized roller towel. Leaning against the wall with his hands, count to 10 and stand on tiptoe so that the heel touches the towel. Again count to 10 and return to its original position.
Regularly performing these exercises, you will get slim legs for a week!
7 exercises for beautiful legs
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