Finding the appropriate newspaper job ads, do not rush to seize the phone. A "wrong" call can ruin the whole thing. To save time, nerves and not to lose faith in luck, the first step you should take after some preparation.
First, make sure, so your personal capabilities and ambitions meet the requirements of potential employer. Unfortunately, rare ad gives any clear idea of the nature of the intended work. Most of the texts contain a standard set of "in", "PC", "free English", "experience" and "the age of 40 years." Even if you are over forty-five, not erase these ads immediately. It is possible that the discrepancy between some points otut not going to nepreodolimym obstacle: you have "flaws" just gets lost in the background of professional merit.
Secondly, mentally prepare yourself for failure. Because the supply of labor far exceeds the demand, even a preliminary result of your appointment or consent to be familiar with your resume will be only in one or two cases out of ten. But what is irreparable happens in case of failure? Don't get work? You got it, and so no. And this, finally, light a wedge has not converged.
Third, the average number of failures can be changed, if you play by the rules, to follow telephone etiquette and use some specificty.
To get in touch with the employer should only be in the form specified in the Declaration. As soon invited to submit resume by Fax or electronic mail (e-mail), do not try by all means to find the coveted phone number to get ahead of the competition. Such an initiative is unlikely to produce a positive impression. Rather, it will be considered rude.
If the advertisement does not regulate the time of phone calls "from" and "to", it is better to use standard-working - from about ten to five hours.The best option is somewhere in the middle of the day.
Before calling, please lay out your documents, summary. Telephone interviewee can ask about the details of your biography. Rehearse in advance short story about yourself. Specialists personnel services believe: your phone advertisement shall be placed in 10-25 seconds.
Now about the technology call
Making sure to hit where you want, ask: are you on the job. Certainly name the position you are applying for and ask who you can speak on this issue. Engaged in the recruitment of staff can different people from nachalnika of the personnel Department to the head of the warehouse. Incoming calls often organizes associated Secretary, and at this stage of the conversation in detail to be submitted is not necessary.
Further events can develop in one of two scenarios: either you will connect with the right employee, or not be there. In the first case, say Hello again, the problem is as follows and introduce yourself. We must act in such sequence: interviewee may not know why you are calling, and your name means nothing to him. Frantically trying to figure out who you are able to subconsciously provoke discontent and set against you. Yes and unfamiliar name called early in the conversation, often immediately forgotten.
For example, the right person was not in place, or he is not able you are to speak. Ask when you can find, and ask permission to call once again. Leave your contact information is not: they may not be transferred or until you do not get through. Employment - this is too important to entrust his case. If the call is transferred, ask when they can give you time. And then be very precise. You said that you call in fourteen hours and thirty three minutes and a quarter? So, even with the help of a stopwatch, but make sure your phone rang exactly at this moment!
Formulate your proposal very clearly and specifically. Remember: you are not more than twenty-five seconds.
Sometimes to receive messages applicants used the answering machine. Alas, some are lost and can't clearly explain "the machine" the essence of the problem. But you do not think, right? Here's a rough diagram of the message, which is common in such cases to use: "Hello, I'm so-and-so, calling about the position of office Manager. Will try to contact you on Tuesday in the first half of the day. Thank you in advance for given me time." Got the same answering machine for the second time, recall that you have already called, and again explain the issue. Well, if all attempts to break through to the correct employee break all of the same technique - see the other ads. Obviously, this company cannot and do not want to work with people.
Consider a good option: you dozvonilis to the right person. So...
During the telephone conversations you nothing should distract.
- The potential employer does not need to hear the statements in your apartment baby cries, loud music, the murmur of the TV and things like sound effects. - To use the phone-not the best option. Everyone knows the level of our communication: no one hears, at the most inopportune moment sounds lights out.
- You should not call and service apparatus. Usually we are not interested in premature opowiadanie the public about the search for a new place. Therefore, the first conversation with a potential employer of the Cabinet, where at any moment you can take a peek colleagues, is filled with allusions, hints, so it is absolutely useless.
Under the hand must be paper and pen. Words: "Oh, now writes only pen I can find! "can negate your chances.
Don't throw the interlocutor's questions. There should be little and to the point.
- Not sharpen the focus on wages, availability of food and the provision of travel. It is better to ogranichetsya interest to the working conditions and job descriptions.
If some points cause you to have doubts, be sure to discuss them. For example, ad ukazyvala mandatory trip. Pointeresuitesi - where and how. And it may happen that coveted position requires travel to the Arctic for the first nine months of the year. And you, unfortunately, do not stand the cold.
- Strictly priderzhivayetes in a telephone conversation business style. In any case, do not force a tear, trying to soften their material difficulties: today energetic and successful people.
- Do not try to impress wit and looseness, original thinking or creative flight of fancy - leave it to a personal meeting.
Not worth it in clear text asking for a rendezvous, if the conversation fades out, and you are not invited to come. The maximum that you can afford is to ask: can the other person is more convenient to examine your documents by personal contact? Or: when is it better to send CVS and other paper? Standard evasive answers like: "We'll let you know", "Think about what can be done for you" most likely mean failure. Do not worry, just tell yourself: "Nothing happens in another place and at another time".
And now a little about the special effects that help to tip the scales in their favor and gently encourage the interlocutor to say "Yes".
- Introduce themselves, name, first name and middle name, then last name: "My name is Maria Petrovna Ivanova". It looks respectable than school-Protocol: I - Ivanova Maria Petrovna".
- If you have to agree to call "another time", try to create a situation that impedes the refusal. For example: "I'd better call you back at the end of the day or tomorrow morning? " Unlikely to hear in response: "Better than ever! " Tomorrow everything might be in your favor: the person is in a good mood, the vacancy will be needed immediately to fill. Today is one thing, and tomorrow is something else!
- Talking with the Secretary, be sure to find the position, name and surname of the employee with whom you have to talk about employment. Record this information. If the call is immediately answered right person, be sure to ask him his name.
- By all means try to lead the interlocutor to ensure that you have an appointment. Consent to meet the half of success. Psychologists recommend when building phrases to make use of conciliatory mood. For example: "I could ride you all the necessary documents after lunch".
- Formulate their proposals on the basis of the alleged interests of the company-employer. Compare: "I want to offer you... " and "Perhaps my suggestion will be of interest to your company... "
The conversation should not end in nothing. Could not agree about the interview? Ask whether you can send your CV, call next week. Explain his insistence desire to work in this company. It is quite possible that your enthusiasm will be impressed and you will be asked to come.
- If the nature of the conversation allows, show knowledge of any details about the Affairs of the company. For example, call their admiration latest advertising campaign. Or respond with praise about the stand design company at the exhibition. This requires some preparation, but the effect usually exceeds expectations. You will impress the interested, non-random person, profitable stand out against other applicants.
- After receiving an invitation to interview, immediately write down the date, time, exact address and repeat them out loud to make sure that you are properly understood. Thus, you show that you are very serious about the upcoming meeting.
- Talking on the phone, try to get maximum comfort. This will make your voice more even and smooth. Smile, as if to see a nice person. Intonation perfectly convey a smile. Even if you are not too politely, try to maintain a sincere benevolence to the interlocutor. It does not give him the opportunity to spoil your mood and unsettle before the next call.
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