Tuesday, June 3, 2014

Correctly preparing to sleep

Correctly preparing to sleepSurely, many of you have faced a situation like fell asleep quickly, and normal dreams dreamt and slept 8-10 hours, and Wake up in the morning - no mood, no effort no. The reason for this condition could be chronic fatigue, and some personal trouble. But the lack of strength in the morning may be caused by improper bedtime. For example, you fell asleep, again rolling the conflict with a colleague at work. Or could not resist and ate before going to sleep. All this can affect the quality of your night's rest. Hopefully, with the help of our simple tips your morning is always good.

Washable trouble

In the evening, stay alone storyteller. "Taking evening shower, imagine that you are pouring rain, " says art therapist Rival Kofman. His magic drops wash away all the troubles experienced a day of fatigue. Watch as washed down the drain all of your resentment, and sadness. Definitely drain the water and on the head, hair is "antenna", which absorbed all the negative information". Let's add that if in the morning douche is necessary to finish with cool water, then in the evening - always warm. Otherwise you file your nervous system and won't be able to sleep.

Visibel tube

In the time between dinner and bedtime take time to kick of energy tube (clots negative emotions, feelings) that accumulate during the day. This can be done with the help of exercises "Pump". Stand and mentally flick through his body vertical axis. On the inhale, imagine that the axis of the earth in Space moves the flow of energy, and on the exhale - that on the other axis, which is parallel to the first, moving another energy flow, opposite to the first - from Space to the earth. Try a few minutes to check these threads on the inhale and the exhale.

A Cup of yogurt without palatana

You need to rest your digestive system. Therefore, the optimal interval between evening and morning meal 12 hours. An hour before sleep it is advisable to drink a Cup of yogurt or other fermented milk product - to maintain healthy microflora in your intestines and prevention of dysbacteriosis.

Embrace the tree

If you throughout the day covered the stress, and you feel that you have become a bundle of nerves, make time for exercise, which will lead them to the norm. Stand in position with feet hip width apart and squat down so that your knees were closed to you in sight socks. Hug the hands of an invisible tree so that the tips of the thumbs was not closed. Look into the distance, concentrate on the breath, move is not necessary. Try to have the feeling as if the breath is coming from the waist. Feel the energy that lies in the space that you embrace. The duration of the session relaxation up to 10 minutes.


Every day, lying down to sleep, reach out, trying to play a "long" position. In turn "drop forward, both feet, raise your shoulders, chest and gently pull her head as if trying to pull the neck. This facility will help to relax the spine, relieve tension and easier to sleep.

Swallow "a lot"

Before going to sleep even after I can not laugh. While can laugh silently. Laughter perfectly relaxes, relieves muscle clips, which our face over time turns into a twisted mask.



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