Wednesday, June 25, 2014

A bar in the apartment with their own hands

A bar in the apartment with their own handsTo separate the kitchen from the living room or dining room can be plain wall or using improvised a small bar, which will become a real decoration of the interior, visually expand the space and will perform practical functions.

You will need:

- Wooden beams 50*100 mm

Board 25*300 mm

- Fiberboard or gypsum Board

Ceiling molding

- Skirting

- 90-millimeter screws

- 75-millimeter nails

- 50 mm nails

- Putty for wood

Sealant for painting

- Thin strips

- Paint

- Sandpaper

- Circular saw

- Sawing machine

- Univoca Pila

- Gustatorial or hammer

- Drill


Decide the length of the home bar counter. On this basis make two beams from the beam 50*100 mm Between the beams and place the rack from the same timber. The height of the racks is 950 mm, One end of the frame bar will be attached to the wall, so stand on this side you can put down less often. The end of the rack will experience heavy loads, so the last two hours are better placed at a small distance from each other. Connect the beams and posts with 75 mm nails.

The frame is a small bar should be clearly set. To do this, move it close to the wall, on the lower beam to make a mark with a pencil at a distance of 1600 mm from the wall, on the wall, put a point at a height of 900 mm If the frame is properly made and clearly exhibited horizontally and vertically, the distance between these two marks is 2500 mm

Using a 90-mm screws attach the frame to the wall and the floor.

On top of the frame lay another piece of timber 50*100 mm, controlling its horizontal position with the help of a level. If the beam is level, can nail him to the frame. If there is deviation, put in the right places strips of wood.

From a sheet of fiberboard thickness of about 18 mm make the facades of the home bar counter. If the inside bar in the apartment will be laid posting, it is better to use drywall with the best fire-fighting qualities. Attach the sheathing to the frame 50 mm nails. The end of the rack also obsheyte, but in this case, use 75 mm nails.

On top of the bar put the Bulletin Board 25*300 mm, which will play the role of countertops. The length of the countertop calculate, adding to the length of the stand base width of the ceiling molding. Attach the top using a 50mm nails.

Attach ceiling molding between the countertop and the facades of the home bar counters and baseboards, pre-cutting their ends povodnou saw at an angle of 45 degrees. The gaps between the molding, counter tops and facades seal sealant under the paint.

Treat all sheathing joints with sandpaper and fill the cracks with putty for wood. After drying, the filler, the fronts can be painted to tone the walls of the room. Color of table top adjust according to your taste.



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