Gold, silver, stones - not just decoration. Fashion accessories can not only complement the image, but also to ease the pain, energize or soothe and even relieve symptoms of some diseases therapeutic effect without any complicated manipulations with decorations. Enough to put on earrings, rings, chains, or just to look at them.
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Gold decoration wear during epidemics of influenzaGold as a remedy used even in ancient times. The strength of this metal wrote in his writings of the sages of China, Egypt and India. Ancient physicians believed that it prolongs life, improves health of older people and brings good luck. In the treatises of Ayurveda there are references to the fact that women who adorn themselves with gold, easily bear children. Modern experts do not assert that this metal overnight can rejuvenate or to affect life expectancy, but we strongly recommend it be those who have skin diseases. Gold jewelry should be worn during epidemics of influenza. Because this metal is capable of killing microorganisms. If you are going to perform before a large audience or a conversation with the boss, be sure to wear a gold chain and pendant. They will help to cope with anxiety and stress. Earrings from this metal improve eyesight. And the ring can be a real mascot, which will bring good luck, especially in business. If you feel tired, appeared apathy and depression is on the outskirts, just grab any jewelry made of gold and hold on to it for a while.
Silver is a natural sanitizerNoble metal white. Possesses the highest among metals, electrical conductivity and thermal conductivity. Widely used for jewelry and amulets were used and applied in medicine, science and industry. In occult and esoteric currents known as the metal, with a very strong magical properties, absorbing any negative, able to heal wounds and diseases, clean and enlighten the spirit. The silver is associated with the Moon - patron of arcane power and knowledge. First of all, I must say that silver is the case when subsequent research, with all their materialistic approach, only confirmed the wisdom of knowledge has come down to us through the ages. The first was confirmed disinfecting ability of silver.Then it was proved that the silver strengthens the immune system and tissue regeneration.Thus, just carrying on itself a silver pendant, bracelet, chain, earrings, ring or any other jewelry made of silver You strengthen your health.
Pearls - natural your health diagnosticsPearls - unique gemstone, mysterious and alive. He is the only gemstone jewelry does not require any special handling or cutting. Since ancient times, the pearl has been a talisman symbolizing love and happiness, prosperity and wealth.
Each pearl is unique and is the only decoration born alive.It promotes longevity affects the regenerative capacity of the body, multiplies regeneration. Helps Prigorodnyi pain and hysterical condition.
Pearls indicator of health. Sick body quickly it will destroy. If pearls are suddenly "died", look closely at your state: he often warns us about the seriousness of the situation. The one who wears pearls on her neck, there is no fear in love. Pearl enters in the composition of numerous drugs. It helps to get rid of virtually all skin diseases and injuries, strengthens the effects of other drugs for treating teeth, heart, improves the blood, cleanses the blood.
Sapphire - insomniaEven greater force have jewelry with stones. If you have problems with the spine, the skin is not smooth (acne, blackheads and other skin diseases), you suffer from insomnia and suffer from joint pain, purchase a piece of jewelry with sapphire. He is blue, blue, green, purple and yellow. What shade you prefer, doesn't matter. Color does not affect the healing properties of the stone. And that's kind of decoration plays a role. Specialists who are addicted to therapy (namely the so-called method of treatment using stones), recommend that special attention be paid to the sapphires in the suspensions. They say that on the neck of this stone works best. If you prefer rings and bracelets set with sapphires, and wear them on the left hand. Then asthma and heart disease go away.
Turquoise is a stone of loversTurquoise has always been considered a stone of happiness. It can be sky-blue and green with blue and grayish tint.Her than any other stone, attributed mystical and healing properties. Believed that those who in the morning we will look at the turquoise, during the day will be completely carefree. Looking at turquoise morning improves vision. If wearing turquoise earrings or pendant, it will strengthen the heart, eliminate fear, will save you from fatigue. The one who wears turquoise, will never have a shortage of money. Wearing turquoise also provides longevity and prosperity.
This stone enhances intuition, ability, gives ambition, courage, insight, happiness, peace in the family.
Litoterapevty advise people suffering from insomnia, to wear a turquoise set in silver. Since ancient times, argued that the wear on the neck as a pendant turquoise stops blood flow, heals stomach ulcers and liver disease. Stone, framed in gold, normalizes all processes in the body, improves the immune system.
Diamonds - headache
Diamonds are not for nothing called the best friends of girls. These stones guarantee a good mood, improve memory, relieve headaches and help to cleanse the body of toxins. Also priceless diamond property is to protect against age spots. They say that those who wear these expensive stones, no tan markings on the face.
Emerald normalizes pressure
Emerald is a stone of women and children. Even in ancient times the mothers tried all nine months to wear green decoration, so that his soul was harmony, and tele - health. When born baby, they hung emerald above the crib. Jewelry with this stone helps in diseases of the liver and stomach, through them, the normal pressure. They are also effective for dental problems and pain in the joints. To the healing properties of emerald appeared brighter, it is advisable to wear a ring with this stone (some recommend wearing them on the little finger).
Topaz - for the mind
The ancient sages said that Topaz women gives beauty, and men of wisdom. Many supporters of lithotherapie still believe that this stone (can be colorless, blue, purple, pink, and so on) affect intellectual ability. Also Topaz relieves stress, sharpens the sense of taste and even strengthens the thyroid gland. To this stone has become not only a part of the decoration, but also benefited, choose gold rings, which are preferably worn on the index finger of the right hand, bracelets and pendants on a gold chain.
Amber-saves pregnancy
For many centuries this stone because of its magical qualities valued higher than gold and was ranked first among all gems. A small piece of amber was valued higher than the cost of a slave. Since ancient times, amber was worshipped. We made amulets and talismans, bringing happiness and prosperity, protecting from evil spirits and diseases. Scientist Pliny the Elder (24 - 70 gg) and Biruni (973 - 1048 gg) recommended to hang amber amulets children who guarded them from the evil eye (evil eye). The scientific Qustion believed that if a pregnant woman will wear amber, that will save the pregnancy.Women claimed that amber is not only advantageous to set off the beauty of dark skin, but also makes it matte, clean, healthy. It was considered that there is no such disease from which the amber would not bring healing. It is not on Lithuanian "gintaris (protection from disease).
Healing are and amber jewellery. If wearing amber on the neck, it can prevent an asthma attack. Beads of amber helps with disorders of the thyroid gland, diseases of the ears, eyes, throat. Slices of amber rubbed whiskey headache, and painful joints from arthritis.
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