The hourglass silhouette for many centuries, never out of fashion. Wasp waist became an example to follow and the object of desire of many girls. In order for the waist was perfect, first of all you need to get rid of excess belly fat and also strengthen the abdominal muscles, back muscles.
Daily perform 3-4 exercises to strengthen the oblique muscles and 4-5 exercises for strengthening direct and transverse muscles. Each exercise repeat 10-15 times, alternating between them so that the muscles are not overloaded.
In addition to the above, include in their studies General developmental exercises, jumping and running. Don't forget about exercises that help develop flexibility in the lumbar spine.
If you will not be lazy, then after a month or two, your waistline will become thinner.
Exercises in the supine position
1. Lie on your back, hands beneath his head, bend your legs at the knees. Tilt legs left and right.
2. Running as exercise 1, only with the help of a partner whose goal is to create resistance when bending leg.
3. Running as exercise 1, only arms spread to the sides at shoulder level.
4. Starting position is the same. Lift straight legs at an angle of 90° and do bends to the right, left, gradually increasing the range of motion.
5. Over on his stomach, hands uprites in the floor. Cave ago, at the same time elevating the legs as close as possible to the head.
6. Lie on right side, his hands grasp the support. Elevating the legs, move them to the left, then return to its original position.
7. Running as exercise 4, only lying on its left side.
8. Lie down on a chair, on his stomach, hands capita on the back of the head, the foot lock. Raise the torso, bending at the waist. When doing this exercise elbows get as far as possible back.
9. Starting position is the same. Lifting the torso, at the same time make the turns in the right, then to the left.
10. Lie down on the floor, on the right side, legs lay on the rise. Raise the torso, straining the feet. Repeat on the other side.
Exercises in standing position
1. Stand up straight, hold your right hand at the end of the expander (rubber strap) attached to the door or wall. Make turning the torso to the left, stretching the expander.
2. Running as exercise 1, but at the end of the expander now hold your left hand, and turns make a right.
3. Stand on disk "Health", legs slightly bend at the knees, arms spread to the sides. Make turning the torso in one direction and then in another direction.
4. Stand with your feet shoulder-width apart, arms spread to the sides. Do forward bends, crossing his arms before his chest and spreading them apart.
5. Starting position is the same. Do forward bends, while touching the right hand of the left leg and left hand - right foot.
6. Stand with your feet shoulder-width apart, place your hands flat on the back of the head. Do a slow forward bends, but watch the hands: they must be strictly parallel to the floor.
7. Uprites elbows on the chair. Lift and lower your body.
Exercises in the sitting position
Sit on a chair, legs move under the edge of the sofa, hand on the back of the head. Do torso back, trying to simultaneously turn your head to the right and left.
Women's Magazine
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