As the novel begins
Life originated with the appearance of a single cell 3, 5 billion years ago. To survive, the cell is divided to reproduce exact copies of itself. So the process and lasted millions of years, and any change or occurred by chance due to mutations, or was under the influence of recurring circumstances. Life has evolved slowly. Then, about 800 million years ago, the cell is most likely due to random mutations learned a startling admission. She somehow was able to exchange genes with other cells. This meant that everything in the survival learned that one cell was transferred to another, just born. This cell is, of course, was more likely to survive than the parent. Now didn't have to wait millions of years to randomly mutate in the right direction. This decisive step in the development of accelerated growth of new cells, contributed to the emergence of more and larger formations with increasing speed, ranging from soft creatures like worms or jellyfish. Six hundred million years, there have been animals with bone skeleton or shell, and another 300 million years the first fish crawled out onto the beach and learned to breathe. And all resulting exchange of genes. Now entered into force sex. As soon as a new cell with stronger genes of the parent cell must die. Should have been for two reasons: first, a new cell was better parent, therefore, a need in the parent cells became unnecessary. Second - parent ought to be eliminated, so they are not mated with a new cell and thus not weakened it. Death meant survival for the new, stronger cells that share their genes to the next generation. Therefore, the original purpose of sex was the exchange of genes with someone else to get new, stronger genes in the next generation of children. However, a large part of the history of man did not understand that there is a connection between sex and appearance of children into the light. There are still primitive tribes where this connection is not set.
Where in the brain is the center responsible for the sex?
Your sex is located in the hypothalamus, which in addition to this function controls the emotions, heart rate and blood pressure. The hypothalamus by its size equal to that of normal cherry and weighs 4, 5 gram; in men it is somewhat more than women, gay men and transgender. This is the same area, getting in which hormones, in particular testosterone, stimulate the desire to have sex. Taking into account the fact that men have 10 to 20 times more testosterone than women, and the hypothalamus in size more we will understand why sexual desire in men is so strong. This is why the man is ready to have sex at almost any time in any place. Add to this the influence of society over many generations pushing the man must sow his field" and condemning the woman who has "excessive" sexual activity. Consequently, it is not surprising that attitudes toward sex has always been the "Apple of discord" between a man and a woman.
Why men can't control myself
Male, impetuous and impulsive sexual attraction has a clear goal - to ensure the continuation of the human race. Like most male mammals during evolution, sexual attraction gained important to achieve this objective elements. The first is sexual attraction should be targeted and prioritized before other pursuits. This ensures that the sexual intercourse under any circumstances, even in the presence of a potential threat from the enemy, and in any place, where only you have such an opportunity. In addition, his seed should be spread as widely as possible and as often as I can.
According to the Kinsey Institute, USA, a global leader in sexual research, without social restrictions almost all men would have been polygamous, as it was in 80% of all human communities in the process of history. With the dawn of the age of monogamous marriage biological attraction to men was a constant source of chaos for couples who are trying to build a perfect relationship. This attraction is the number one reason for most problems of modern relations between a man and a woman.
Why the woman is correct man
Female hypothalamus is smaller than the male, and it comes in a smaller amount of testosterone that triggers the activity. This is why women generally have a much lower sex drive than men, and not as aggressive. Why nature did not create women nimfomanki to ensure procreation? The answer lies in a long period of time required for carrying a child and care for him until the age of self-survival.
These types of animals, such as rabbit, for example, the period of gestation lasts for six weeks, and the newborn can to live independently, to run away from the enemy and hide in two weeks. Dad-rabbit is not required to defend or feed him. A newborn elephant calf or fawn can run with the herd almost immediately, as soon as it was born. Even our cousin - chimpanzee - will survive, if left an orphan at six months. The woman's period of gestation lasts nine months, and a significant part of this period physically she is impaired, and bringing a child up to the age when he could, in principle, to survive himself, takes at least five years. For this reason the woman carefully analyzes whether a potential father to provide food, shelter and protection from enemies.
The female brain is programmed to find a father that will be bound to it long enough to ensure the successful development of her children. For this reason the woman looking for a long-term partner.
Man, as a gas, and a woman as an electric cooker
Sexual desire of man can be likened to a gas stove: fire it explodes instantly and immediately at full power. Just as quickly he goes out, turned off when the food is cooked. Sexual desire women is comparable with an electric stove: she slowly heated to extreme temperatures and much longer gas stove cools. The level of testosterone in men with age slowly decreases, and accordingly slowly declining his sexual attraction. The average woman sexual desire gradually increases so that its peak is at 36-38 years, which explains the syndrome thrust to the boys for fun, peculiar to women in adulthood. Young people's level of performance meets the expectations of these women. Sexual power of men at the age of 19 corresponds to the strength of sexual desire women aged about thirty years. The graph also indicates that sexual desire men forty years is related to the sexual attraction women aged immediately after twenty: this can explain the combination of: the old man and the young woman. When we talk about the peak of sexual desire men, which accounts for 19 years, and then falls, we mean the physical level of sexual fulfillment. The desire for sex is usually kept by men throughout life, which means that there is an acute interest in seventy and thirty years, but the power of this different. The woman usually keenly interested in sexual relations for twenty years (because of love), but the desire to engage in actual sex in her small. The same interest can occur in it, and for thirty years, but the desire for sex becomes much stronger.
To be continued...
Based on the book "the Language of relationship (Man and Woman)"
Pease B., Pease. A.
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