As a mass phenomenon, tourism has emerged only in the nineteenth century. And we are obliged to receive one of the favorite activities of civilized humanity and one of the most profitable businesses of the modern man by the name of Thomas cook.
Born Thomas cook in a poor family English peasants from the town of Melbourne. Father Thomas died early, and his mother soon came a second time married. Stepfather Thomas cook luck. He was a good man, treated stepson well and has determined it to school at the monastery.
"We cannot predict how our words will respond," what will those or other actions. And strangely enough, but this fact was crucial not only in the fate of the little Thomas, but in the history of the creation of the future of the tourism industry.
After the convent school Thomas cook was baptized and became a member of the Baptist Church. He wrote articles in the Baptist magazines and zealously engaged in the preaching. It so happened that communities of Baptists, which consisted of Thomas cook, went bankrupt, and he had to earn a living from carpentry work. And here he was brought face to face with life English proletarians of the 19th century and drunkenness, which flourished in the working environment. English law against the importation of foreign spirits and therefore turned a blind eye to making moonshine. What this means, I think, do not need to tell.
Of course, a Baptist preacher Thomas cook entered the fight with a green snake. Sermon talented and passionate orator began to gather large audiences, and in 1836 Thomas cook was elected Chairman of the temperance Societies in the city Harborage. But the irrepressible nature of Mr. cook claimed activity: he began to publish a Monthly Bulletin of sobriety", where he published articles about the dangers of drinking, then the first in the history of England children's magazine, acquainting children with terrible consequences of alcohol abuse. But he thought that this is not enough.
And Thomas cook decided to organize a crusade against drunkenness.
In 1840 the railway opened between the cities of Derby and Rugby. I must say that the first trains were far from comfort and challenge, and perhaps the thrill of admiration for the achievements of science and technology, but not the desire to ride. The journey by rail was considered more extreme than the way of movement. And Thomas cook decided to play to the needs of railway companies in public recognition. He suggested to John bell, Secretary of the railway company, to organize a trip and a cultural program for the members of temperance societies, which were ready to make a RAID against drunkenness.
It should be noted that then the cars had nothing to do on level of comfort and modern. They were open, and the passengers were in danger of to experience all the vagaries of the weather, which is quite sad, considering the English climate. Seat was not, and the whole trip took place standing. But nevertheless, 570 fighters for a sober way of life, accompanied by a brass band and a crowd of onlookers, went on a journey. In Loughborough they were met by such a huge crowd of curious and sympathetic. Rally against drunkenness lasted three hours. Then the first world tourists waited organized meal. They returned home in the evening of the same day, where they staged a Grand meeting. The trip was successful!
There was this story on 5 July 1841, on Monday. Thus was born the tourism.
The success of the organization of the first tourist trip so inspired by Thomas cook that he began to organize a new tour. Clientele grew. Thomas cook has signed a contract with the railway companies to attract passengers in exchange for a substantial discount when travelling organized groups.
Up to 1845 he was doing this for fun and the campaign against drinking and Smoking. And only in 1845, when organizing a trip to Liverpool, he earned his first money. So there was the tourist business.
The company flourished. Soon Thomas cook offered the so-called "thematic" travel. Public zachityvalsya novels of Walter Scott, were proposed routes on the "places of literary fame". Then, in 1851, Thomas cook, to the delight of the organizers, organized travel trade and industrial exhibition in London, and in 1855 the Agency Thomas cook had already organized a trip to the world's fair in Paris. What, by the way, he received a commendation from the Emperor Napoleon III. Having mastered tourist routes in France, Thomas cook organizes trips to Switzerland, Italy, America and quite exotic for Europeans Asia.
Asking the owners of historic castles, Thomas cook has created travel routes to places that are famous for its history and architecture.
What's up with Thomas cook and his company?
Introduced a system of hotel coupons, you could get a certain number at a fixed price.
Guides - a quick guide to familiarize yourself with the venue, which will host the tours.
In 1919, for the first time in the history of the tourist business tour operator company "Thomas Cook" used aircraft for transportation of tourists.
Died Thomas cook at the age of 84, having transferred his company to his son. Today travel company Thomas Cook is the brand of all branded travel companies.
And you want to finish poems, known to us from childhood.
Mister Twister
Having arrived in the country, try
to comply with its laws and customs in the
order to avoid misunderstandings...
From the old guide
There is abroad office cook.
If you will overcome boredom
And you want to see the world -
The island of Tahiti, Paris and Pamir -
Cook for you in one minute
On the ship to prepare the cabin,
Or will be ordered to file an airplane,
Or camel you will send,
Will give you a room in the best hotel,
Warm tub and Breakfast in bed.
The mountains and the depths, the North and the South,
Palm trees and cedars will show you cook.
Samuel Marshak
School of life
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