But Internet security is a very serious topic. I think, before your child will be in the Network, the parents should take as an axiom several important rules.
The first encounter with the Internet, the child should be held with parents: let it first will get knowledge about useful and interesting resources and information indicating that the network is full resources of the forbidden, just as in real life, which is family, theatre, book and good friends, and there is a prison, basements, murderers and rapists. The child should know that the virtual world is good and what is bad.
You should not allow the child to go on the Internet, no need to hang behind him, monitoring sites openly - it is better to select the mode of the day clear time for child access (no more than an hour a day) and to validate the requested resources.
Many are advised to block access to undesirable sites, I am dearer to the idea that we should not deny, but to educate them so that the forbidden is not wanted.
The rules of Internet safety should be printed on the worksheet, discuss with the child and hang on view near the monitor, as it is necessary to repeat the rule "never go with strangers under any pretext".
And here are the rules:
Before you leave on the site or send virtual interlocutors your personal information or pictures, just think: all this information can be used against you.
If you don't know the person personally, do not trust him with information about yourself. Your photo, name and surname, phone number or address can get to the forbidden sites, be sent to recipients with indecent proposals, to be used in offensive articles.
Posting for universal access is not the most decent pictures, remember: they will remain online forever, and will be able to damage you in adult life when you will become a successful businessman or a famous actress.
Remember, the Internet is a part of your image.
Remember: what you see and read on the Internet is not always true.
Check on questionable sites, enter your name, password and email address makes you vulnerable to spammers, hackers and other virtual trash.
It's the same thing that hang the key from the apartment to the bus stop, indicating the home address. Register only on trusted resources.
You can never be sure that your virtual friend is the person he claims to be.
If you decide to meet with someone while communicating online - choose for this day time, a crowded place, come to meet with a friend, tell about the place and time of meetings for parents.
If you receive e-mails with threats or insults, if something in the virtual world confuses you or seems strange, inform parents or any other person you trust.
Remember: each of us creates a virtual space.
Be polite, cultured and educated: the ability to hide behind a nick is not a reason to turn into an animal.
Belarusian women's portal
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