Tall, with dark straight hair (like Penelope Cruz), he likes the number three, athletic, rich, educated family, with a sense of humor, loves to play chess and battleship, happily reads Merezhkovsky, Remark, Hesse, Pavich, Radzinsky and Coelho are just some of the items from the list of requirements (see. on the page on the right) my friend Cyril to the future bride and wife, which, by the way, he looks for for ten years. Kirill 26, he manages a number of large enterprises. Serious relationship he never had. Dating and fleeting romances with one and a half hundreds of "contenders" results and have not given. "So it turns out that none of these girls I don't come. I have met many and each was considered for a serious relationship and not just. I've made some steps in order to know them better and to understand whether it is that which I seek, - says Kirill. But I feel that with each new meeting closer to the cherished goal. Somehow I am sure, be sure to find Her. A few years ago I read one of my favorite books - "the triumphal arch" Remark, and suddenly dawned on me: my ideal match would be waiting for me in Paris! The same day I bought tickets and flew to France. There I a few hours circling the arc de Triomphe, looked at the faces of all the girls. But never found It".
Already on the first date Cyril reads "soiskatelnitse list of requirements, and if it is not suitable for some items, then he without hesitation said to her: "Sorry, but we can't do it". "Some react to this behavior is very acute and painful, but with someone I start to make friends. I understand that I have less time for Dating and looking, but nothing can be done about it. For all these years was a lot of funny and sad stories. Some of the girls I was sincerely in love, but it turned out that they hide what I could not accept. Once I loved one girl. Externally and internally it is perfect for me. She had gorgeous long, and most importantly, straight hair. But when on the fourth date she came with curls, I was puzzled. After our meetings stopped. I felt it was a betrayal on her part".
In their search Kirill very persistent. To favourite girls he without hesitation fits everywhere: in restaurants and cafes, concerts and clubs or just met on the street. "I can't stop thinking about It. I work, I study, what I do, but it helps me not to be distracted from the main ideas. I already figured out how to take care of Her, what flowers will buy, in what city to carry, what to give. She must be special".
Once Cyril was never close to his ideal: almost all points coincided. "I was acquainted with a girl. Kate lived in America and I in Nizhny Novgorod, " recalls Chris. - I really like it from the photos, we started to communicate. All were agreed. Beautiful, intelligent, loving everything that I like. Several times I went to Kazan, where she was born, to meet her parents, but to meet all couldn't help it. Finally, when she went on a summer vacation in Tatarstan, I rushed after her. I was so in love with her that didn't want to wait: after meeting with the parents was ready to make an offer. But at the meeting it turned out that we have different religious views. And even though we were madly in love with each other, I was forced to abandon it". Every day the list Cyril updated with new details. To continue the search becomes harder and harder, but he doesn't stop.
"Me many times to "sent", and frankly, I understand that can cause such a violent reaction. There is nothing wrong. Normal girls have to act," understanding it to "lost".
Hands - off!
They say that you should not pay attention to trivia. But when it comes to hard selection, that little things are essential. My father has a friend Fedor, he 45. What he was looking for a wife on the list compiled in his youth, I always knew. And if requirements such as a certain height, color of eyes and hair, the presence of higher education, a great sense of humor and good heredity, could be understood, then click "beautiful hands" with his future wife in almost all of his friends were puzzling. Met it with women aged 25 to 40 years, but did not dare to start a family. For questions "When you get married? "he always answered the same way: "Not soon". All of his women, he sought out the shortcomings, which started its very annoying, and he threw. Once one of his regular girlfriends became pregnant, and they decided to get married. Friends and acquaintances with one voice insisted that it is very good, simply wonderful, but with the hands of an explicit problem - they were her ugly. At some point, Fedor seemed that all around the just do that discussing the hands of his wife. He broke down and filed for divorce, despite the fact that he's recently born son. Ugly hands were Fyodor more important. It seems that the search for the perfect wife he suspended. Don't rule out that it was his first and last.
Looking for the ideal can stretch on for years. And it's not that the most suitable in all respects does not exist. Simply may well happen that meets the requirements of the girl herself looking for the perfect man. So, my friend's Wife for eight time this year it seemed that he found It. But all the time was something that did not suit him. It is too full, thin, smart, and too stupid. All had in common is that they were into it much in love. Called at night, wrote a long romantic letters. For him were ready to lose weight, change hairstyle. But none of them could long hold. When after a long painful search for Eugene finally saw an old friend Anya same, his happiness knew no bounds. Eugene truly love and even wanted to postpone the trip to America, which has long planned. "Why go to such victims? " - wondered the ideal. And in answer to the question Genis: "Wait for me? " Anna just said nothing. Now it does not respond to letters and phone calls. In spite of a broken heart, Eugene decided to try his luck in America. It is hoped that he will be lucky.
Voskanyan C.
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