Male infidelity is a common thing or betrayal?
The standard view for men: Cheating is okay, she had better not know about it. The man is by nature polygamous.
It: It's not a common thing, it happens accidentally or on purpose. To investigate the cause shall a man and, in the first place, he must know himself, and not to know about news at the next showdown. Cheating - hidden from the beloved person, action or event which fills the human filth. The lie about "where was" lie about "how to think", a lie about yourself. This duality, and duality is the opposite of integrity.
Cheating may be the norm, when a man is not formed psychologically, when a person is looking for or just confused, when man does not know himself. The feelings themselves in this period can be inexplicable, and spontaneous actions. In youth it is not good or bad, it's just explain - "not Mature", "not naguals". Cheating in adulthood is probably quite different...
For me personally, the immaturity of men, insufficient knowledge of self, the ignorance of their light and dark sides is very bad. It's like a time bomb and a man as a couple in a relationship can be unpredictable.
The standard point of view for women: Adultery is a betrayal of love and ending relationships, to forgive is not.
It: One can endlessly speculate on the topic of male polygamy, but this is no consolation, when a woman comes face to face with a man's infidelity. Perhaps, from a physiological point of view, the male attraction to the female gender can be explained by polygamy and the fact that the man just need more women within life. Most women prefer not to know about the change. The secret is always becomes apparent. You can try to understand the reason for such action. Everyone has the right to be wrong and, if a man sincerely repents, then you can give him another chance. If this happens over and over again and it repeats the process, then such a man to be, as it is a betrayal and it means that the man is so convenient. Sometimes women go against their wishes and under the influence of fear to be one endlessly forgive these men, however, this is not an option and they will be disappointed, more suffering and inevitable gap.
Betrayal is betrayal, but it can be forgiven, if you still believe loved and able to forget the past. Treason is the signal for two, when we must think together over the relationship. You can be perfect in everything, but if it happened, then something is wrong both of you, and not separately to each. In any case, this is a lesson for all, albeit painful.
Female infidelity is nonsense, or corrupt?
The standard view for men: Unacceptable. Unfaithful woman unworthy of my love.
It: Female infidelity is nonsense. A loving woman and has no thoughts about how to find someone on the side of her loved one. Am I wrong? There are women who have no other who get tired quickly from one person, it is a separate song and lawful man with her, you will not envy. Other cases of revenge or suddenly awakened feelings are the exception rather than the rule, and it is difficult to say anything definite about it.
The standard point of view for women: What to do, everyone makes mistakes. The main thing is to understand what the error is cheating or the one who changed.
It: Female infidelity is always a retaliation action men. Women rarely change, but loved almost never. Reason: revenge on male infidelity, the search for the best option or just "we are worse than men". Infidelity is not typical for most women. There are times when women can not forgive insults on men and begin to retaliate by other men for their pain. Woman in search of is when "home", but there are so many tempting options, and you deserve the best, isn't it? Option "for health" and to raise self-esteem have not been canceled and there are medical indications.
Cheating what is it?
It: Cheating is different, cheating may be in the thoughts, desires, actions and plans. And every man decides for himself that he is "normal" and what is already "cheating". Our "hell" we carry with ourselves and punish ourselves often stronger than those who accuses us.
What actions will we be ashamed of making our last breath? Think about it, we ourselves are our destiny and the world around us.
It: Treason is the act, this attitude, it is a step into another life. Often the cause of the disintegration of the pair becomes treason, usually male. Why is this happening? Blame the media, talking about the decline of morals and the promotion of permissiveness, and someone mentions the difference in the number of women and men. The cause of infidelity can be any, choose what is suitable, but it will not be an excuse for treason against the feelings of the other person and will not make it less suffering.
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