Friday, May 2, 2014


ButterscotchEasy, quick and affordable meal that can be prepared even in the microwave.


- 450 g sugar

- 50 g cocoa or chocolate

- 65 g of milk

- 100 g butter or margarine

- 1 teaspoon of vanilla essence

- 50 g chopped nuts

Method of preparation:

Lightly grease a square dish. In a non-metallic heat-resistant medium bowl to put the sand and cocoa and mix well. Next, add the milk and butter. Not to interfere! Heat, without closing (in the microwave for 1-2 minutes on maximum power), and then, stir, when the contents of the cookware will become liquid. Add vanilla and nuts and again mix thoroughly. Pour into the dish, put 1 hour in the fridge, cut into squares and serve.


Women's Magazine

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