Magnetic storm causes the "solar wind"
Around the Earth there is a magnetic field, and our planet is a giant magnet, which exists due to processes that occur in the bowels of the Earth. The magnetic field protects life on earth from excessive solar radiation. The deviation of the field from its normal oscillations are called geomagnetic excitation, and particularly expressive manifestations - geomagnetic storms. They arise from the effects of flows of charged particles (solar wind), which grow sharply in the period of increasing Solar activity, powerful solar flares on the surface. While the storm lasts a relatively short time (from 6-7 hours to several days), they could have a significant impact on the Earth's biosphere and human health. Research conducted in many countries, particularly in Ukraine, convincing evidence of the reality of such an effect.
Storms are people regardless of age
Depending on the response to meteorological and Helio - and geophysical (associated with changes in the Sun and the Earth) phenomena made all people can be divided into two groups - sensitive and subjective is not sensitive to the effects of such phenomena. The most sensitive to adverse weather conditions (t.h. in magnetic storms) elderly persons. Especially those who suffer from cardiovascular, pulmonary, allergic, mental and other diseases. Response to the magnetic storm is individual. For some people it does not appear in the other is shown very clearly and painfully. Usually this reaction is General and specific manifestations. Refer to the General fatigue, reduced efficiency, headache, dizziness, irritability, worsening of mood, General weakness, drowsiness, anxiety, etc. However, you should know that the absence of subjective symptoms adverse effects of magnetic storms on health and human performance is not evidence that such effects do not actually happening. As found special studies, even in young healthy individuals (students), not complained of symptoms of exposure to magnetic storms, it was observed that during storms comes the growth response to sound and light stimuli, processing time is increased and decreased the number of correct responses to different test items, etc.
As internal organs react to external changes
First of exacerbation of cardiovascular and other chronic diseases afflicting the man. In many such patients dramatically increases blood pressure, there are painful sensations in the heart area, there are severe hypertensive crises, often the stroke, myocardial infarction, acute for neuro-mental disorders. It is noted that in the days of strong magnetic storms increases the number of suicides, sudden deaths. It is proved that on the eve of and during the storm increased secretion of corticosteroids and other stress hormones, increased blood clotting, increased fibrinogen concentration, which contributes to clotting, reduces micro - blood circulation, increases the risk of blood clots that clog the lumen of the vessels. Decreases the concentration of calcium in the body, disturbed permeability of cell membranes, changes the activity of enzyme systems, reduces the level of natural immunity. Many scholars draw attention to the similarity of the parameters of geomagnetic fluctuations (0, 5-2, 0 Hz) to heart rate. This results in dangerous layers of the external physical rhythm on the inside, which causes the occurrence of arrhythmias, cramps heart vessels.
Almost always magnetic storms combined with adverse weather changes (sudden changes in atmospheric pressure, reduced oxygen concentration in the air and so on). The decrease in the concentration of oxygen in the air increases dangerous hypoxia (oxygen starvation) cardiac and other tissues, which accompanies many human diseases. Medical observations indicate that weaken or even to be protected from the influence of magnetic storms and other atmospheric phenomena possible. First of all, recall that the most powerful and effective way of increasing the body's resistance to any adverse external influences everyday is compliance with the basic rules of a healthy lifestyle (good nutrition, personal hygiene, hardening and physical activity, quitting bad habits, physiological mode of the day, the regimen of work and rest, etc).
Diary of self-observation will help to identify "enemies"
It is very important that everyone knew, sensitive to external changes (including geomagnetic) influences what and how this sensitivity is manifested. The answer to this question can be obtained by Sonablate. For this you need to have a "Diary " introspection" and daily in the months to fix it such indicators: overall health, blood pressure, presence or absence of pain in the heart, headache, anxious mood, level of health, exacerbation of existing diseases and other indicators of well-being and health, as well as a violation of customary mode of the day, labor activity, nutrition, and t.n. For each day, you need to record basic weather (meteorological and solar) indicators, t.h. indices of geomagnetic field, and magnetic storms (all these figures are now easy to find on the Internet, many of them published in the local press, they report on the radio). Then you select the days and periods of ill health and to compare them with the figures of the weather during these days and the periods before and after their occurrence. This will give the possibility to detect the presence or absence of individual sensitivity to certain factors external weather influences and the nature of the manifestations of this sensitivity.
Aspirin, Valerian and aloe will help to experience a magnetic storms
Having such information, with the help of your doctor, you can decide what should be changed in the mode of his day, in doses and time of medication on the eve of adverse weather conditions and upcoming storms. One of the negative and dangerous effects of magnetic storms is increasing clot formation in the blood. To prevent this, it is advisable to take 100-300 mg of aspirin. But first you need to consult with your doctor to find out if you have no contraindications to this drug, in particular gastritis or peptic ulcer. Those who respond to the geomagnetic troubles nervousness, anxiety, insomnia, will help simple sedative - Valerian, infusion of eucalyptus (15 drops three times a day after meals), the juice of fresh leaves of aloe. This plant is in the form of a pot is to have the house all weather dependent.
Porridge, vegetables, fish - "antibody" diet
It is desirable in these periods of several to adjust your diet. Specific "against magnetic" diets don't exist. But some rules will undoubtedly enhance the resistance to storms. The need moderation in food load (overeating reduces the flow of blood, and hence oxygen supply of the brain). The diet should include cereals (buckwheat, oatmeal) made with water or low-fat milk. It should be rich in minerals and vitamins, fresh vegetables and fruit (particularly bananas), boiled fish.
Soundly asleep and slowly get up out of bed
During storms (especially in the elderly, if you have heart disease) reduce physical activity. Avoid sharp rising from bed after sleeping that may reduce blood flow to the brain to trigger the occurrence of fainting, dizziness. Before standing up lie still for a few minutes, then slowly get up and get dressed. And ensure to ensure a full night's sleep. If necessary, do not be afraid to use drugs (again recall all the medicines only after prior consultation with your doctor).
Compliance with these simple and accessible to everyone measures will weaken or even prevent the adverse influence of geomagnetic storms on your health.
On the Earth will fall two magnetic storms in a row
Medicine, beauty, health
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