"Eat well, the eggs are very useful," said the grandmother of the younger generation, enclosing them in a plate next sandwich. And those and not talk to it - delicious! Yes and a snack of caviar goes with a Bang. And power after it really appear at once. What we should be obliged by his respect for this delicacy, told the dietitian Boris Skachko.
Caviar is the source...
... proteinin the calf of his 32 g of 100, and it is not absorbed as meat, long lying in the stomach, and very quickly, within hours. Moreover, this protein is also "elite varieties", because it consists of a full spectrum of essential and nonessential amino acids (i.e. scarce). So after eating caviar in metabolism include various "sleeping" areas. Man it feels like a surge of strength;
... Yoda: this trace mineral is very important for the prevention of diseases of the thyroid gland;
... polyunsaturated fatty sourt: they deduce from an organism fats, which lead to the development of atherosclerosis - a disease of old age. This disease develops in almost all people, but some faster, others slower. If you frequently eat caviar, the appearance of atherosclerosis can be delayed;
... vitamin a: the effect is similar to vitamin C (helps the immune system to excrete toxins, strengthens blood vessels, improves eyesight), but, unlike him, are able to accumulate. So the ROE is useful for anyone who wants to strengthen their immune system, faster recovery after illness and to strengthen the vision;
... vitamin D: takes part in the formation and strengthening of bones. It is especially useful for pregnant women and nursing mothers for the prevention of rickets in children;
... vitamin E: it is also called sex hormone, because it normalizes metabolism in the gonads, and besides, rejuvenates cells and removes toxins from fatty tissue. Therefore, vitamin E is useful in impotence.
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Produce caviar in July-August and immediately preserved. If the Bank indicates that the caviar produced in December, this means that the eggs have peretasoval or made from frozen ovaries. This caviar is not the best quality. Buy caviar in cans and glass jars, make sure that it is not "loose" inside, changing from edge to edge, and fill the jar tightly without voids. Buying loose caviar note on the friability of the grain. If the eggs are easily separated from each other and not stick to the shovel seller - take it boldly, if they fall amorphous, sticky mass of broken grain from buying it is better to abstain. Store eggs in the refrigerator on the side shelf, but in any case not in the freezer - then the eggs will burst and turn into a puree. Do not keep open the Bank for more than five days, eat caviar faster because it start to develop microorganisms, bad odours, caviar dry out.
Caviar is contraindicated tendency to edema, atherosclerosis, hypertension and coronary heart disease.
"Parents" ROE
Red caviar is extracted from several species of fish, which United under the name of salmon or salmon. They taste about the same and no longer depends on fish species, and the quality of the workpiece. But the size of the eggs is different. If you read up on the Bank, what is inside the eggs of pink, you get the classic taste and eggs of average size. If the Bank says that chum salmon caviar, you know that inside are the largest pea the red calf. If the conservative write salmon ROE, caviar there a little, but also delicious.
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